Morgan Pinch

Morgan Pinch

Plano, TX, US

Aerial Rendering
Aerial Rendering

Wayman Tisdale Specialty Health Clinic

The Wayman Tisdale Specialty Health Clinic is located on the northeast corner of 36th St. and Hartford Ave. in North Tulsa, an area that was greatly affected by the race riots and now is curently struggling with poverty, lower life-spans, and overall disconnect. In an attempt to revitalize the Tulsa North neighborhood, focus was not just on the clinic but also its environment in order to create a sense of community and breathe new life into the area. The main goals include creating a sense of openness and interaction among community members as well as accessibility to tools to improve all aspects of life. This project could be the first block to revitalizing the Tulsa area.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Tulsa, OK, US
My Role: Co-Designer
Additional Credits: Herve Sivuilu, Meredith Majors, and Jen Ward