Miles Associates

Miles Associates

Oklahoma City, OK

Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
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Utica Place Mixed-Use Development

Utica Place Tower is a classic infill redevelopment project designed to provide a mixed-use development containing office space and condominium dwellings. The project captures the spirit of Tulsa’s urban midtown by incorporating the concept of “smart growth” within the context of the Utica Square Shopping Center and the St. John Medical Center. 

Throughout Utica Place, a Mediterranean architectural aesthetic is maintained. This includes stucco and stone exterior finishes and a terra cotta blend clay tile roof. The nine-story tower includes five floors, with 50,000 square feet of office space and ten penthouse residences. More office space is provided on the southeast corner of the development in the form of a two-story, residential-style office building. 

Each residence within Utica Place has its own unique floor plan, with ample opportunity for individual design decisions. The residences are planned with design emphasis on courtyards, secured privacy, and provision of excellent views. Ground level areas are extensively landscaped and provide an attractive streetscape.

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Status: Built
Location: Tulsa, OK, US

Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing
Courtesy: Heidrich Blessing