MIK Architecture

MIK Architecture

Miami, FL


Home Base Living

Home Base Living is a residential complex of townhouses and condos for baseball lovers who enjoy healthy well-being.

This project's unique long and narrow lot faces the Tampa Rays baseball team's training grounds. However, that same shape of the lot meant that two separate stormwater retention areas would be required to avoid flooding the street and the training fields.

Considering the property's unique attributes, we positioned each unit's balcony as a stadium's skybox and gave it further elevation by placing ground-floor parking beneath the dwellings. This added height allowed us to create two sizeable swell areas for water retention while adding some additional landscaping around them. Between the swell areas and buildings, we designed a wood deck pathway connecting multiple "bases" for diverse activities, all looking into the baseball fields, including a Wellness Center and an outdoor pool area.

Lastly, we designed the project with a lightweight but impact-resistant system allowing the builder to save time and the developer money during the development and construction phases.


  • Thirty-two skybox-like balconies facing the baseball field for the sport's enjoyers, making them easy-to-market dwellings.
  • An appealing design that considered the lot's unique features and challenges, creating a wellness living complex.
  • Use of alternative structural materials at a large scale for time and cost savings.
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Status: Under Construction
Location: Port Charlotte, FL, US
Firm Role: Architecture
Additional Credits: Developer: Efficient Development

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