Marcus Quelhas

Marcus Quelhas

Oporto, PT


Collective Housing

Expansive urbanization has been responsible for inflating “in-between” spaces, turning them into anti-space or even obstacles.

When looking for the correlation of the surrounding built spaces, the programmatic combination invoked quickly reveals the reversal of anti-space range, subverted through collective housing, complementing the adjacent building.

Combining t2, t3, t4 and t5 typologies, this project seeks to reflect “Corbusian” arrays through “Mondrian” proportions.

Framing the proposal through gallery access, this central core balances the fluxes by lifting the building from the public sphere, promoting the use of pre-existing green spaces and strengthening the housing axis in which it operates.

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Status: School Project
Location: Oporto, PT
My Role: Project Manager