Marcus Quelhas

Marcus Quelhas

Oporto, PT


Circumstance; Design; and Appropriation

Contextualized by the socio-cultural situation of the city of Porto, this thesis takes focus in examining the social housing domain, leaning on a case study – the “Grupo de Moradias Populares do Aleixo” – while taking into consideration: the architectural design driven by Manuel Telles; the management of the compound ordered by the municipal services; and the respective housing appropriation, in account of the inhabitants.

The study methodology is based on an orderly narrative, through three informative moments - Circumstance; Design; and Appropriation – assisted by field work: composed by visiting the houses while interviewing the residents, with the appropriate photographic survey.

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Status: School Project
Location: Oporto, PT
My Role: Investigator
Additional Credits: Master thesis, classified with 17 out of 20