Berlin, DE
What is interiority? Why is interiority a good subject to be applied to a matter like prostitution? Because whenever prostitution happens in closed circumstances there is no objection to it. In other words, people don’t like the urban space to get sexualized. So interiority is a good software tool to achieve this, in contrast to the removing of the prostitutes from the street which act as a hardware.
One of our biggest concerns from the beginning of this work was the meanings; where exactly is prostitution coming from? What happens in the real world now? Is everything we see real or just a reflection of reality and what we’ve been fed by different media and different big forces. So we just decided to bring all these meanings in a sarcastic way into the design. We tried different methods such as contextualism, sarcasm and symbolism for this purpose.
There would be at the end, three main spaces : for rest and meet, playful spaces for children, and a space for prostitutes with different levels of interiority.
With a great emphasis on the details, in each part of the site, there would be different points of views, different levels of seeing things and being seen and therefore variety of interioriy proportions. One can easily just let oneself to enjoy the space, or also look deeper and observe the sarcastic elements and meanings all over the project, that reflect the problematic vision of the designer to the world of invaluable values, where money and power wins every argument.
Status: School Project
Location: Berlin, DE
Firm Role: Designer