Berlin, DE
Interiority in architecture is engendered by intermediary condition. This means that each boundary – like human body skin itself - exposes both interior and exterior identities at the same time. The representation of this boundary depends on the level of isolation and connectivity that is created simultaneously. And the question is yet, which of the parameters can be effective points to produce this spatial condition.
In this Project I assumed the horizon line of the human sight geometry as the joint that can control the openings depth and level. In each level the depth of human view to the outside changes, therefore the perception of the space changes smoothly and vertically. Meanwhile the functions of each level are influenced by the level of the views to outside. First level of Chilling is more open to the outside as a getting-information zone, Second level of Working becomes less open to the outside activities and the third level in the most isolated zone that is the resting area and producing information space.
Status: School Project
Location: Frankfurt am Main, DE
Firm Role: Designer