Kendal Bowman

Kendal Bowman

Bloomfield Hills, MI, US


Burn Rubber Sneaker Boutique

the essence of an automobile repair garage and a high end
sneaker boutique. Using these two ideals as a starting point
to create a new experience for patrons and employees, the
space both utilizes space more efficiently and provides
everyone with a different experience with clean forms and
There were some were some storage needs in the back of
house that were also addressed by demolishing a non-load
bearning wall and opening up the space. There will be a
re-design of the back of house to allow for better merchandise
storage once the global release of the Burn Rubber
New Balance Sneaker has concluded.
As Project Manager, I was placed in charge of contractor
and material selection, design of the interior and scheduling
of work.
As the designer of the new clothing rack re-design, my
responsibility was to determine the most efficient way to
display the clothing that was already present in the front of
house to allow for a less cluttered appearance. To achieve
this, the design called for vertical clothing racks where there
used to be one single rack.

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Status: Built
Location: Royal Oak, MI, US