Juan Rondon

Juan Rondon

Hamilton, ON, CA

Front Desk
Front Desk
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Red Bull Chile HQ

Redbull's offices represent and evoke Chile from North to South. They intertwine different activities and milestones of the brand, mainly in our territory. The plant has an open plan where all the staff work, decorated and inspired by the North. One notable feature is the application of a microfloor imitating sand. In the wing of the meeting rooms, there are several of them with allusions to Valparaiso, Easter Island, the Stratos event of jumping from the stratosphere, and a meeting room as a music studio. A large informal interaction area is generated in a zone inspired by the South of Chile, where wood predominates in coatings and entertaining play spaces are generated. (9.500sqf)

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Status: Built
Location: Vitacura, CL
My Role: Leader in Design and Construction
Additional Credits: S.H.S.

Main Meeting Room
Main Meeting Room
One meeting Room
One meeting Room
Common Room Ceiling
Common Room Ceiling
Major workspace
Major workspace
Common Room
Common Room
Recreation Area
Recreation Area
Building Exterior
Building Exterior