Juan Rondon

Juan Rondon

Hamilton, ON, CA

Major working space
Major working space
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MZZO, a Chilean company with great growth in software design and engineering services, needed a solution for its plant on 2 levels. It had to maintain jobs in an open context for a significant capacity of developers, as well as spaces for Management and meeting rooms. At the look & feel level, it was intended to convey an image of modernity and factory of ideas, conceiving the open skies as an important element. It was accompanied by furniture combining white iron and formicas, providing some warmth with light wood tones. The lighting implemented was 100% LED, in a variety of models and color temperatures, according to best practices and what is expected of a technology company.

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Status: Built
Location: Santiago, CL
My Role: Construction Leader
Additional Credits: S.H.S.

Aspect from inside meeting room
Aspect from inside meeting room
Stairs to 2nd floor
Stairs to 2nd floor
Furniture Detail
Furniture Detail
Big meeting table
Big meeting table
Waiting room
Waiting room
Small view to space work
Small view to space work
Hallway to meeting room
Hallway to meeting room
Building exterior
Building exterior