Juan Rondon

Juan Rondon

Hamilton, ON, CA

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Everis Agile Chile

Everis, a leading multinational in Consulting, IT and Outsourcing, entrusted us with the Architectural and Interior Design for their first Agile Center of Excellence in South America.

The spaces defined for working and interacting, their style and identity, are designed to foster collaborative work, creativity, and innovation. Dedicated development teams, interacting with clients, achieve better solutions with a lower Time to Market at this center.

The office stands out for its diversity of collaborative spaces, with designs and colors that stimulate the senses and foster creativity.

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Status: Built
Location: Santiago, CL
My Role: Construction Leader
Additional Credits: S.H.S.

Agile Room
Agile Room
Recreative Area and Recepction
Recreative Area and Recepction
Agile Room
Agile Room
Meetings Tables
Meetings Tables
Dinner Room
Dinner Room
Building Exterior
Building Exterior