ignition architecture

ignition architecture

San Francisco, CA | Alameda, CA


Hunters Point Shipyard, Block 52 "Geode"

Occupying a prominent hilltop site in the Hunters Point Shipyard development area, Block 52 comprises 4 buildings of varying typology with a total of 73 residential units. The buildings feature a mixture of private and shared open space, and are carefully oriented and articulated to maximize exposure to natural light, mitigate the impact of prevailing winds and take advantage of city and bay views.

The mixture of building types and scales provides a rich, varied character to the project while a consistency in material selection and detailing establishes a uniform underlying identity.  One podium style building includes 17 units in a three-story structure with landscaped podium open space while two 9-unit, three-story townhouse buildings line an intimate private street. Anchoring the corner of Block 52 is a five-story 38-unit podium building framing a private courtyard and a retail space.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: San Francisco, CA, US