Geoffrey Braiman

Geoffrey Braiman

Brooklyn, NY, US


Foam Research

Three dimensional packing is a classic mathematical problem dating back to the times of Plato; one developed by Archimedes, Newton, and countless other classical thinkers. The  specific 3-D packing problem of irregular polyhedral networks, like those found in foam, are particularly difficult due to their multiple stages of growth. My research partner and I solved the foam code and published our results in Textile Tectonics, a book for which I was assistant Chief Editor to Lars Spuybroek. Our work was also published in the 2011 monograph eVolo Skyscrapers.

The largest challenge in describing space using foam networks is diagnosing the shortcomings  in existing voronoi equations. The solution eventually came from the combination of a Russian math journal from the late 1800s, a  Google programmer in California, and a sphere packing algorithm. This research also served as my introduction to digital fabrication techniques, prototyping, and 3-D Printing.

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Status: School Project
Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Additional Credits: Lars Spuybroek, Dave Beil, Georgia Institute of Technology