
iPad for architects?


Got one? Want one? Anybody contemplating getting an iPad and think it's worthwhile for architects? why or why not? They need to make a stylus on this thing no? It looks cool, but what's the point if you already have an iPhone?

May 31, 10 1:01 pm

like what these architects did?

May 31, 10 1:24 pm  · 

bRink - funny timing. i was looking at one this morning...

my thoughts for one would be, ideally, to have something portable that we can take with us to various conference type events (to show people what we're doing on the fly, take notes, etc.), as well as have something portable to send people out to do client presentations (just run a pdf on a slideshow). in a nutshell, that sort of stuff.

yes, we could get a macbook air or some kind of netbook, but the former is kind of pricey to be just a presentation machine, while the latter is just too clunky for me. i'd rather just drag my current laptop around.

so, yeah, maybe there's a place for it (especially in bigger companies). a stylus would be awesome...

May 31, 10 1:33 pm  · 

Personally, no Flash support = no buy.

We make lots of presentations that include web, touchscreen and video, but they are all done with Flash. At first, I thought the iPad would be the perfect device, I could have video and content on it, but also access things on the web. But then I learned Jobs has boycotted Adobe.

Why have a "web" device that can't see the most sophisticated parts of the web?

So, I'll wait for that HP device or Dell's Streak.

May 31, 10 1:46 pm  · 

iPad is worthless without flash. A complete waste of money. I was originally going to buy one with the intention of using it as supplemental interview material but without flash there really isn't much you can do with it.
Even NBC and Time Warner gave up on it.

May 31, 10 3:52 pm  · 

iPad is worthless without flash. A complete waste of money. I was originally going to buy one with the intention of using it as supplemental interview material but without flash there really isn't much you can do with it.
Even NBC and Time Warner gave up on it.

May 31, 10 3:52 pm  · 

I want my slate to run full OS, so even if iPad had flash support its still useless for actual work.

May 31, 10 4:24 pm  · 

i'm with you all on both counts - flash and full o.s. it was the bigger disappointment for me to see they were going with the souped up iphone software rather than a more efficient version of os X.

anyone think they convert the macbook air to a tablet form?

May 31, 10 6:21 pm  · 

I would doubt it (but have no idea). The iPad is selling well and seems to be good enough for most people.

It really is just a big iPhone that you can't make calls on. Quite interesting to play with (just looked at them again at the local Apple store), Apple definitely has the upper hand with marketing appeal, but still just a fancy iPhone.

I pray the competition doesn't screw this up. It still perplexes me that the world can't even copy Apple and come up with something comparable (thinking of design/build quality).

Dell's Streak looks promising, but not sure if it is too small.

May 31, 10 8:44 pm  · 

apple understands one thing: design matters... human interface, aesthetics, industrial design... creatives are equally or more important than code writers... :P

Here's the thing though: the iphone by itself was remarkable on its own when it first came out, but not so much as when the apps really started to take off and give new life to the piece of hardware... and then the next generations of iphones came out...

Regarding the OS... honestly though: who really wants to *work* on their ipad anyway, would you do work on your handheld device... really?

Isn't this supposed to be more of a communication and interface and on the go device rather than a mini workstation?

I think we might see this thing take off as applications start to take on their own life and also the next generations come out...?

I'm guessing we do make calls on an ipad pretty soon... Maybe the thing links to a apple bluetooth device... gets a camera... At least the thing looks to be an interesting ebook reader that can play movies, stream netflix, etc...? The iphone took some time for people to adjust to, maybe this is the same thing out of the gate?

May 31, 10 9:02 pm  · 

Maybe. It is interesting, regardless.

Personally, I wonder how people are going to deal with the finger smudges and damaging the screen (think of storing/transporting this thing with glass always exposed).

My iPhone gets pretty disgusting almost immediately and I don't really text, it just attracts grease and prints.

We'll see. I am anxious to see the Windows 7 phones, the demos look pretty nice (finally very good graphics and design).

May 31, 10 9:18 pm  · 

there's actually a sort of nicely designed case for the ipad with a microfibre interior to deal with the smudges... makes it open more like a little sketchbook...

May 31, 10 9:55 pm  · 

ipad + velcro = love?

May 31, 10 10:02 pm  · 

flash will be worthless once html5 drops

Jun 1, 10 12:29 am  · 

i saw the guy reading ipad at the subway, looks kind of clumsy as a portable device.

Jun 1, 10 3:07 am  · 

I've got an iPad, and love it. Since I've had it I've heard many variations on "what's it good for" and "why do you need it" from people who hadn't tried it, or had read it was worthless without flash. Of all of those, every single one of them, after only about 2-3 minutes of playing with it has said they wanted one. It's a very convincing device, so try it out before you make up your mind.

Need more convincing? How about the Rhino3D viewer that just came out today? That in itself is almost reason enough for an architect to be able to justify buying one.

Shortly after purchasing I posted a longer list over first impressions here, all still relevant, but I could now probably double my list:

For the record, I've missed not having flash about twice since I've had it. It would be nice if it supported it, but I don't miss it, that whole discussion is way overblown.

Jun 1, 10 3:51 am  · 

i agree that flash may be left behind as a result of apples' intransigence.

web designers - even before ipad > with the iphone in mind - have already been reworking sites that formerly depended on flash so that they could display on apple mobiles. sorry, adobe.

Jun 1, 10 7:23 am  · 

I was gonna buy one but one ..but then i heard that there is no usb port intergrated on the tablet & you can't multi-task on it

Jun 1, 10 7:50 am  · 


It isn't a laptop and is not meant for multi-tasking.


I am eliminating Flash from my diet...

Flash usually takes between 35 and 40% of the processing power on my dual-core Mac. (That's running as the plugin for the browser.) It's a hog that should go to the slaughterhouse. The NY Times took it off their web site. I think many others will follow. I don't think Flash will go away but other apps will replace it.

The Rhino viewer looks interesting!

Jun 1, 10 10:04 am  · 

Ok I agree about it not being a laptop

But what is it... then, a note-taker, a glorified itouch

As a student in college it would be great not to bring the laptop to school all the time and the less cords the better but lack of usb (great way to share files in class) and lack of options makes the ipad seem lacklustre.

Note; Flash(Power hog) would of been nice to be in the ipad and be able to turn off at will if need be.

Jun 1, 10 10:39 am  · 

It's another tech product that apple knew people would line up for.

Jun 1, 10 10:55 am  · 

I disagree, I think Flash will be incorporated into the iPad, either by Apple giving in or a third party. There is just too much of the web, particularly video, that is Flash based.

ources said several large media companies, including Time Warner and NBC Universal, told Apple they won't retool their extensive video libraries to accommodate the iPad, arguing that such a reformatting would be expensive and not worth it because Flash dominates the Web.

As a web designer/developer, I will not be changing my company's site nor will I change my clients site. If they want a dinky little thing for an iPhone, that works, but not eliminating the entire functionality because Jobs has a stick up his *#s.

html5 is a long way out for full use, no one knows how it'll turn out. It isn't like Flash, where you automatically knew how it'd look on ALL browsers (a dream for complex sites).
Can anyone remember the nightmares of browser compatibility? DHTML? It'll be better this time, the browser companies are working more closely on compliance/compatibility, but it is still a ton of things to work together, vs. Flash that is the same across browsers.

Some won't notice it, but many will turn to another company (and I'll recommend another option other than iPad for my clients). Apple is handing a nice piece of the pie to HP and others.

We'll see. They gave in and created bootcamp, which opened up an entirely new market for them, I can't see how they can just, forever, deny so many people a basic piece of the existing web.

Jun 1, 10 11:35 am  · 
Flash runs like butter on nexus one

Now, I've got an iPhone and LOVE it, anxiously waiting for the new one....but, with W7 coming soon and Android actually looking pretty sweet (processing power blows Apple out of the water), finally

Fun to watch. I really hope that Apple wakes up, they are causing massive (read = expensive) headaches in everyone from the small company like myself to the largest (Zillow uses Flash for its graphs, as an example, one of the largest RE sites out there).

Jun 1, 10 11:41 am  · 

New to this forum.

I just got an iPad, mostly for kicks, but it's hard to ignore it's potential as a CAD-in-the-field alternative to laptops.

My company does a lot of architectural drafting on-site. Currently, our site techs wheel around laptops, which are effective, but somewhat clumsy and not-so-great as far as battery life goes. Internet connectivity is also a pain.

If someone would develop a viable touch-based architectural app (padCAD?), that would be really interesting to a company like us. It would not replace Revit, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD or Microstation (pick your poison), but ideally, it would open/save to dxf or dwg for opening on the desktop.

A relatively small tool set would do the trick for simple drafting. Walls, doors, windows, columns, objects, lines, arcs and fills etc. A basic layer system would also be necessary.

Finger input might not be ideal, but there are stylus's available for capacitive touch screens like those found on iPads.

Jun 4, 10 12:32 pm  · 

Isn't the iPad simply another tech gadget that apple deliberately limits in functionality in order for you to consume, interact, and spend $$$$ based on their terms, and their terms only?

Make no mistake, I love everything about my iPod touch, but then again I'm not asking my iPod touch to replace my laptop or do anything besides making it easy to play music.

... And isn't the iPad just a larger form of iPod touch?

Jun 4, 10 1:20 pm  · 

I sort of think eventually tablets are going to merge with big processing power as we move more and more into computing in the cloud.... Seems inevitable that revit will run on your tablet at some point... I worked on a project where the model and software only existed on a remote desktop server so any machine with an Internet connection could be a workstation...

Jun 4, 10 1:20 pm  · 

alf - problem is that it runs on a very limited operating system, so you really can't make software like the run on it. That's not what it was made for.

It is a glorified iPod. Pretty, cool and fun, but very limited (professional) functionality.

bRink - I agree, the potential is huge. Once we get tablets that are running faster processors and true operating systems, we'll see more possibilities beyond "cool". I think this is where the competition will take it. Just look at HTC's Evo (phone) - 8 mb camera with flash, 720p video, monster screen, super fast processor, multi tasking, etc., etc.

As for remote stuff...personally, it'll be a long time before I rely on that. I've had internet go down for a week and a half in the middle of the city. Thankfully, I could work and just go to a cyber cafe to transfer files or send emails, but I certainly wouldn't want to rely on connection for productivity. Not yet, anyway, the idea is a great.

Jun 4, 10 2:19 pm  · 


I agree the OS is limited but I have to admit, that is kind of what I like about it. Touch interface. Instant-on. Long battery life. It's the future.

My concern for more robust tablets with 'real' OS's is that it will be a long time before they meet their potential. The software just isn't there. Windows, Linux, Android/Chrome OS - are any of them ready for prime-time tablet computing? Are any of them even close?

I am not an Apple fanatic - there's a lot not to like about them and their products. But right now, they are miles ahead on tablet computing. No doubt, their advantage won't last forever, but for now it's the plain truth. The iPad is here today and it genuinely "feels" capable.

Either way, it's just my private iPad CAD fantasy.

Jun 4, 10 3:12 pm  · 

Actually, yes. Android is being used on Dell's new tablet and Windows is being used on HP's slate.

I have hoped for reasons to embrace Apple. I love their support of quality build and quality design.

However, the lack of Flash support is a deal breaker. My company develops websites for clients, large touchscreen installations, etc., all using Flash. I thought the iPad would be a perfect bridge between everything, but since they've chosen to boycott Adobe, then they've also kicked my company (and clients) out.

Now, we have Apple boasting about HTML5, BUT you have to download and view it on Safari (sorry, won't work in FF, IE, etc.). That's enough for me to get a bad taste in my mouth about their marketing and business plan. This isn't functionality, as Jobs tries to point out, as Flash is shown to work on other mobile devices just fine, its a business decision aimed at taking marketing share and making people buy apps. They want to control the hardware, the software and the market.

That's a bad move, imho, and one that is causing quite a stir in the web development world.

We'll see how far ahead they are. So far, it looks like they are a few months ahead this time. Not holding my breath, the competition has shown to be inept, in general, but I hope, no pray, they get it right this time (Dell and HP's products look very promising so far, not to mention HTC's phones)

Jun 4, 10 4:55 pm  · 

trace, exactly.

I've always marveled at how apple has the image of the alternative, anti-big establishment computer company, when in fact they are wayyyy more close-sourced than micro$soft.

and yes, they have awesome products, but Jobs is definitely your typical money hungry ceo, IMO.

Jun 4, 10 5:01 pm  · 

Flash = dead end. It was a dead end even before Apple began withdrawing support.

Time for developers who have invested in it heavily to think about diversifying.

Jun 4, 10 5:37 pm  · 

I don't see it like that at all. So far, it dominates most the video on the web, etc., and works very well.

HTML5 looks promising, but it will take a long time before all the browsers incorporate things, functionality is stable, etc., etc. So far, it is not anywhere near where Flash is for many things.

One of the greatest advantages to Flash is compatibility. I have bad memories of cross browser incompatibility and unreliability.

There is no sign Flash is a dead end at all. If anything, my money is on that Adobe ups the game. Unfortunately, Apple's market manipulation will hurt small businesses and cause confusion in the consumer market (if we didn't design websites I'd probably not know about the iPad's lack of Flash and just be "uh, why can't I look at Zillow or NBC or Time Warner??").

Again, time is money, and Apple is causing time to be wasted, which means money for small businesses. I don't like my money to be wasted to satisfy their desire to control the market completely.

We'll see, though, it is exciting to see the products coming out. HTC is making some great devices, we'll see what the Slate and Streak look like soon.

Stay tuned....just make sure you are on a compatible and open platform ;-)

Jun 4, 10 5:59 pm  · 

I could see maybe a web based "revit light" or the like for field stuff like am app for the ipad being pretty handy... Access files off an rdp server, but when you are in the field with an ipad, you really wouldn't need the full blown capabilities of the revit arch package, instead tools could be geared towards working in the field, basic functionality, simplified tools, and convenient user interface to make a touchscreen work slick... The draw of apps is that they are not just the same interface and software on a small screen, but made user friendly and on the go handy, integrated intuitively with the actual device size and shape and design, customized for useability in the field... I guess my pov is, my mobile device shouldn't just run the same software as my desktop, it should be a little more light weight and handy... So even the operating system needs to work a little differently, customize interface for the device...

Like the Photoshop app or autodesk sketchbook for the iPhone... Wonder when we will see sketchup app for the ipad?

Jun 4, 10 9:16 pm  · 

I agree with you about the video thing, trace, and some great things have been done with Flash, especially in the generative software art arena.

Flash is just the wrong tool to reach for when making entire websites, though. I hope that the lack of support for it on the ipad will encourage people to use formats that are more natively searchable and linkable, and less processor intensive.

Jun 5, 10 6:23 pm  · 

I have an ipad and I take it to my client meetings and use it to sketch ideas and illustrate concepts to others (contractors, clients, etc.) and I think it's great.

I put my entire design portfolio on there to take to new client meetings which is a lot better than lugging around a huge portfolio. I use Keynote for all of my client presentations too and it's great.

I also use it to fill out PDFs with information when doing programming or taking questions from clients on the project.

I had a fear about no Flash but I swear I haven't missed it unless I want to use a flash based website only, then I use my laptop or my computer but that has happened once in like 3 weeks.

Also, Rhino is available for the iPad and I also have sketchbooks on there sorted by client/project, TODO is a great app I've been using for a long time on my iPhone, iCAL and all the other stuff is great.

It basically keeps my entire business portable and on the iPad and it's a lot better than lugging around sample books and catalogs and others papers that I have on a PDF on my ipad and it's great.

Jun 5, 10 7:06 pm  · 

We'll have to agree to disagree then. We've been building Flash sites professionally for many years now and each have served our clients (and us) very well.

We also build html based sites, but rarely as they are limiting (those are for the lower budget websites, generally) and far less interesting.

The limitations you are thinking of was from long ago.

To each their own, but I have no intentions of changing our (successful) approach to web design/development any time soon. The control from a design and experience perspective with Flash is unmatched with anything else. It is reliable and functions virtually flawlessly. I've yet to see anything that can compare on these merits.

Until then, I see no reason to consider changing. I'll keep my eyes open, but so far I don't see anything (let's consider how long it is taking for these "standards" to be implemented and universal).

Jun 5, 10 7:12 pm  · 

Totally agreeing to disagree.

I've done major web development projects as well, and almost every one of them involved a client who had a site built entirely in flash that they were very unsatisfied with. All were very eager to trade the total control that flash gave them for the openness, direct linking, sharing, and searching that html and a good content management system gave them.

Each to their own, indeed, and this is not to disparage any work that you do, trace. It sounds like you're a pro who's following best practices. But flash in the hands of the army of amateurs, out there deploying it for everything under the sun, was turning into a disaster for the open web. Glad to see it pruned back.

Jun 5, 10 9:04 pm  · 

Yeah, and Flash crashes Macs BADDDD. It didn't used to but it has the past few years, even on top of the line Macs like mine. It's unstable and unreliable.

Jun 6, 10 1:58 am  · 

come on! web without flash is like architecture back to bauhaus shoe box!

Jun 6, 10 4:49 am  · 

JavaScript works on iPad Flash isn t everything

Jun 6, 10 5:09 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

The thing I hate about flash (being an avid hotlinker) is that it requires me to run highly illegal software to trace where tcp connections are going in order to link to said content.

If I was a retailer or a business type, I would porbably frown on hotlinking for the occasional overbandwidth bill or over burdened server.

However, getting a file linked on a major website not only generates thousands of views but it significant alters your google rankings.

With so much of the web now being geared toward functionality and "interconnectedness (linking, linkbacks, placement, reach)," flash is nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

Jun 6, 10 5:28 am  · 

I suppose we can look at architecture the same way. We really don't need the Hadid's, Mayne's, Gehry's, many architects would like to just keep producing generic crap all day long.

Be damn boring, though.

Jun 6, 10 8:50 am  · 
zen maker

when you're spec'ing ipads, make sure it's clear which side faces out.

also - they're under division 10, not 26 or 27.


Jun 7, 10 2:30 pm  · 

this might be helpful for client meetings...

Jun 9, 10 7:30 pm  · 
zen maker

^ that building looks like a stormtrooper's helmet!

Jun 9, 10 9:55 pm  · 

Somehow the video and presentation functions on an ipad make showing something on a mobile device seem less ghetto than if you were to show something on a phone...

Next step I see: 1. Automatic syncing with larger presentation surfaces, like a touch screen wall or table top like Microsoft surface aka project Milan... Google Microsoft surface to see where it's headed... You can place your mobile device on the table and data, photos, video, interactive presentations etc transfer automatically to the next screen, wireless connectivity and sync... 1. A mobile mini projector for mobile devices: your iPhone basically becomes just a remote control for a large scale presentation to a group...

I think the success of iPhone and apps us: it doesn't just try to be a mobile computer and interfaces don't just *look* like software running on a tiny screen, instead your calculator for example transforms the device into a little calculator with buttons, the software and the device go hand in hand: the buttons on the screen relate to the size and shape of the device in a way that means the graphic designers, interface designers, are thinking like industrial designers...

And the thing is a gps... It knows where you are spatially in the city and even relative to other device carrying device carriers (you can connect with the guy next to you by both opening the same app... Try a light sabre duel with your fellow iPhone geek)...

Btw, have you guys seen the new iPhone? 4G... Google it... Pretty sweet, has multitasking ability, running multiple apps at the same time, and two cameras: on front and on back, do you can do teleconferencing from your iPhone... The way I see it, devices will only progress and improve exponentially in a user oriented way going forward... Nature of technology, things only move forward with innovations, once the next feature is out of the bag, it can't go back in, so the next ipad will have all the next gen features... Coming up also, based on Microsoft tech and companies like nuance: voice recognition... Put on your Bluetooth, and you will be combining voice commands with virtual touchscreen buttons intuitively running meetings and showing data on the fly... Pressing a virtual button to start your car, open the garage door, dim the lights, send a voice/text message to email, etc....

Sent from my iPhone

Jun 9, 10 10:18 pm  · 

*and you can turn off the "Sent from my iPhone" silliness, should you want to go retro (and seem old and wise)

Jun 9, 10 11:22 pm  · 

do they support shockwave type of program that allows u to watch real time stock index or GPS mapping?

if not, then useless architecturally speaking.

Jun 10, 10 12:39 am  · 

bwahahahah! but serious, the stylus? I can't really fathom a tech conversation from someone who can't handle using their hands to interact with a digital interface.

Jun 10, 10 1:32 am  · 

Last I checked most people don't intuitively draw with a finger... :p

Jun 10, 10 10:38 am  · 

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