
Architecture jobs raked top 100 jobs in 2014


According to U.S. News, Job as an architect ranked in on the top 100 best jobs of 2014. Can any one guess where we stand...? It is at the amazing # of 92! Surprise..? Sad..?

Thoughts, comments? Extra points for humor and sub stories...

Jan 28, 14 3:29 pm

Could be worse.

It did crack the top 100. How many did they look at?

Jan 28, 14 11:08 pm  · 

i'm okay with top 100

Jan 28, 14 11:29 pm  · 


Behind such prestigious jobs as:

16 phlebotomist

49 nail technician

57 bill collector

61 exterminator

62 insurance agent

65 hairdresser

74 taxi drivers and chauffeurs

80 sales rep

89 real estate agent

85 public relations specialist

Jan 29, 14 10:00 am  · 

^  Yeah, but we're six whole notches ahead of the folks who shovel snow and remove refuse.  I feel a whole lot better about my career choice now.

Jan 30, 14 11:15 am  · 

US News jumped the shark a long time ago. This inane list also includes lawyers while even Harvard is temporarily hiring its own recent law graduates for low wage jobs so they can count them as employed for the next US News report. Yale has been know to solicit people to apply for their law school only to turn them down, all to keep their rejection rate high and look good in the next US News report. Drink the kool-aid, children, after you have given the Ivy League law school $200,000 in tuition money. Or the GSD.

Jan 30, 14 3:54 pm  · 

^  These kinds of "studies" are such bullshit that it's incredible that anyone pays any attention.

Jan 30, 14 5:10 pm  · 

People like these studies as it often confirms their own feelings about the profession. I only looked at the good "studies" when applying for architecture, and went through a phase of googling "architecture + bad career choice" when I couldn't find a job afterwards. 

Jan 30, 14 6:02 pm  · 

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