
When Is the Talent Portion of the Contest?


The tone & content of this job posting is embarrassing, especially considering the fact they are seeking an individual with 5 to 10 years of professional experience:

Required code to post a link - Sigh

Sep 2, 09 7:17 pm

For all their emphasis on excellence and attention to detail, they misspelled challenging.

Sep 2, 09 9:19 pm  · 

wow, how anal. i guess the reason they have problems finding people who can do what they ask on the "test" is that only the desperate and possibly the less-talented feel this view of potential staff (that everyone is a moron) is acceptable.

i know it is wrong but this is so much the stereotype for american architecture firms. looks like someone read a self-help book and then a psycho-babble summary of some kind of corporate how-to guru tome...then sat down to write this truly mind-numbingly obnoxious advertisement.

Sep 2, 09 9:57 pm  · 

eh, so what, they must be great to work for if they are posting on craigslist.

oh, and i hate head shots, so 1991...

Sep 2, 09 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

Hard work and dedication, combined with inspiration and drawing ability, is one thing that all staff members share. You must have truly excellent written and oral communication skills. ---Hard work and dedication are more than one thing. Combined with inspiration and drawing ability and you have, voila, four things.

Sep 2, 09 11:11 pm  · 

Wow, what on earth? That's the wierdest crock of shit I've ever read.

Although part of me wants to take on that 'test' and see how I do. ;D

Sep 2, 09 11:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

If you do it, jk3hl, take photos during the test and blog about it.

vado, your attention to detail is excellent and hilarious. What a screwed up sentence they wrote right before stating that they expect excellent writing skills!

I'm hating our profession lately. Not the profession, actually, but a whole buttload of its practitioners.

Sep 2, 09 11:30 pm  · 

wait, did they ask for head shots, too? I missed that.

man. vado I caught the comma misuse in that sentence and thought "that is one weird sentence!" but didn't catch the "one thing" part!

hmm. the one thing that gets me about this ad is that if I walked into an interview and was suddenly handed a pencil and asked to draw plan, section, and elevation of any building, I think I probably wouldn't be able to do it either. And I aced arch history. I guess I could probably do the Pantheon maybe. 'Cept I can't quite remember the plan... how do the niches sit, again? And I've BEEN there!

Of course, if I was really asked to do that on an interview, I'd probably walk out.

I love how you have to give them YOUR salary history, right off the bat -- on the cover page! -- presumably so that they know right away whether you're cheap enough for them to actually review your resume.

Sep 2, 09 11:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, I hate to be snarking so badly on this, and I'm happy to be proven wrong.

But here's another thing: They work on hundred million dollar projects. I'm guessing the firm must be, at minimum, 40 people. Forty architects, in NYC, must each know at least ten other architects, that's 400 people in a firm network. Firms often try to not advertise jobs, but instead find people who come recommended by other architects the partners and associates know socially and professionally. If out of 400 potential contacts, in this employment market, they have to send out a blind ad for workers, I'm guessing they don't know anyone who wants to work there. Which leads me to suspect that it's a lousy place to work.

Again, I may be wrong. Maybe the partners are looking for exceptional people and feel this is the way to go about it. But hmmmmm....does an exceptional person need to be told that a cover letter is your first impression?

Sep 2, 09 11:53 pm  · 

siegel attended columbia?

Sep 2, 09 11:54 pm  · 

nice vado.

you think maybe the morons who wrote the job position got in before passing exam was required? perhaps they are actually in line to be replaced and haven't been told yet.

AHA, i got it! this was the test for current staff! moron can't spell and grammar bad, recruit searching abilities seriously challenged. s/he is out! and when they get real resumes that ignore all of the above new person replaces the crock-of-shit-making person who placed the add.

very clever. proof if incompetence and new staff to replace old staf all in one move.

by jove. well, done, i say.

Sep 2, 09 11:55 pm  · 

at least that one is for pay

can you imagine going through all the tests, and then working for nothing????

Sep 3, 09 1:35 am  · 
Robert Siegel Architects, a nationally acclaimed architecture firm, seeks two full time interns for a three month, uncompensated internship....

...If you would like to be part of our growth and are interested in contributing to the creative process at a design, detail and management level, we would like to see your work. For consideration please mail (no emails, please) the following:

1. Cover Letter with salary history
2. Resume
3. Work Samples that demonstrate your design and technical ability

anyone see anything wrong with the above?

Sep 3, 09 2:43 am  · 

This is just weird! Who is this guy? I mean who only puts his picture on the website. If it is a firm and a team environment you put more architects profiles on there and not only one (or am I missing something)?

But, I do understand why some firms would give out tests to the candidates. I've had a guy work with me for a while and on the end I realized that the risers on all the sections were 8"...and this guy had 10 years of experience. So after that we would give out a 10 question test to each candidate just to see test their knowledge. It would be simple questions like the maximum riser, flat roof slope, frost line height etc. just so we know how much they know, but we never did anything like this or do I know of anybody doing anything similar to this bull shit.

I know they say no emails, but we all should just bombard them with emails!!!

I totally agree with you about what you said about them not getting people some of the staff already know. I personally could recommend at least 50 architects I've worked with and are currently out of work right now. It does make you wonder what is really going on!!!

Sep 3, 09 3:38 am  · 

Is this guy related to Robert Siegel at Gwathmey Siegel Architects? I mean it shows he did work there...

Sep 3, 09 3:47 am  · 

i wondered that too poop, but i think he did undergrad at syracuse? i mean, would a kid of siegel really go to syracuse??

i'm betting working for this guy would be a nightmare, like hotel california nightmare...

Sep 3, 09 5:38 am  · 

same here - that has got to be the son of the gwathmey siegel founder. they look the same, his work history includes their firm, the ages work...

a crazy specific ad for sure.

Sep 3, 09 9:01 am  · 

I agree that the tone of this job listing is off.

We all know this is an employer's job market. IMHO it can easily be viewed as insensitive to place a job listing that reads like an instruction form from Target or Walmart... and expect to get a 5-10 year mid-senior level architect who are creative, talented, and technically competent.

I fully expect to see the desk by the elevator so the applicant can take the drawing/design test (like the one inside Target at Atlantic Center) judging by the tone of the job listing.

My reaction to this job listing is as follows:

1. Does this firm have issues retaining their employees?

1. Is this firm is experiencing growing pains beyond the original 'tight-knit' group?

2. Perhaps this firm had issues with new hires fitting into the design culture/process... leading this firm to believe people who stayed at a firm for 4-5 years are more preferable than people who have not.

3. This firm likes people that can draw instead of Rhino or 3Dmax... which is always a good sign IMO.

4. It seems the interviewer at this firm has a pet peeve about people talking too much during an interview (especially when he/she are looking at your portfolio.)

5. I think this looks like an interesting firm to work for despite the bearish tone they haven chosen to convey to us.

Suggestion to Robert Siegel, I think you may have huges piles of resumes to review... but you may actually get better response rates from even more better qualified applicants if you put the design test to this job listing!

Sep 3, 09 10:45 am  · 

I triple-dog-dare someone to email them a link to this thread. >:D

Sep 3, 09 12:37 pm  · 


Sep 3, 09 12:55 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

After going to their website, I have to wonder if this was something put together by the marketing person because I don't get the feeling that this ad and the offices website really convey the same tone and message. While the office work isn't earth shattering, it's not awful and although the site is a bit dated in format I have seen worse (from people who should know better). Nothing on this website really conveys the imperialistic attitude this job post suggests. All in all, the office seems like your standard mid-sized corporate firm that, as previously mentioned, would probably hire local college grads and friends/colleagues of current employees.

My personal experience, having worked somewhere similar, is that this is the work of the marketing person. The condescending tone, lack of grammar and punctuational skills and the complete misunderstanding of the architectural profession has marketing manager written all over it. But maybe that is just a personal bias since every marketing person we had (usually a new one every year) was completely incompetent, leaving me to do their job. My guess is that this ad was posted without anyone else in the office proof-reading it either.

Either way, this doesn't really inspire many people to take this office seriously. Maybe they should be hiring to replace the ad writer instead of the interns.

Sep 3, 09 1:19 pm  · 

I had no idea it took so many to tackle insignificance.

Sep 3, 09 1:28 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh man, I was going to troll this firm and post the entire trolling but someone beat me to it!

I think the testing is mildly in poor taste but I actually prefer tests.

The reason why? For people who don't 100% meet the requirements, it is a good way to sure you're worth it. And people who meet the requirements 100%, their qualifications may not be what they actually want.

Case in point, the planning profession. Planners who have bonafide experience may not have any applicable experience. I know at least one doctorate and three people with master's degrees who can't draw and or use a simple modeling program and or have never even touched ARCgis.

Someone who may have 10 years of planning experience in say Hawaii probably doesn't have any real applicable planning experience for a position in Boston. I mean past paperwork and general office abilities, areas with great amounts of diversity between them probably have little to no overlaps.

So, I would actually prefer it if more employers would give out tests... because for no name people like me, I could actually prove being able to work.

Sep 3, 09 1:33 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh, I just got rejected by a potential employer [brand new office]. After two months of being sent e-mails, only one of them I returned, I just got a one line rejection e-mail. Not even a letter. The e-mail I replied to I basically mentioned that I would not like o be considered for employment.

Now I don't care about the job, I care about the excessive e-mails and then this bullshit rejection letter.

So I am considering sending a thank you note and a gift. The thank you note will be thanking them for the opportunity to talk. And I will put in the thank you note that I included a office warming gift as I hope they do well in the future. The "thank you card" will be taped to the outside of the box with the gift will be inside of the box separately wrapped.

So the gift I am going to send is going to be a framed 3' by 3' poster of this:

I'd imagine this poster might work here too.

Sep 3, 09 3:30 pm  · 


Robert Siegel Architects, a nationally acclaimed architecture firm, seeks two full time interns for a three month, "uncompensated" internship....

1. Cover Letter with "salary history"

seems odd that they'd need your salary history when they're not planning on paying anything.

Sep 3, 09 3:42 pm  · 

bingo lars!

here is the response i got from Der Siegel;

And the feedback is appreciated.


Sep 3, 09 4:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

"And" the feedback is appreciated? Is this the response in toto? Did they really respond with a sentence fragment that leaves in question what ELSE they thought about your email?

They're gonna block Archinect from their firm servers, just you wait...

Sep 3, 09 7:39 pm  · 

guys! its not THAT bad. Except for the headshots part.
The testing part is a bit wierd, but dont all of us that an experience with 'that employee' who shows up and does not know CAD, hand drawing, or 3d modeling? A portfolio is not everything there is to know about someone...

Unless you want to sit on your high horse and be jobless, one has to learn to deal with such things. I know I did.

Sep 3, 09 9:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I should say that I think the testing portion is not only fair, but a hand drawing test is admirable - I still think designing with quick sketches is the best way to communicate with team members.

It's the condescending tone of the whole thing that's obnoxious.

Sep 3, 09 11:26 pm  · 

I wonder if the headshots thing is even legal

I suspect that this was written by the office manager, and hasn't been seen by any of the partners

Sep 3, 09 11:52 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

"I wonder if the headshots thing is even legal."

It depends. If the job deals with a lot of customer interactions and the quality of your appearance is definitely part of the job (like a hooters girl or an actor or a stripper or a cruiseline employer), they yes... they legally can.

However, if they're not basically saying "we need to verify if you're hot or not"... then it is illegal.

It depends on the interviewer/interviewee and what exactly it is said. If was an employer asking for a picture, I'd explain explicitly the reason and if it was someone of the opposite sex, then I'd have someone of the same sex from the staff request it as to not send off creeper vibes.

There's a few cases out there of people being caught doing this to find out whether or not their employees were black/asian/woman/old.

Sep 4, 09 12:08 am  · 

in japan headshots are mandatory. no worries. i'm not ugly so that is not a problem. my father-in-law says i am unemployable because i have a beard and suggested shaving it off, but i think he was just jealous. whatever.

orochi, that hate-mail has gotta be bad karma, dude.

the test is silly. that is why you have interview and people send in resumes. if you need a test on top of that you are not looking.

i am very good at drawing. i used to paint for a living and went to fine arts and all that. who cares? my partner does not have that background but is brilliant designer. he can't draw as well but that is entirely fine with me. a non-issue really. he builds models i do drawings. in my opinion the only really impt thing is experience and attitude. either can trump the other if in high doses, but the detail about finesse with a pencil and proof of architectural knowledge of buildings? please give me a break.

Sep 4, 09 12:45 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

"the test is silly. that is why you have interview and people send in resumes. if you need a test on top of that you are not looking."

People can bullshit, tests are harder to bullshit.

In the US, there seems to be a constant state of employers complaining about their quality of employees but very few seem to test at all.

I think testing gives erudites and naturally talented people a fairer advantage to getting a job that a degree. Let's face it, bachelor degrees are becoming bullshit and employers are being sold on holding unreasonable standards, pricey educations and long, time-consuming processes to find employees.

Experience, itself, as a construct of business is starting to erode. When you have people that are capable of finding, summarizing and theorizing ideas from 12th century documents within 5 minutes or less... the idea of experience is preposterous. I will say experience is definitely a quality but, in the internet age, experience doesn't always mean a lot. Most of the things one can learn online today were only available physically not even ten years ago.

From a planning perspective, before there was municode, the only way to see a city's master plan or code ordinance was either to visit the actual city, a regional library or the capital. So, it in the "old days" experience actually meant being at places physically for an extended period of time to retain information.

Not so much the case. I think this increase in interest and demand of experience is an older generation trying to cover its ass til retirement.

Sep 4, 09 1:41 am  · 

I'm so disgusted by this job posting, for the following reasons:

A) the condescending tone
B) the poor grammar
C) the implication that someone with at least 5 years worth of skills would put themselves through a gauntlet to then work for nothing

...that I am not going to waste my breath discussing this firm anymore. I pity the fool that works for this firm. Pity the fool!

Sep 4, 09 4:01 am  · 

lol wonderk.

i disagree about role of experience orochi, but applaud your rationale. internet does change things, but experience counts for a LOT.

from where i sit, a talented person with experience on paper gets to the interview, then interview reveals more or less what that experience was worth. i still think personality is worth more than drawing skills. but that is just me. i don't run a corporate firm. anyway, it will be interesting if your opinion changes when you are 20 years older...;-)

Sep 4, 09 4:34 am  · 

when i see this, i just remember: gropius was a notoriously bad at drawing...

Sep 4, 09 7:02 am  · 

just to clear something up; the headshot comment was referring to M. Siegel's prototypical headshot on his website. it just looks, so P/A ca. 1991.

Sep 4, 09 8:10 am  · 


Agreed... the previous version of this job posting (from a few months back) even went as far as saying something like:

...if the principal of can condense his resume to one page, so can you.... blah, blah, blah....

I don't remember the wording exactly now, but I am sure someone more internet savvy than I can probably find the cached version of that job posting.

Sep 4, 09 9:37 am  · 

I'm not sure if anybody found this already

Sep 4, 09 10:51 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

How important to the firm is pursuing a social agenda?
1 Greed is good.

Sep 4, 09 11:17 am  · 

Frankly, this is quite important:

"Send us a brief, signed cover letter specific to Robert Siegel Architects that states why it makes sense to hire you. Graphic presentation is key. This is your first impression and demonstrates your ability as a designer. Use care in selecting the paper, the font, and the organization of text on the page. "

Sep 4, 09 3:27 pm  · 

yes, that's very important sameold, but would you want to hire someone who didn't already know that, and needed to have it spelled out for them?

Sep 4, 09 3:42 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

Professor Callahan: Do you have a resume?
Elle: Here it is!
Professor Callahan: It’s pink...
Elle: Oh! And it's scented! I think it gives it a little something extra, don't you think? Ok, well, see you next class!

Sep 4, 09 5:31 pm  · 

lol, abra.

reminds me of something my partner said while we were critiquing our design for a small house here in tokyo : "I'd pee in that corner." Very insightful really, and sure sign that we are for starchitecture bound.

It will be on our test for all future recruits.

Sep 4, 09 11:08 pm  · 


Sep 9, 09 11:21 am  · 
vado retro

this thread soon to be deleted.

Sep 9, 09 12:09 pm  · 

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