
IT'S OFFICIAL: best movie of 08


"shrooms were more prevalent and legal in the time of Jesus Christ.
Holy shit, did you see that? He turned water into wine! Shutup, give me another shroom."

there are so many comments to this movie on various torrents(also more than most any other), funny stuff just to read the reactions of people who feel threatened about their silly supernatural beliefs

Jan 5, 09 5:07 pm  · 

dude KURT move on bro. start some good threads and stop flam baiting and trolling

for your own good

Jan 5, 09 5:09 pm  · 

so, wait, is religulous not really OFFICIALLY the best movie?

Jan 5, 09 5:29 pm  · 

silly Steven there is no best just different ;)

it is the MOST SEEDED movie at the current time and it was made/released in 2008

everything is relative, i think the language was just used as a trap for KURT to fall victim of trying to out logic something or another.

even if we had a tyranny of the majority vote about movies it wouldn't make a difference, or even who exploited the most capital from movie goers. irrelevant

take it personal make it personal but in so doing try not to project this self manifested reality upon others like our good but slightly brazen friend Kurt here.

Jan 5, 09 5:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, wait.

Is it exploiting capital if I decide what I'm going to spend money on? I have very few dollars to spend on movie-going, and when i had the opportunity I chose Synechdoche NY. I sure as hell didn't pick Religulous because in all the free advertising I saw for it - Bill Maher making the late night talk show rounds - it looked angry and one-sided and not very funny. I wasn't exploited out of the money that went to Synecdoche, I voted with it.

Jan 5, 09 9:21 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

Sorry everyone, but I didn't get to see Transformers until 2008 - and I think it was a better movie than all the ones I saw in 2008 - so for me it was Transformers (does that count?)

Jan 5, 09 11:41 pm  · 

d& did Transformers make you want to buy a chevy and join the army? Because aside from some cool effects that was the purpose of that move.

Jan 6, 09 10:45 am  · 

i think they went too complex and blurry on the models and action

as a ex transformer tv show and toy playerwither

Jan 6, 09 11:01 am  · 
Dazed and Confused

I have heard others fault blurry effects and action - I was able to suspend my disbelief enough to not find them objectionable (or I am losing my sight?) I liked the background theme, the pace, the acting (would have been worthless without Shia LaBeouf), and most of all the basic premise - I am NOT a tv show / toy guy. Maybe it was just not a movie for nitpickers. I will definitely admit that . .

Jan 6, 09 11:45 pm  · 

Frozen River

Jan 7, 09 6:04 am  · 

i'm it official that religulous is the 'most seeded' movie of 2008. or is it just on one website? it seems odd to base an opinion that this movie is 'the most popular' based on one website... if one could make the claim based on some sort of official more broad based survey then maybe i'd buy into anti's claims...but from the links i've seen anti post i feel like it's definitely a false claim... kind of like some conservative linking an article from fox news as 'proof' of some idea.

but this could also be due to the fact that i think bill maher is a pompous ass who presents every joke with a smirk and thinks he's absolutely hilarious, and loves the sound of his own voice. i haven't seen religulous and i have no interest in seeing it either... to me he's in the same category as michael moore.

Jan 7, 09 12:49 pm  · 

i for one really liked the dark knight...but maybe i'm blinded by the fact that i thought heath ledger was the best joker yet... if you read the comic books the joker is truly evil and insane... and i think heath ledger captured that. i thought he was brilliant.

the movie overall was a bit long, and adding in two face at the end threw things off for me..but it kept me entertained.

i was also a bit disappointed with burn after reading...but there are parts i really liked...and it surprised me. plus the cast is great.

i just saw gran torino...and i have a question. am i the only one that doesn't like movies (mystic river the exception) by clint eastwood. i thought this movie seemed like a thesis student's project with clint eastwood in it. i think alot of the casting was awful (ie the priest), the script was a joke, the acting was at times really, really poor, stereotypes abound (ie clint as the racist war vet, the estranged family, the acting out teenager, the asian grandmother/family, the black gang members, etc) to the point where it felt like a script written by someone basing their ideas on other movies or the 'idea' of the ghetto (not someone who'd ever lived through it) and it followed the similar theme of most of eastwood's films of having some kind of moral or lesson.

Jan 7, 09 12:59 pm  · 

synedoche, ny was amazing in terms of writing and sets... it seemed like what it was...charlie kaufman given all kinds of money to do whatever he wanted to do. i love his creativity, but at times i thought there were too many ideas and things going on. i think i need to see it again.

Jan 7, 09 1:01 pm  · 

larslarson watch it if you can.

a broader view is available use a meta torrent search engine and get the same or similar results people are eating this movie up, that is what i am saying

if you are a Super and can approach it with a open mind you may be rocked to the core. if you are Bright and you will love it and if you are a Super and closed minded you will loath it. simple as that

Jan 7, 09 1:45 pm  · 


well i think it's still false. i think you'd like it to be the most popular movie because it supports your worldview...but here are two lists of the most downloaded movies of this month...and another from november... as i would think, religulous isn't in the top ten.

it seems to mirror what movies are popular...and i've heard of bit torrent.

am i missing something here?

Jan 7, 09 2:21 pm  · 

maybe there needs to be a measure of quickness to seed and/or average user ratio. or even a category breakdown fake/real

i think the worldview of "i don't know" is universal, there are even contests for anybody who can prove anything supernatural to win TONS of money

Jan 7, 09 2:52 pm  · 

Zeitgeist Addendum

#2 also a very good movie dealing with the faith based economics

The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge
Jan 7, 09 3:14 pm  · 

Antihistamine is right, Lars. Your facts are obviously skewed.

Jan 7, 09 3:25 pm  · 

i think the skewing is on my part because i am not a fan of fiction.


Jan 7, 09 3:37 pm  · 

I hear you, Antipasto. You're a facts guy.

Jan 7, 09 3:53 pm  · 

if there was a edit feature it would read:

IT'S OFFICIAL: Most seeded documentary of 08

i think the Zeitgeist Addendum is more relevant but as entertainment is the going trend Religulous gets it. Where as the Original Zeitgeist did a much better job of the same thing Maher did with the Religulous.

Jan 7, 09 4:02 pm  · 

well i can then agree that it is the most seeded documentary of 2008...
although it probably falls into a similar category as a michael moore
documentary..which is more a work of fiction..or skewing of facts to fit a not so hidden agenda.

Jan 7, 09 6:11 pm  · 

hey, what about pineapple express!?

i thought it was pretty damn funny.

Jan 7, 09 7:18 pm  · 

ya i couldn't watch 5 min of that new Moore documentary Slackers Uprising

Jan 7, 09 7:24 pm  · 

"well i can then agree that it is the most seeded documentary of 2008..."

Help me out lars -- does that really mean the same thing as "most stolen/pirated"?

Doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to me.

Jan 7, 09 7:38 pm  · 

Pineapple Express was awesome...favorate line:
"Red: I'm just up here, tryin' to get a motherfuckin' scholarship!"

KURT: whats up , you a hard core christian or something. Anti just likes that movie so he posted its download frequencey in this thread...its like day 7 and you are still worried that somebody might see it and like it.

Cant we all just get along: hardcore religious freaks, and mis-informed atheist video pirates Unite!!!!!!

Jan 8, 09 12:51 am  · 

< agnostic Bright <- catholic biologist disproving creationism/ID

thanks ff33º your rationality means allot to me.

i am just curious how long this vicious trolling will continue and if i should ignore it like advised or confront it with the solidarity of others.

Jan 8, 09 3:01 am  · 

Phhhhhffffttt...yes, PLEASE, Anti -- don't tell the teacher on me.

Look at your intolerance and stereotyping. As is typical, I disagree with you so you answer with something completely unrelated, this time a YouTube dose of creationism debate? What? Apperently all who disagree fit into a neat little box, is that how you work, Anti?

Actually, I've not been at all viscious with you. You're desperate for someone to side up with your views. I disagree with your views, and am simply taking you to task for your misrepresentations. Could've used any of your "enlightened" posts.

In any case, I think you need to man up a little, Anti. If you relentlessly shove this stuff up everyone's nose as you've done in most of your haphazard posts, someone is eventually going to react. Re-read what I've written on this thread... I'm not stopping you or anyone from seeing the movie or from having a different world view. All I've done is pointed out that you are once again carelessly using misinformation to sell your ideas.

Jan 8, 09 7:12 am  · 

Anyone seen "Che"? Is it even out yet? It's listed as 2008.
Speaking of religion . . . Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?


Jan 9, 09 2:11 pm  · 

Scratch that, it's not out yet.

Jan 9, 09 2:16 pm  · 

...KURT... you are pathetic, so be it
if you feel that what own your own feelings and give yourself some reflection, if you can is my advise
you are stopping yourself from seeing the movie, and creating more interest it it, not like it needs it and you are hiding your own worldview. and your point is?

jolly rancher yes jesus camp is very disturbing at the level of mental child abuse, i see them much the same way i see movements like al quadia and hamas and what they do to their children to make them holy warriors to sacrifice their onw lives. with the same us gov roots even. blowback, blowforth or whatever.

Che was boring but that is how most typical documentaries can be unless you really like to watch long drawn out interviews with subtitles.
It was cool to hear his daughters perspective and what is happening now as far as liberation/emancipation/anti-imperialism and a new way in South America can be attributed to him very much so, he is well remembered. We can only imagine what the world would look like if not for the CIA and right wing conservative republican paramilitary death squads taking his life.

Jan 9, 09 2:22 pm  · 

"...KURT... you are pathetic, so be it
if you feel that what own your own feelings and give yourself some reflection, if you can is my advise
you are stopping yourself from seeing the movie, and creating more interest it it, not like it needs it and you are hiding your own worldview. and your point is?"

Anti, I have no idea what you're responding to in the above quote. What is the above jumble of words supposed to mean?

Jan 11, 09 12:25 pm  · 
iron lotus

A controversial, very difficult figure skating move performed by pairs. One partner holds the other's legs around his/her neck and swings them around like a giant swing. The thrower lets go and allows the partner to do a huge flip in mid-air which turns them upside down. The thrower must then do a 360 body spin like a buzzsaw and avoid cutting the partner's head off.

The only successful attempt in professional pairs figure skating was by Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy.

Yes.. by 2 men and only after Chaz broke his ankle from a pearl thrown by one of the Van Walderbergs and with MacElroy serving as the thrower.
"The Iron Lotus was so controversial it was only performed in North Korea. Kim Jong-Il had the pair attempt it in front of a large army and audience only to see the pair fail. The partner cut off the thrown partner's head with his skate when he performed his spin. He then picked the head up and wept."

"My ankle is broken, I'm going to need you to throw me instead for the Iron Lotus."

Jan 12, 09 9:00 pm  · 
vado retro

it was sweet revenge to see religoulousity sweep the golden globes lassnight.

Jan 12, 09 9:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL vado!

But didn't Salma Hayak's, um, dress make you believe in God? It made me say "She's my age, jeebus christ why don't I look that good?!?"

Jan 12, 09 9:32 pm  · 

jesus camp was so disturbing, my jesus jammin friend was disturbed.

what's scarier is that those nuts have infiltrated the military.

Jan 12, 09 9:57 pm  · 

lb, i kept thinking the only thing missing from Selma's b00bs, was a serving platter.

Jan 12, 09 10:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world; t'would be a pity to damage yours."

Jan 12, 09 10:47 pm  · 

...why can't I let this thread die...why?....WHY?????

Jan 13, 09 12:06 pm  · 

LB, there is a simple answer to your questions about Salma (She's my age, jeebus christ why don't I look that good?!?):

Salma is too perfect for humanity. She's a goddess.

Jan 13, 09 1:47 pm  · 

vado retro great news, rightfully so, I bet they didn't consider Zeitgeist Addendum did they?

Jan 13, 09 3:18 pm  · 

hey KURT, did you like Zeitgest?, perhaps the first 15 minutes, just curious.

Jan 13, 09 3:30 pm  · 

Did anyone see Rock'n'Rolla? I thought it was surprisingly good

Jan 13, 09 3:31 pm  · 

Yeah, Vado what a night for Religulous.

Anti, refresh my memory... what were the Golden Globe categories that Religulous swept?

Jan 13, 09 3:33 pm  · 

no idea i don't watch TV. too many ads

so what about the questions to you? did you even see the movie(s)?

Jan 13, 09 3:38 pm  · 

Of course, Religulous did not win anything. That was the humor of Vado's post.

Jan 13, 09 3:43 pm  · 

And thank you all for helping keep this post ALIVE ! ! !

Jan 13, 09 3:43 pm  · 

I did not see Zeitgeist --

Jan 13, 09 3:44 pm  · 

Addendum too

Jan 13, 09 3:54 pm  · 

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