
Architects and Infidelity?


It seems like in the profession of architecture that there is a fairly high amount of infidelity going on. Has anyone else had this observation? I have heard stories floating around my office and most starchitects seem to have multiple lovers. I wonder why this is. Anyone have any insights, stories, etc?

Nov 9, 08 8:27 pm

breakdancers get more lovers ;)

Nov 9, 08 8:38 pm  · 
wrecking ball

a co-worker of mine walked in on my former boss and the firm's the office. glad it wasn't me, i would be scarred for life. from what i understood, the wife had no clue.

in general i think it's somewhat difficult to maintain a partnership (at least a healthy one) outside the office with such a demanding and time-consuming profession. none of the partners at my current firm seem to spend much time with their respective spouses.

Nov 9, 08 8:39 pm  · 

mine seem to get along well with theirs.

my bosses in DE all had mistresses/slept w/ interns

you'll probably get a lot of architects spouting BS about creativity and restlessness.

but it's probably just the same as most other professions. it's also natural.

Nov 9, 08 8:51 pm  · 

If everyone involved is open/honest about their multiple partners, it isn't really "infidelity." Just saying.

Nov 9, 08 9:06 pm  · 

just today i bought the book "Loving Frank", about FLW's affair with Mamah Cheney

my thought is they're prob. just really horny and need some type of release with all the stress! haha

Nov 9, 08 9:10 pm  · 

I am a boss. And I have only one lover. Alcohol.

Nov 9, 08 9:13 pm  · 

Arzo is right! I think all of us that have or are going through the hell that is architecture school have turned to the sauce as a way of getting through the day. There are no rules about drinking and building models!

But personally, and many of you may not like this, I believe it is because most "starchitects" or partners at firms are pretentious, arrogant, schovenist bastards. I have found a stigma that surrounds the architect to be basically what the lay person would call the "surgeon's complex." In general, architects think that they are above. I think that is why you may see it immersed in the profession.

Nov 9, 08 11:36 pm  · 

I've got two theories going here...

#1, high intelligence + creativity = high libido. We just want sex a lot, so well, sometimes that leads to multiple people.

#2, long hours distance people from their primary relationships mentally, so it is easier to fall into a secondary or tertiary thing.

None of that makes it great, but it happens.

Nov 10, 08 12:20 am  · 

I think its just part of being human, it really does not matter what profession you are in. Those burritos you bought from taco bell could have been made with special love from the employees behind the counter.

Nov 10, 08 12:34 am  · 

Well, if you're capable of putting your heart and soul into more than one architectural project simultaneously... and one might argue that all committed architects have a faithfulness divided between persons and things.
As for myself, I don't have a significant other, which leaves me free to flirt with everyone ;-p

Nov 10, 08 12:20 pm  · 

lol@rationalist theories and somehow it makes sense however #1 is missing + beaustiful creatures(of course style wise)

well i don’t work in the architecture area yet (still studying) however I work in office environment and such things fly about and mainly I close the books on that by justifying as false gossip however if such thing is truly occurring in peoples life than its not for me to judge anyone else action or talk about for that matter, as far as i can see no one is immune to mistakes! so i can only offer them my prayers for them to see whats best for their family.

Nov 10, 08 12:21 pm  · 

"It's only a Move E."

Nov 10, 08 5:34 pm  · 
"It seems like in the profession of architecture that there is a fairly high amount of infidelity going on."

Now that's what I like to see... one person's anecdotal observation expanded into an unproven generalization about an entire profession.

Nov 10, 08 6:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL, citizen! I'm trying to wean myself of making those kinds of generalizations as I get older.

People from all walks of life have relationships as varied as they are numerous. Architects are no more or less special in this regard than is anyone else.

That said, I've personally never walked in on the boss or anyone in flagrante delicto, but have heard several funny stories about cad monkeys who have!

Nov 10, 08 7:03 pm  · 

That's my other pseudonym, LB: Flagrante Delicto, AIA

Nov 10, 08 7:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Now that *would* be a good name for an architect!

Nov 10, 08 7:25 pm  · 

Something I've never been comfortable with is my admiration for the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn and my utter disgust with their raging infidelity. And doesn't Rem openly have two women? Which like SurfaceS said, is not really infidelity if it's open but that doesn't stop me from thinking they are slimey people. When I think that people are slimey I tend to think a lot less of their work. And that's too bad.

Nov 10, 08 7:48 pm  · 

I'm going to have agree with abc91686. I don't think it's because of intelligence or hard work or any other sort of self-serving answer. I think it's because a lot of architects seem to have a god-complex. They create therefore they are above the common man and his petty morality.

Nov 10, 08 7:59 pm  · 

How architects could have a god complex is beyond me, unfortunately I've met and worked for architects who do...

Nov 10, 08 8:01 pm  · 

the acronym for one of my previous jobs phonically interpretted as GOD

Nov 10, 08 8:05 pm  · 

I think it is a matter of cognitive dissonance. We have been taught to be critical of everything. Because of this, we can find value in parts of whole without having to accept (or deny) it entirely. We recognize what is good and what is bad about things. We can rationalize things very well and argue benefits and then where things fail. We suggest that things can somehow behave simultaneously in diametrically opposed ways. We adapt these concepts to our lives...and then apply them to how we treat and interact with people.

Nov 10, 08 10:27 pm  · 
liberty bell
we can find value in parts of whole without having to accept (or deny) it entirely.

Well that's a positive spin on that aspect of my critical abilities - I typically refer to it in myself as being "wishy washy".

BTW, I misspelled above - it's en flagrante delicto.

Nov 10, 08 10:33 pm  · 

I don't think it has anything to do with architects or creativity. Its got everything to do with being in a position of power or authority and the sense of entitlement that comes with it.

If we're going to generalize professions, we ain't got nothing on politicians, upper managerment, lawyers, musicians, actors, directors, producers...

Nov 11, 08 6:16 pm  · 

watch "MY ARCHITECT" seems Kahn knew how to do it

Nov 11, 08 6:28 pm  · 

Because, apparently, we're a sexy profession:

I was in a bar the other week chatting with a lady, who told me she was an architect when I asked. My exact response: "no shit!"

Nov 11, 08 7:00 pm  · 

All that black clothing we wear must have a slimming effect...

Nov 11, 08 7:46 pm  · 

...if not a sliming effect...

Nov 11, 08 7:47 pm  · 
le bossman

my theory is that architects probably don't cheat anymore than anyone else, but like many things architects brag about, they work to advance the mystique of their exaggerated sexual exploits, purely as a consequence of their own arrogance and inflated self-image. it all fits in with the whole intelligent, rich, famous, superstar image thing, and like all that it is just a bunch of crap.

Nov 12, 08 12:21 am  · 

i dunno...

ive met lots of architects who seem quite asexual....
but perhaps that is their allure?

Nov 19, 08 4:36 pm  · 

from the 'how not to design crap' thread

I once worked for an architect who told me that if a couple are having problems in their relationship they'll do two things: have a baby, or embark on some big building project.

with an architect, you can do both...

Nov 19, 08 11:27 pm  · 

Ive had 3 "lovers" in the mth of November

This past weekend...I was used. It felt good! ;-)

Nov 20, 08 4:45 pm  · 

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