
Anheuser-Busch Inbev


While not as big of news outside of STL, Anheuser-Busch buyout by Belgian brewer InBeV finalized:

Jul 14, 08 3:17 pm

actually i think it was pretty big across the country. top of the internet news headlines here, anyway.

if they need to do some cost-cutting by using one recipe and start putting beck's in my bud bottle, i'm ok with that.

Jul 14, 08 3:25 pm  · 

yeah, can we please loose the rice filler in the bud please?

Jul 14, 08 3:27 pm  · 

makes sense the Belgians are masters at this social contract drink

Jul 14, 08 4:08 pm  · 

From what i've heard its the Brazilians at InBev who are behind the wheelin' and dealin'

Jul 14, 08 4:11 pm  · 

Brazilians do know how to make an excellent pilsner beer....

Jul 14, 08 8:19 pm  · 

i thought that when Ambev became Inbev, I'd be able to drink Brahma's here in the US...who knows, maybe now...

nothing like a stupidly cold brazilian pilsner during a hot summer afternoon...

Jul 14, 08 10:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Maybe the Belgians will finally teach Anheuser-Busch how to make decent beer.

Jul 15, 08 7:16 am  · 

hey now! no dissin' the King of Beers. As an American style Lager, it really is pretty ok -- and on a hot summer day there is nothing better with a bbq porksteak than a BUD. Really. It's a STL thing.

I'm thinking one outcome of the takeover is that InBev will utilize AB's massive distribution network to put Stella, Becks, Bass, and Brahma into every corner bar around. That could be a good thing, though the downside may mean less room for microbrews and other independents.

Jul 15, 08 7:33 am  · 

From an investment perspective I'm surprised InBev is taking on the massive debt to buy AB. The US beer market is flat to declining and all the other majors have needed to constantly merge operations to survive. AB was doing ok on their size alone, but they were having cutbacks too. The Bud distribution network is good, but InBev already was partnering through AB on that - notice that Stella is in every corner bar these days?

As for the beer, it's a loss. Not that Bud is a great beer, but InBev has killed some good ones. Hoegarrden was a heck of beer before InBev mass marketed them all over the globe. They homogenize the beer market until nothing is local anymore, nor unique.

I'm a fan of the local hometown beer. Not Bud, but hometown as in micros. I'll drink those as long as they can survive. If those fail then I'm home brewing.

Jul 15, 08 9:03 am  · 

that is because people have realized beer is a toxin that destroys more cells than crack and are changing their habits.

Jul 15, 08 11:27 am  · 

"Beer destroys more cells than crack"

...yeah, OK then...

Jul 15, 08 12:50 pm  · 

it destroys more cells than all drugs, so i have discovered

see Oxidation

Jul 15, 08 1:02 pm  · 

Damnit Antisthenes.

first you take away my autocad, then you take away my religion. after that you took away my support for the iraq war and president bush, and still you weren't done. you took away my car, you even took away my normal bike because it wasn't as good as your electric bike, then you took away my support for Obama!

but now beer? really? are you looking for a riot to break out around here?

because this, my friend, is the last straw. i have drawn a line in the sand beyond which you do not cross. this is no longer about the chinaman.

beer destroys more cells than crack? you are totally out of your mind. as if it weren't true already, you have now officially thrown every statement you have ever made into doubt. find me someone who smokes crack casually for twenty years like i've been beer-drinking and we'll see who's better at sudoku. kay?

if it were up to you, all we'd have is Rhino and Brights, huh? awesome.

sounds real fun dude. maybe, i was thinking though, can i get a BJ from Rhino? did someone write a script for that yet?

Jul 15, 08 2:51 pm  · 


hear hear, mightylittle! if i didn't have architecture, beer would be my second choice for religion.

Jul 15, 08 2:56 pm  · 

hey they go hand in hand i think you would have a hard time finding a double blind placebo for a study on that

Jul 15, 08 4:05 pm  · 

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are small, highly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules that are naturally generated in small amounts during the body's metabolic reactions and can react with and damage complex cellular molecules such as fats, proteins, or DNA. Alcohol promotes the generation of ROS and/or interferes with the body's normal defense mechanisms against these compounds through numerous processes

I'm just saying i am Belgian i know the reason for the popularity and wide use of alcohol to make the masses more easy to trick and control since the early years after we sacked rome and started holy rome

that's all

no harm intended just awareness
Jul 15, 08 4:09 pm  · 

i mean what would you do if you had a bunch of 'barbarians' to convert ?

Jul 15, 08 4:10 pm  · 

well, in those days I would have made them drink the water, which was WAY more dangerous than the beer.

Jul 15, 08 4:19 pm  · 

you don't want to kill your fellow heathens just make them confused and accept christ

Jul 15, 08 4:23 pm  · 


You just made my day man.

Jul 15, 08 4:36 pm  · 


and hey i am not taking, WE are sharing in....

PS we are all already Brights ;) just some don't know it yet.
up to nature, not I.

Jul 15, 08 6:02 pm  · 

gee, that's so sweet
;) to you too
great soul in the sky
or wherever,

Jul 16, 08 12:30 am  · 

"well, in those days I would have made them drink the water, which was WAY more dangerous than the beer."

Actually beer (and wine in the south) was first brewed in europe BECAUSE the water was so unhygienic, the alcohol in the beer killed off parasites and bacteria in the water.

Besides I don't care if beer is good or bad, it just tastes soooo damn goood, crack just doesn't have that loverly flavor, plus you can't savor crack, nor can you enjoy crack with a steak hmmmmm loverly loverly steak slobber....Man I love dead cattle yum yum yum!!!

Jul 16, 08 9:35 am  · 

I just learned that the head of the company is Brazilian...So maybe
the world is going Brazilian.....There are also four members of the
Board of Directors which are Brazilian....So I would say it is a Brazilian Move.....

Jul 16, 08 11:07 am  · 

Oh ya and most of them are Harvard Graduates.....School of Business
and are on the Board of Advisors for the Graduate School of Business.

Jul 16, 08 11:12 am  · 

CEO Carlos Brito is Brazilian, and a graduate of Stanford

Jul 16, 08 11:42 am  · 
Actually beer (and wine in the south) was first brewed in europe BECAUSE the water was so unhygienic

zig, the first brewers were the Eqyptians, and there were probably folks makin' caveman hooch before them.

Jul 16, 08 11:50 am  · 

what about the Inca?

Jul 16, 08 1:23 pm  · 

"Oh ya and most of them are Harvard Graduates.....School of Business
and are on the Board of Advisors for the Graduate School of Business."

So does that mean if I want to live out my dream of being the CEO of the most magical place on earth I have to go to ivy league.....hmmmmm.....student debt here I come.

Egyptians are european, well close enough, and it was still for the same reason, the water contained too many parasites unless boiled.

Didn't the Incas used to eat dog, I'm not sure how well that washes down with a beer, I figure dogs would be kinda gamey and chewy cats too, plus they have all those little bones. Ostriches and crocodiles now those two meats go very well with beer, hmmmm reptiles

Jul 16, 08 2:29 pm  · 

"Eqyptians are European"

I'm sorry, I thought Egypt was in Africa.

I also have to say your statement also sounds borderline racist, so it may be a good idea to elaborate on your thesis.

Jul 16, 08 2:52 pm  · 
Jul 16, 08 3:00 pm  · 

I guess the other guy who backed carlos was a Harvard Graduate:

Jul 16, 08 5:22 pm  · 

i don't think the inca had dogs
they had llama as their only semi domesticated animal as far as i know

we could look it up

they were completely genocided out of existence as a culture we do know that.
they eat Quinoa the highest protein on earth too. and brewed beer at the sky cities

The breathtaking site of Machu Picchu was constructed by Inca engineers. The stone temples constructed by the Inca used a mortarless construction that fit together so well that you couldn't fit a knife through the stonework.

In ancient Peru, women made the beer
Archaeologists reconstruct last days of a pre-Inca brewery
Jul 16, 08 5:43 pm  · 

Anti, the Incan people weren't completely wiped out. Peru still has many ethnic Indians. Although they are treated like second-class citizen in many instances.

They still brew some killer corn hooch. If memory serves, chicha beer tastes more like sweet wine than ever-popular lager.

Jul 16, 08 5:53 pm  · 

it appears they got it from the Wari

"The Wari empire went out with a bang, researchers say."
"They knew they were pulling out and they had a big bonfire,"
They destroyed the site in an elaborate closing rite, setting fire to the entire brewery and throwing their ceramic drinking vessels onto its burning embers.
ancient brewery from a vanished empire was staffed by elite women who were selected for their beauty, a new study concludes.
There's a lot of equality in terms of how men and women drink in the highlands of Andes," "Women will get as rip-roaring drunk, if not more so, than men."

sounds like fun?

Jul 16, 08 6:28 pm  · 

Jorge Paulo that is a Harvard Man....he was smart enough to bankroll Carlos his first year at stanford....the rest is HISTORY....good bye Augie!

Jul 16, 08 6:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i love budweiser so this is sad news to me

Jul 16, 08 10:58 pm  · 

the only change is no more Cindy Mccain puddles be happy

Jul 17, 08 12:36 pm  · 

Apurimac....borderline racist? huh? me? part-Jewish anti-Semite? maybe, but borderline racist! Me? Never! I go all out baby, it's full racist or nothing...that's just how I roll. My brother from anudder mudder.

Also chat to any Egyptian and they will tell you they have more in common with Europe and the Mediterranean than with Africa.
Get yer cultural contexts up to snuff my race hate fuel providing friend.

Also to fuel the beer fire, Ans Busch brews crap anyway, maybe a hook up with Inbev will inject some class and taste into that pig swizzle. I amy actually BUY a Bud rather than take em if that's all that's available and no other variety of beer is avialable (hot or cold)....note that the above excludes Miller and Coors (they're even worse)

Jul 17, 08 2:53 pm  · 

why is this such big news? who cares if they are owned by europeans, (1) the beer will be the same (2) americans can still buy shares in the company and thus profit off of it (3) all the americans working at the factories will still be employed. also, bud really isn't very good, does anyone actually have an attachment to it? i've never actually bought one, only drank it sometimes at parties because that's what my cheapo hosts bought.

Jul 17, 08 4:39 pm  · 

In the early kingdoms of ancient Egypt, the Eqyptians were of much darker color than they are now. Beer, my euro-centric friend, is an African Invention. Culturally there were no civilizations in Europe when the Egyptian civilization began. The only thing that would come close were the civilizations in the Mid-East. Frankly (and i think most Modern Eqyptians would agree), Europe has more in common with Egypt than Egypt has in common with Europe as all of European civilization was copied from the Eqyptian/Mesopotamian model.

Jul 17, 08 4:59 pm  · 

so according to archaeological evidence who brewed it first?

Jul 17, 08 5:38 pm  · 

The Sumerians in Iraq

Between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, some humans discontinued their nomadic hunting and gathering and settled down to farm. Grain was the first domesticated crop that started that farming process.

The oldest proven records of brewing are about 6,000 years old and refer to the Sumerians. Sumeria lay between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers including Southern Mesopotamia and the ancient cities of Babylon and Ur. It is said that the Sumerians discovered the fermentation process by chance.

The Babylonians became the rulers of Mesopotamia after the Sumerian empire collapsed during the 2nd millennium bc. Their culture was derived from that of the Sumerians, and as a consequence of this, they also mastered the art of brewing beer. Today we know that the Babylonians new how to brew 20 different types of beer.

Beer from Babylon was exported and distributed as far away as Egypt. Hammurabi, an important Babylonian King, decreed the oldest known collection of laws. One of these laws established a daily beer ration. This ration was dependent on the social standing of the individual, a normal worker received 2 liters, civil servants 3 liters, administrators and high priests 5 liters per day. In these ancient times beer was often not sold, but used as barter

The Egyptians carried on the tradition of beer brewing. The importance of beer brewing in ancient Egypt can be seen from the fact that the scribes created an extra hieroglyph for "brewer".

answered my own question...

Jul 17, 08 5:43 pm  · 

The Egyptians, to my knowledge, were the first brewers. However I am not ruling out the possibility that people were brewing caveman hooch before them.

Jul 17, 08 5:47 pm  · 

Well, it appears Anti has educated us all then. So he's good for something mightylittle!

Jul 17, 08 5:49 pm  · 


Fermentation is an amazing procress.

i learned allot about it the other day.

my mother makes dried kim chi crackers and kombucha, the health benefits are amazing. so far as using cooked gluten to do it i am not so sure i would much rather know my grains are raw or sprouted before fermented

Jul 17, 08 6:00 pm  · 

I think I used a warm bud to shave with once when I was on the beach in Mexico.....lubed the beard right up good... then the
farrel dog came along and licked it I was talking to da Man.

Jul 17, 08 6:11 pm  · 

hehehe I love the pic, it looks like a bad Black Panther recruiting poster or like one of those tourists who used to come over to find their 'roots'.

By the by, most middle easterners today are lily white, they are not the angry looking unshaven bomb loving fanatics 'Crap news network' paints them out to be. They're actually pretty awesome people unless you happen to slip up and call an Arab a Persian and vice versa.

Also I tried my own rendition of caveman hooch before, with fermented pears and raspberries from the didn't turn out so well....not soooo well at all

Jul 18, 08 8:13 am  · 

I'll be sure to call an Algerian European (or maybe even french) the next time I come across one.

Jul 18, 08 10:10 am  · 

hehehe tell me how that works out for you, and don't forget to mention your support for the deposed French Algerian military junta.

Jul 18, 08 12:52 pm  · 

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