
Best studio tools


so I'm starting studio 1 this semester, and I thought I'd ask some more experienced people about the best tools such as drafting tools, xacto knifes, glue gun, modeling saw and mitering box. I'm sure I could figure it out myself but I'd rather buy the right stuff the first time. Anyways, what I'm looking for is specifice brands and models, and why it works better, thanks

Sep 20, 04 9:59 pm

your prof will give you a list of required supplies... as time goes on you will develop your own style of creating work, thus influencing what type and kind of supplies you will need... keep in mind , that every semester you are going to have to spend a lot of $$ on supplies...

Sep 20, 04 10:12 pm  · 

southern comfort will become your best friend...

my favorite model material: soap

Sep 20, 04 10:26 pm  · 
Mission St.

Olfa cutter, X-Acto knife, Band-Aids (they're closely related). Alumi-Cutter ruler (the raised edge *might* help you keep your fingertips a while longer).

Bass Ale,

dumpster dive for your materials. and/or become friends with lots of the thesis students, i've received 100's of dollars worth of material (basswood, foam core, metal) from graduating students who just wanted to be rid of the stuff.

Sep 20, 04 11:51 pm  · 

all except for the bass ale, missions st. has got the master list so far. follow his advice and you can't go's a thought, give the bass ale to the thesis students and save the good stuff for yourself (aka vodka)...good luck with studio 1

Sep 21, 04 8:53 am  · 

besides always keeping a lot of #10/11 exacto blades on hand (sure they're like 25$/box but your model craft will suffer w/o frequent blade changes), i don't go anywhere without a small aluminum 30/60/90 triangle; indispensible for model making and keeping corners square. also, when you buy a steel yourself a favor and buy one like a C-thru brand that has graduated markings all the way to the'll thank yourself.

BTW...those exacto saw/miter box combos are usually of very poor quality in terms of precise angle cutting...unless you plan on buying a new miter box every year...the aluminum is just too soft and you get 'blade wobble'.

if you have a wood/metal shop at school...LEARN HOW TO USE IT EARLY! it will become your best means of production...learn how to make jigs and 'gang cutting/sanding, etc."'ll save yourself some serious time.

i will back up the Bass Ale and SoCo suggestions, although PBR was good enough on a studio-goers budget. mmmm.... studio desk/kegerator....

Sep 21, 04 9:35 am  · 

Looking back my drawing board was the most important purchase (although I ‘acquired’ mine from arch school). Draw with it, build models on it, sleep under it, play my decks on it etc.

Now it’s my laptop. Draw on it, write on it, watch porn on it, play my decks through it etc.

Sep 21, 04 9:40 am  · 

You could become the studio clepto...sneak in late at night when everyone is passed out from fatigue and snag their supplies. My favorite tool was the vyco on my drafting table. Late one night I discovered that slicing a long thin strip off and then whipping studio mates with it was very a very amusing break from building a model.

x-acto blades are nice but when you just gotta cut shit I had a big stanely utility knife. Not great for model precision but good for cutting yourself with.

Sep 21, 04 11:11 am  · 

Check out your local model plane store for some good strong super glue. We buy our supply for this store called wings & things. The guy has this big bottle of extremely toxic but highly effective glue. And if you’re really in a hurry you can buy the accelerator that dries it in milliseconds. Just don't get to close to the fumes created by the accelerator (there a serious chemical reaction going on there). My eyes were on fire for 3 days last week.

The airplane shop also has imitation x-acto blades 12 bucks per 100.

Sep 21, 04 11:33 am  · 

You probably want and architect's scale.

Sep 21, 04 2:04 pm  · 

screw the vodka and beer, smuggle in some absinthe, get sugar cubes, glass and the spoon, studio and the bad projects around you will seem like a distant memory...

Sep 21, 04 10:03 pm  · 

a fridge that fits cases and cases of beverages

Sep 21, 04 10:05 pm  · 

and expensive glues

Sep 21, 04 10:06 pm  · 

the boxes of Xacto blades easily fit into the average pants pocket without a noticable bulge...

Sep 21, 04 10:44 pm  · 


x-acto w/ plenty of blades
olfa cutter w/ snap-off blades
long stainless steel straight edge
short stainless steel straight edge
stainless steel 30-60-90 & 45 triangles\
tacky glue

mayline (@ least 48")
good pencils
good pens
drafting tape

plenty of rolls of trace
colored pencils

you can all probably tell i'm really bored right now!

Sep 21, 04 11:47 pm  · 
bryan boyer

It's pricey but... All Hail The Pacific Arc!!

also: pentel makes very good price/performance drafting pencils.

Sep 22, 04 2:38 am  · 

Cross Tops And a Dew will Do more for You.
2B Pencil and Alot of Talent is All You Need.

Without Talent all you are is a Hack.
That is a copyrighted Starkasim.

Sep 22, 04 9:11 am  · 

Autodesk Alias Studio Tools

Apr 29, 08 8:02 pm  · 

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