
Should Archinect Enact a "No Name Change" Policy?


This name changing business is getting out of hand. Yesterday, one fairly racist poster here, formerly named "Pimpanzee," changed his name to "[Beta]Hussein____" which is extremely close to the name of another poster "[Beta]Hussein__" (note the extra dash.)

Then he started posting a bunch of semi-racist garbage, masquerading as the real "[Beta]Hussein__", who had to change his name to "betadinesutures."

There are other posters who change their names on a regular basis, and are thus in a sense not accountable for their comments, because no one can recognize them.

Can Archinect just enact a policy that the name you start with is the name you're stuck with, to avoid trolls like "Pimpanzee"?

May 8, 08 9:11 am

how exactly would you enforce this farwest1?

most email accounts are free, and thats all you need to register. Even if you enacted some sort of rule that once a logon name is tied to an email address it cant be changed, there would be no way of preventing people from doing exactly what you described above...

May 8, 08 9:59 am  · 

Just don't allow people to change their names once they've set up an account. If they want to start a new account, fine. But on existing accounts, there should be accountability.

May 8, 08 10:07 am  · 
Living in Gin

There's two different issues being described: name changes, and sock puppets.

On another board I frequent, they allowed name changes until somebody began abusing the system the same way Pimpanzee did. As a result, they disabled the ability to change names, although they have occasional "name change amnesty" periods about once or twice a year.

A sock puppet is when the same person sets up multiple identities on a discussion board, which can also lead to abuse. This practice is strictly banned on most other boards I frequent, but seems to be allowed here on Archinect. Although one can easily create multiple accounts using multiple email addresses, most sock puppets can be detected by tracking IP addresses.

May 8, 08 10:21 am  · 

the guy couldve always just started another account with another computer

or just made his first account under name X

the real issue is why there are so many underscores after hussein haha

May 8, 08 11:08 am  · 

This is interesting on at least two fronts.

First, welcome to the anonymous public sphere. No identity, no rules (to speak of), no limits, no (real) consequences.

Second, the anonymity is layered. Participants create a screen name with no other identifying information. Yet, some post and participate quite a bit under their screen moniker, and thereby create a limited kind of identity anyway. One's "good (screen) name" can be sullied by someone else within the culture and limits of this website, but their actual, full identity still is not known.

I love the internet.

May 8, 08 11:09 am  · 

I think you're missing something: betadinesutures was his original name here in the first place. I think you're maybe making too big a deal out of this, and should chill out. It's just the internet (says the girl with like, a million posts here, ha!).

May 8, 08 11:15 am  · 

More than anything, the name changes are just irritating. On a forum like this, you come to trust and distrust certain people -- they have an identity in a sense, based almost solely on their screenname.

I know, for instance, that I often agree with treekiller and But if they changed their names every couple of days, how would I identify them as "friends"?

And then there are the cases of people with odious views, like Pimpanzee. He should at least be accountable by having a fixed name: otherwise, he's able to become a doppelganger of every other poster on this forum, or make it appear that his racist, bigoted views have "strength in numbers," when it's just him. Good fun, sure, but it messes up the idea of a conversational commons, where people are held accountable for their opinions.

Of course, he could go and get another account, but that would take some work--he strikes me as a lazy person.

May 8, 08 11:32 am  · 

Screen-names should be allowed to attach advertisements.

May 8, 08 11:46 am  · 

shock me thats not a bad idea...

established members should be allowed to cash in on their hard work...

say for instance the venerable Vado says "Say, Mariah Carey's album is hot! You should check it! out!" people will listen... he should get paid for his plug...

just a thought...

May 8, 08 11:53 am  · 

How do you know Pimpanzee is a "him"?

May 8, 08 11:55 am  · 
vado retro

this is amerika and every citizen has the right to be an asshole. who is mariah carey?

May 8, 08 12:05 pm  · 

shhhhhh just plug the merchandise....... they gotta move product for you to get paid

May 8, 08 12:07 pm  · 

Looks like one can no longer change screen-names.

May 8, 08 12:22 pm  · 
won and done williams


this is a non-issue.

May 8, 08 12:23 pm  · 

pimpanzee said that she is she...
and's a non issue as long as the screen name is dissimilar to anyone elses...not that it really matters what we think of each other necessarily..but since this place is less and less anonymous with people actually getting to know one another i could see there bein a problem.

overall i'm not sure which i find more offensive...pimpanzee's comments or beta's responses.

May 8, 08 12:32 pm  · 

You should trace the screen name with an IP address. It's how we do it at the forum I moderate.

May 8, 08 12:36 pm  · 
won and done williams
it's a non issue as long as the screen name is dissimilar to anyone elses

i agree with that, but this is an isolated incident by a chronic troublemaker. for the most part, name changes here are simply for amusement. i've never been bothered by them and actually enjoy the process of figuring out who's who. i find it silly that a fairly major change to the profile editing features is being made based on this one incident. seems like an overreaction in my book.

May 8, 08 12:37 pm  · 

vado's the walrus

May 8, 08 12:43 pm  · 

I think no one should be allowed to change their names except Lauf, his names always crack me up.

May 8, 08 1:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't mind the name-changing because i don't do it myself and i don't really pay much attention to who is posting anyhow. i usual respond to the comment rather than the poster. actually that's not usually right either, most of the time i just post whatever is on my mind regardless

oh...and i find it especially amusing when vindpust calls me "poodles"

May 8, 08 1:08 pm  · 


it might just be that from now on we'll all have to see metamechanics(member). Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

May 8, 08 1:09 pm  · 

i love you guys. please don't fight.

May 8, 08 1:14 pm  · 

let's all just remember that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

or a racist bigot, depends on the name i guess. never mind.

May 8, 08 1:30 pm  · 

I tried to change my name once but couldn't do it. I was afraid you guys wouldn't recognize me.

That said, I've found the name changing episodes fairly amusing, unless it's started by a douche bag, in which case I think said individual should only be allowed to change their name to "douche bag"

May 8, 08 2:53 pm  · 
Mission St.

You're kidding? I want to go back to anonymous posting! Or, a mix of registered and anonymous posting.

May 8, 08 3:25 pm  · 

If you ignore trolls they go away.

Frankly, I find pimpanzee's antics and beta's responses amusing although the name change this was really annoying.

I never thought pimpanzee was that big of a bigot anyway, she/he makes ignorant statements just to piss you guys off sure, but I havent read anything really overtly racist come out of his/her mouth.

Now mdler on the other hand, that guy is a fuckin' racist. What's his problem with latinos anyway? I think he needs to move out of L.A.

May 8, 08 3:37 pm  · 

I think everyone's screen name should be "Bruce"...that would clear up any confusion.

Now to drink me a Foster's, mate.

May 8, 08 5:36 pm  · 

i dont take anything that ppl say here seriously anyways

May 8, 08 5:43 pm  · 

that's cuz you're a grad app!

May 8, 08 6:11 pm  · 

the internets is serious business goddamn it, everything said on the internets is serious fucking business.

May 8, 08 6:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL, both phuyake and DubK!

May 8, 08 6:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, phyaka.

May 8, 08 6:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, phuyaka, for screwing up the spelling of your name twice.

And that, kids, is how one gets to nearly 8,000 posts!

May 8, 08 6:20 pm  · 

actually, i like phuyake...makes phuyaka sound past tense.

maybe i'll change my name...

May 8, 08 6:21 pm  · 

And here I was just gonna change my name to Otomatapia Me.

May 8, 08 6:23 pm  · 

i kind of like phuyaked

May 8, 08 6:44 pm  · 

ρλůΥΔĸęĐ. i like it

May 8, 08 6:59 pm  · 

I am still for introducing archinect avatars,...

Then the trolls can put small photos of swastikas or feces by their names reflecting their unique philosophies graphically, as well ...

May 8, 08 7:48 pm  · 
brian buchalski

there's something a bit shakespearen about changing name/identity...and if you work the back channels you of direct email with fellow archinectors then you can have a wickedly delicious bit of fun a masquerade ball

i miss 'your name' that guy said some crazy things back in the day

and how about some scorn for the "lurkers" who don't identify themselves at all?

May 8, 08 9:43 pm  · 

I do love the masquerade ball aspect of this forum and I don't think we should change our ways just because 1 right-wing troll gets on here and harasses a few of the locals

May 8, 08 9:47 pm  · 

i changed my name once. someone swooped in an took my REAL name. very uncomfortable for a little while there. who knows what might have been said?

May 9, 08 7:56 am  · 

We do know, however, exactly what was "said" in your name, Steven, and it wasn't anything beyond a bit of 'sinister' playfulness. Plus, it was fairly well disclosed that it wasn't really you that was doing the posting. If I could, I'd now change my name to Go a head, think the worst of me.

May 9, 08 8:16 am  · 

all this is a little ironic - if memory serves, there was a fairly healthy debate back when paul was switching the site over and redoing the look/interface/etc. as to whether everyone should be required to post under their 'actual' name. or, at the very least, have to post a real name under their bio's. clearly, the outcome of that is what we have, but the trolling/swapping/sniping, etc. really was worse back then.

i'm all for vigilante justice - if enough people bitch about someone repeatedly hijacking threads or posting purely offensive material, paul will usually deal with it.

May 9, 08 8:53 am  · 
vado retro

the names have been changed to protect the assholes. er i mean innocent.

May 9, 08 9:01 am  · 

Vva, i was lucky that the person who picked up my name was both known and fairly responsible with it. i'm just saying that it could have been different...

May 9, 08 9:13 am  · 

The anonymous nature of archinect forums is why I'm here in the first place. Not because I'm posting anything that I'm ashamed of, but because it gives all people posting a feeling of security that keeps the discussion lively. If everyone were "outed" people would be much more reserved in their opinions, which IMO, would make this a rather boring forum.

The drawback to this is people do have the freedom to be assholes. I've seen the discussion that started this and quite frankly I think both sides were acting a bit childish. If the "trolls" are just ignored they'll move on to another discussion board. Fighting back only encourages them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a healthy debate, but when a discussion devolves to plain old name calling it's time to check-out of that thread.

May 9, 08 9:16 am  · 

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