
Drinking & Architecture


Okay 'necters, most of us do it and it's Friday so let's hear 'em. 

What is your favorite drink to enjoy after a strenuous week? Beer, wine, liquor, moonshine?

For me...

cheap beer - Bud Light or Budweiser

beer             - 420

liquor           - Bourbon (Maker's or Woodford)

May 31, 13 5:53 pm

House red at Caffee Trieste SF or Berk depending on what side of the Bay I am working

May 31, 13 6:08 pm  · 

Ok, I'm going to be an ass. 

I detest beer, and don't like wine.  If I have a drink, and usually at an open bar event or if it's cheap, it's a "greyhound."  It's vodka based and tastes pretty good.

Amazing that people get all pissy that you're perfectly willing to go to a happy hour but that you order a Coke or a Sprite.

Happy Friday!

May 31, 13 6:09 pm  · 


May 31, 13 6:19 pm  · 

also been loving bloody Mary's lately (extra horse radish)

May 31, 13 6:23 pm  · 

haha I LOVE this topic.... Now that the warm weather is here...

Hendrick's and Tonic 

or a wonderful, refreshing beer mmmm:

Ballast Point - Sculpin IPA

Dogfish Head - Aprihop

...or maybe a nice Gueuze (sour beer) or Saison...hmmmmm

May 31, 13 6:27 pm  · 
Save Western

We are right next to a fancy restaurant that sells a huge range of wine and liquor drinks as well as a miller highlife in a custom made koozie. So, the Friday drink of choice is naturally a miller highlife in a koozie.

May 31, 13 6:37 pm  · 

Hops for summer.. quads are nice in the evening sometimes..

Firestone Walker's Double Jack really hits the spot..

Sierra Nevada's torpedo (or better yet, hoptimum), a Dogfish 90 min, or an Ithaca Flower Power can make me just as happy.

some readily available Quad highlights:

St. Bernardus Abt. 12, and anything by Ommegang


too many good ones..  I could probably reply 2 or 3 more times over the next week. Right now it's 90 degrees, and this Lagunitas IPA is just right.

...and I too enjoy a greyhound, especially if there is nothing hoppy on tap.  Very refreshing.  In fact, I'll make one of those when this beer is gone.

May 31, 13 6:55 pm  · 

Spicy margarita with jalapeno.

One margarita, two margarita, three margarita, floor.

May 31, 13 7:04 pm  · 

Hendrick's + Jalapeno + Cucumber + Lime + Simple Syrup + Club Soda... YUM!!!!

May 31, 13 7:08 pm  · 


i gave up budweiser after they sold to the belgians.  pretty sure i'm not a hipster.  i just like the part of the can that says "union made  recycled aluminum"

May 31, 13 7:14 pm  · 
sipping a bourbon right now!
May 31, 13 7:37 pm  · 
Tequila shots...salt, tequila, then line as usual. If going with a nicer, smoother brand, say Patron, the lime may be unnecessary.

Does anyone have drinks they stay away from because of...say, bad experiences?
May 31, 13 8:19 pm  · 
vado retro

abitas, st arnolds lawnmower, lazy magnolia southern pecan and sazeracs.

May 31, 13 8:28 pm  · 

Hoegaarden on tap and outdoor seating. Or Rioja/Tempranillo and tapas. 

May 31, 13 8:41 pm  · 

I feel hopelessly unsophisticated after reading some of these.  I recently learned that, in fine dining, you're supposed to sniff the cork when the sommelier opens up a new bottle of wine for you.  A waiter in a nice Italian restaurant on one side or the other of Central Park called me on my etiquette because I stacked my plates, making it easier for him to clear our table.  I was 24 then!  My boss, who was a bitch, actually got pissed and stiffed him of his tip for that.  That was cool of her.

May 31, 13 8:52 pm  · 
As a middle-aged woman wine is my go-to after five when I'm similtaneously making dinner/dealing with homework/feeding dog/all the other domestic chores that must happen. White in warm weather, red in cold.

But when I'm relaxing with a drink it's bourbon with light ice. Right now I have Knob Creek, Town Branch, and the sublimely amazing Woodford Double Oaked all open in my cabinet.

Also, I made some limoncello in March with lemons my parents sent me from their yard tree. It will make a good hot weather mixer.

After a really good dinner party, before dessert, I serve grappa.
May 31, 13 10:11 pm  · 
Joseph Wassell, I am also a fan of Ommegang.

And I do know how to spell "simultaneously". Wish we could edit posts in the mobile app.
May 31, 13 10:14 pm  · 
Joseph Wassell, I am also a fan of Ommegang.

And I do know how to spell "simultaneously". Wish we could edit posts in the mobile app.
May 31, 13 10:14 pm  · 
Ugh. Double post. Damn phone! I'm not even drinking!!!
May 31, 13 10:15 pm  · 
Miles J knows what's good. Tis' the season for Margaritas w/jalapenos
May 31, 13 10:37 pm  · 

i shoot up

May 31, 13 10:46 pm  · 
boy in a well

I black out

May 31, 13 11:44 pm  · 
boy in a well

(explains most my posts . . .)

May 31, 13 11:44 pm  · 

May 31, 13 11:46 pm  · 
@spike cyclone

I need to do it more
Jun 1, 13 12:01 am  · 

Maybe if I drank, I'd be less uptight.  Actually, I would fall asleep.

Jun 1, 13 12:16 am  · 
boy in a well

a song for observant

Jun 1, 13 1:18 am  · 

While I do appreciate some of the stuff Ommegang produces, I'm not a huge fan of their product....  but that is probably because I'm not a huge fan of Belgium beers.....such a shame!!!!

Jun 1, 13 2:06 am  · 

Curt ....that Belgian Company is run by a bunch of Brazilians....

Jun 2, 13 6:17 pm  · 

Any non-drinkers here, or people who could go without it, or can count how many drinks they've had in their lives?

Jun 2, 13 7:06 pm  · 
I always brew my own, one keg at a time.

Favorite recipes include...

Raspberry Hefe, Weisse Versa, Hoegaarden with a kick and my personal favorite Belgian Tripel.
Jun 3, 13 12:13 am  · 

Depends on what I haven't had in a while...

I'll enjoy a glass of wine most nights, nothing so specific that I can't have a dry nor a sweet... and I'm certainly no wine connoisseur, I just drink it.  A good friend works for Kraftig (great beer), and I'll enjoy a few of those ever so often.  Then there are the White Russians, the Bloody Mary's, my personal favorite (to impressing the ladies)... the Manhattan.

I will also take on a fruity margarita because I am secure with my man hood.


I will admit, I think I've turned the corner in my life that if I never had to do another shot, I will have lived a fulfilling life

Jun 3, 13 10:20 am  · 

I don't drink. I should start now I guess. I am 22. Drinking doesn't interest me... whats a good drink to start with?

Jun 3, 13 10:21 am  · 

cheap beer: sapporo, PBR, leinenkugel's shandy

upscale beer: a saison (summer), or a ipa (winter)

liquor: summer - G&T (Farmer's Botanical, Luxardo maraschino, citrus bitters & tonic); fall/winter - old fashioned (rye), bourbon (Blanton's), scotch (rotation: Ardbeg Uigeadail, Talisker 10, Lagavulin 16)

breakfast/brunch: kir royale or bubbly w/ creme de pampelmousse.

Jun 3, 13 1:07 pm  · 

I'm a whisky drinker. Single malt scotch mostly, but bourbons as well. Islay malts are my favorites, and I like them peaty (e.g. Ardbeg, Laphroaig). But I'm not too picky. There are a few gins I like as well. Bombay Sapphire is very good. Junipero is excellent. I like tequila, but tend to avoid it because it leads to "Hangover"-type situations and embarrassing photo evidence.

When I drink beer (which isn't often), it's got to be so dark it's opaque, and so dense you can stand a fork up in it.

I generally don't drink wine. If it's cheap, it's awful. If it's expensive, whisky's better.

Jun 3, 13 1:26 pm  · 

I don't drink. I should start now I guess. I am 22. Drinking doesn't interest me... whats a good drink to start with?

Three cheers to you for fessing up.  Same here.  I was 21, in college, and, ok, we're at a restaurant/bar in a nice place and I tried a few drinks.  I think I had maybe 3 or 4 drinks in my entire 21 to 22 undergrad experience.

You might like the mixed drinks:  screwdriver, greyhound, or rum and coke.  They are in fact alcoholic but don't taste THAT alcoholic.  In a way, they can fool you.  They're not bad.

Like I said, I will have 1 or 2 if at a reception or presentation, thinking "Cool, something for free I wouldn't ordinarily buy."  If I go to a happy hour, it's usually for the bargain basement food specials, so it's not to drink and I order a soft drink!  (The liquor is supposed to subsidize the food specials).  Also, if I'm having a meal, I'm just looking for liquids to imbibe and, for me, it need not be alcohol.

Jun 3, 13 1:42 pm  · 

thanks observant!

Now i don't feel like my college education is a waste. Apparently people believe that you come to college to learn how to drink. I am going to slowly start out.

Whats so nice about this age is .. even if i never drink, after 24 i can just start saying "man, i quit drinking"

Jun 3, 13 1:48 pm  · 

I will TRY to make this brief.  My parents had a glass of red wine with every meal.  At age 14 or so, I was told that I should get into the habit of having a glass with dinner because it was good for me.  Actually, it does have good properties for your health and some studies show that.  Well, the few times I tried it, I couldn't stand the taste of it. 

Just another "cultural issue" where I can "argue" with my friend curt.  I never understood the importance of drinking in college.  I called the people who bragged about it or constantly talked about it, often with idiotic frat boy delivery, the "Hey wow ... fuck ... man" crowd, as in "Hey wow ... fuck ... man ... we got blitzed at this bar and didn't get carded ... etc. etc."  So stupid.

Fast forward:  I call up one of my cousins overseas.  "When you were in college, was there this whole lore and culture around drinking?"  Answer:  "Nope.  Because it's not prohibited like it is over in the U.S."  People may sit around in a sidewalk cafe and order coffee, a glass of wine, or an aperitif ... and no one even talks about it.  Nor is there pressure.  As it should be.

Jun 3, 13 1:56 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

except in britain of course, in germany, norway, finlad...

Jun 3, 13 2:01 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Home brewed ales, daiquiris and margaritas.

Jun 3, 13 2:03 pm  · 

^ ^

Yep.  And that's why I'm no fan of northern Europe.  Not the topography, climate, beaches, expense, and temperament.

I was referring to Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal, to my knowledge.  I'm sure kids get wasted on Mykonos, Ibiza, and a few other places, but it's not as culturally peer pressured like it is on American, and possibly Canadian, campuses.  That's why large American urban universities are better.  You can live away from the campus, pick your friends among a diverse* crowd, and not conform to a lot of the stupidity.

* diverse = multifaceted

Jun 3, 13 2:05 pm  · 

where i come from,Alcohol is banned because our homeboy Gandhi didn't like alcohol. So reason that i don't drink is partially the culture difference

Jun 3, 13 2:06 pm  · 

Getting "hammered" in college taught me one very important lesson... know your limits.  I think that's an important line to stress.  Drinking with clients, co-workers, people in general is socially acceptable, and if you're attune to a variety of drinks, you're more likely to be accepted by others.

Take for instance, my boss orders a dark beer.  Guess what I should probably order?  The reason why is comfort and communication.  The conversation can start with the beer and go on from there.  Who knows what message I send when I order something else.  It's something I learned while I was a car salesman... dress to your clientele.  Instead of risking a mis-interpretation... follow their lead.  Who knows what they'll think if you order hard liquor... possibly and alcoholic, possibly prone to depression... stereotypes.  Maybe you order a wine while they order a beer.  Talk about overstepping the class.

 Long ago, I learned to treat everyone in the business world as if they were my client.  Great philosophy, it's served me very well.  Makes it easier to work with people and not deal with unnecessary drama.  People hate stereotypes... personally I love them! gives me a great blueprint how to respond, because if they exist, I know how the majority perceives certain actions.  If you're not utilizing these tools readily available, you're wasting your talents

Jun 3, 13 2:15 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

weekend...clubbing and pubbing...wee hours of the early morning...zombie boys and zombie girls staggering back on their way home, screetching and bawling at each other, crying and giggling hysterically, furiously lashing out at each other like pitbulls, desperate haggling anyone and anything to fuck them into a complete stupor.  later, you wake up to shards of glass everwhere, crusts of vomit laced with urine at the foot of every lamp post. every weekend, this orgiac purging of vomit, urine, semen, blood, sweat...every week, this baptism of britannia with body liquids.

Jun 3, 13 2:36 pm  · 

Templeton Rye on the rocks.  Pretty simple and fantastic.

Jun 3, 13 2:47 pm  · 

Drinking with clients, co-workers, people in general is socially acceptable, and if you're attune to a variety of drinks, you're more likely to be accepted by others.

People hate stereotypes... personally I love them! gives me a great blueprint how to respond, because if they exist, I know how the majority perceives certain actions. 

I totally agree with you on both counts.

1) a great many educated and worldly people know their liquor, and

2) I also love stereotypes, as long as one applies the 90:10 rule.  If they weren't observed enough times, then they wouldn't become stereotypes.  And one stereotype I know is that liquor and/or golf is used to lubricate many business and professional dealings.  In fact, I used to walk over to the law school to study for my non-design courses.  I befriended someone over there who was telling me about one of his law classes and the law prof who, on the first day of class said, "I don't golf, therefore I teach."

Jun 3, 13 2:52 pm  · 
White Russians
Black Butte for bier.
Jun 3, 13 3:07 pm  · 

My husband never drank, not even in college, not even in a frat, and not to this day.  Nice for me as I have a designated driver everywhere.  

thenewintern, do be careful.  Try simple things first, beer and wine, instead of hard liquor.  if you don't like the feeling of the buzz, then don't drink.  You don't have to to "fit in"; there are lots of recovering alcoholics and people of religious backrgounds that don't do it and these days people are just generally accepting of it.  People don't think it's too weird, and if you're at a table where they pour wine/there's a toast, you can have a sip and give the rest to someone else who wants it.

Jun 3, 13 6:55 pm  · 

so i enjoy the occasional scotch, and then sometimes it's kentucky brethern.  i drink it with water.  i don't mind blended, but aged is a good thing.  i find there really is a good taste, and sometimes sort of multiple tastes, but if i drink on the rocks it's too harsh so i don't experience that.  maybe if i drink a lot more of it those flavors will come out without water?

Jun 3, 13 7:58 pm  · 

Cheap beer: Yeungling Lager or Hudy Amber Lager.

Expensive beer: Preferably something strong, dark, and Belgian.

Liquor: A glass of Laphroaig 10-year, neat, or an extra-dry Tanqueray Ten martini with just a little dirt.

Jun 3, 13 8:56 pm  · 

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