
Pregnant Man


check this out

if it were possible for me to give birth would i do it?
no thanks

Ladies what do you think
if your husband could, would you let him give birth to ur son
or daughter.

seems a little freakish to me

Mar 31, 08 2:09 pm

a dangit
hang on folks


Mar 31, 08 2:10 pm  · 

Typical Democrat Freak. Maybe he can teach his kids how to mutilate their genitals.

Mar 31, 08 2:18 pm  · 

remeber that episode of the Cosby Show where they gave birth to sandwiches

Mar 31, 08 2:20 pm  · 

so it's already april 1st in australia.

Mar 31, 08 2:24 pm  · 

whats that movie called where arnold schwarzenegger
gets pregnant called?

Mar 31, 08 2:27 pm  · 


Mar 31, 08 2:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

No, no, it's not April Fool's - this story has been out for at least a week, and it's true. The man in question used to be a woman, but when she underwent gender transformation she didn't have surgery on her genitals, so he's now legally male but still has female genitalia including a uterus.

I think this is a wonderful example of how strong is the drive to have children and how flexible gender is.

I heard a beautiful radio segment this weekend on a woman who is medically a chimera - she started out as twins in her mother's uterus, but the two fertilized eggs fused and basically developed as one human. however, she has two sets of DNA - her liver is one set, her blood is another - and when she had blood testing done years after having children they found that while her children match the DNA of some parts of her body, they don't match it in her blood and other parts. SHe's medically two people fused into one.

The human body is utterly astounding, and when we try to label and categorize everything logically we will always, always be able to find something that breaks the "rules".

Mar 31, 08 2:33 pm  · 

actually the guy is transgendered and has all the female organs/genitalia...

it's not really that incredible is it? it's really a more/less complete female who has gender assigned himself as a male.

there is a story at the end there though that talks about a man who is actually pregnant...

Mar 31, 08 2:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I would have to agree with the insurance companies, and call him a her. I mean, s(he) still has her female organs intact, therefor, this is not a male carrying a child. However....

I do know that scientist, and transgenders (male to woman), are looking into how ectopic pregnancies occur, and if a placenta can attach itself to the stomach of a woman, then why not a man. Many women have succesfully brought babies to term with ectopic (pregnancy outside the uterus not necesarily in the falopian tube) pregnancies, they just HAVE to be c-sections.

That, most scientists say no, I won't attemp to impregnate a male, and to them I say thank you. I really dont think the men could handle it. And Im not just talking about the pain of birth, I'm talking about how the female lumbar section of the spine is different thant he males so that we arent thrown of ballance when our center of gravity shifts. I'm talking about the hormonal issues, and the uncomfortablnes of it all. Men generally arent so good at the whole self-sacrifice thing. Yes, that is a sexist thing to say, but generally seems to be true.

I have a feeling that a male body would simply see the attached placenta as a parasite, and do its best to rid itself.

Mar 31, 08 2:37 pm  · 


maybe you could word it a bit differently.

i think that going to work every day and possibly doing a job he hated makes my dad pretty self sacrificing...just as much as my mom decision to stay home. and i think that's true of quite a few fathers.

maybe males aren't as willing to give up their bodies for others..or for childbirth..but then you have that whole war thing where men (now women as well) have laid down their lives for another.

maybe i'm misunderstanding what you're meaning by self-sacrificing..but in my experience it doesn't seem to be true. it is possibly/probably true that men would not be as good with suffering through pregnancy...that i could agree with.

Mar 31, 08 2:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

ok, I jsut looked at the other article, about mr lang, and yeah, Im sorry, its creepy, and I feel like men are trying to take something else away from women. I'm not a feminist by any means, quite the oposite, but I kinda feel like hes stepping on my turf. Actually, I think Im a bit angry over it; maybe I'm just cranky from lack of sleep. That, and him saying being pregnant is so wonderful, when in fact, I was MISERABLE the whole time.

Mar 31, 08 2:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

lars, youre right, I am wording poorly, maybe you can help. Its more of this sacrifice without honour and glory sort of thing.

Ex. Husband gets grossed out when Abram oozes anything more than saliva on him; I dont.

E. Most guys I know get upset when their schedules have to be rearranged because of their kids, where as mom's tend to just take it.

Maybe women are just more apt to let themselves be taken over than men are. I dont really know what Im trying to say.

Mar 31, 08 2:52 pm  · 

you're probably being fair and now that i understand what you're probably don't seem to be quite as good at the things you mentioned...although i've also known alot of young fathers lately that are willing to juggle their schedule and such...but then again you're in the thick of it...and have a lot more experience/knowledge.

Mar 31, 08 3:01 pm  · 

when the child is born and grows up a bit,
what do you tell him or her when it asks
about how babies are born.
my sister says that the same question
applies for gay marraige.

im not sure that it applies for same sex marriage
cause theres obviously two of the same sex,
and explaing the birds and the bees as well as adoption
and/or saragency (if thats a word) is much different
than explaining how dad used to be a lady, yet still
has lady organs and can still give birth

Mar 31, 08 3:05 pm  · 

this was better when lee mingwei did it back in 2002...

Mar 31, 08 3:39 pm  · 

good luck to him

Mar 31, 08 5:58 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I agree with Sarah, this is not a pregnant man it's a testosterone filled woman.

And it seems to me that men are determined to do the absolute one thing that they cannot. Give birth. Personally, I think there are many reasons (both known and unknown) why women have the ability and men don't. Hormones, body structure, mental issues, etc. We're not made the same and trying to artificially do so,(i.e. inject estrogen and testosteraone) could be a complete distaster to the fetus since science still doesn't know the long term effects of babies conceived this way.

CSI had an episode on Chimeras, very fascinating.

Mar 31, 08 6:04 pm  · 

if ('cause the story seems to be in flux a bit...) it's true, and this person is a transgender man and identifies as such it's rude and hurtful to keep referring to him as "her" and a woman. he's a man who's biologically capable of having a child. good luck to him and his wife.

cheers to liberty bell's post above.

Mar 31, 08 9:04 pm  · 

ive always wanted a baby, how do i get one of these male pregnancy things?

Apr 1, 08 1:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

try adoption!

Apr 1, 08 10:08 am  · 

Oh no, guys' bodies could never handle the extra weight on their mid-sections!

Apr 1, 08 1:30 pm  · 


Apr 1, 08 1:35 pm  · 

That guy has a mini gut up near his eye brow. See it? See it???

Apr 1, 08 1:41 pm  · 

put a tap on that belly and beer will spill out...

regarding the pregnancy...has someone invented an external artificial womb yet made out of pipes, tubes, elastic rubber, plexiglass, intraveinous, etc? seems easy... in your face christians!

Apr 1, 08 1:41 pm  · 

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