
Aggregate Chicago


Ive been watching them dig caissons for a couple weeks now. I didnt know what it was going to be - now I wish I hadnt seen it.

Sep 9, 08 12:40 pm  · 
vado retro

deceive them or appease them??? this future architects of the world is, after you've licked your lacan, fondled your foucault and diddle your delanda, is probably what you're gonna be stuck doing as you pay back your loans, question your motives and justify your existence.

Sep 9, 08 3:15 pm  · 
le bossman


i've been searching for firms in the chicago area, and just thought i'd share this website i came across. if there was a ninja section it'd have everything we need. actually the architectural work is rather nice if you ask me.

Sep 12, 08 5:37 pm  · 
le bossman

actually this kind of depresses me because after seeing this website, it has occurred to to me that there is really nothing actually left to do.

Sep 12, 08 5:49 pm  · 

hes from Indiana - we dont claim responsibility

Sep 12, 08 9:47 pm  · 

Why have a giant ferris wheel when you could have a gianter ferris wheel


Sep 13, 08 2:00 am  · 

It is a little difficult to get a sense of the entire building, but this home doesn't look so bad. Not awe inspiring, but I wouldn't call it embarrassing. Though, I can't explain the whole dentistry thing....

Also, I'm all for us getting a bigger, better Ferris wheel, especially if it isn't even tax payer funded. It's our trademark invention, let Chicago show the world know who really invented this thing amazing feature. The view will be spectacular.

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Sep 13, 08 12:42 pm  · 

Sep 13, 08 12:43 pm  · 

Damn nevermind. The linking system on this forum is frustrating.

Sep 13, 08 12:47 pm  · 
vado retro

hey i just heard chicago has been declared a disaster area due to the rain and flooding???

Sep 14, 08 5:23 pm  · 

people are too sensative nowdays. Its late summer - monsoon week - happens every year. Guess what - it will be cold and snowy too in January. a few inches of water in a basement is nothing.

When did people become such big fluffernutters

Sep 14, 08 5:35 pm  · 

yeah it has been intense.


Sep 14, 08 5:35 pm  · 

Cool - the first vid in that link showed the Louis Resevoire in Addison - the first project I ever worked on in any capacity when I was 19 - Awesome!!

Sep 14, 08 5:50 pm  · 

sensitive? peoples homes and cars are under water. It hasn't been a problem in every neighborhood, but that doesn't mean that some people aren't in a lot of trouble.

It doesn't happen every year, since this the largest single day storm on record for Chicago. What are you, the Tough-Storm-Waiter-Outer-Guy? so cool.

Sep 14, 08 5:59 pm  · 

dude - every year des plaines, niles parts of the southside flood - its just life. We are talking about 1 or 2 feet of water in the basement. Its not like a hurricane, earthquake etc. Ya its a lot of water, but it hasnt effected me at all nor anyone I know of in any way thats inconsistent with a typical rain storm.

Sep 14, 08 6:45 pm  · 


He has the best batting average on the team and just threw a no hitter.


And he still breaks his bats over his knee when he strikes out. How does he do that?

Sep 14, 08 11:07 pm  · 

Seriously, what a performance. Nice one Big 'Z'.

Sep 15, 08 8:32 am  · 

Looks like Blair Kamin is stealing my signals again, he got around to discussing 111 West Illinois this week. Erikson Institute

Sep 15, 08 9:36 am  · 

positive... btw... it doesnt happen ever year... the rain fall totals from this weekend are the highest ever recorded...

in 125 years of record keepings

Sep 15, 08 1:19 pm  · 

so, did anyone see how Chicago is America's most stressful city?

i find it odd/funny that they rank 'population density' as a negative attribute.

thats pretty much the reason cities are cities... isnt it?

Sep 18, 08 3:27 pm  · 

Yeah these kinds of studies are always bogus. They randomly select criteria that they deem worthwhile and then assign them relative values to somehow compare them with one another. It is totally arbitrary. I could just as easily come with my own stress metric scale that is weighted heavily on the number of walmarts per square mile, and suddenly the urban areas would look great!

Sep 19, 08 10:49 am  · 

Ive never known Chicago to particularily stressful compared to other cities. It seems about average. Traffic can be bad, but theres ways to avoid it - multiple housing and transportation options. If your comuting 1.5 hours ea way ea day - its your own fault. Some cities like Atlanta have no options. The cost of living is higher than average but not like the coasts. And the people density is what makes the place have so many bars, clubs restaurants etc. that make it fun. Who the hell writes this stuff?

Sep 19, 08 10:58 am  · 
le bossman

you guys know anyone who's hiring in chicago right now? i moved here because of my girlfriend, and it appears that there is basically no work. i've been looking for a month.

le bossman has

m.arch with distinction from michigan
bsd arizona state
idp basically complete
outstanding portfolio of complete academic and professional projects
worked on lots of award winning architecture and design-build projects published in various magazines
capable of managing projects with a high caliber of design, and excellent attention to detail
highly recommended

Oct 7, 08 2:36 pm  · 

smith gil is growing like mad
murphy/jahn is growing

p/w MIGHT be looking to hire if you have as much experience as it would seem.

basically the offices with international work... the offices reliant on local work, as is the case everywhere, are hurting.

Oct 7, 08 3:07 pm  · 
le bossman

as it would seem? what does this mean? i have 4.5 years of experience, and am used to more or less running small projects, although not in dealing with clients as much. i get the impression upon talking with people that i am some sort of a risk for them, as i haven't been building floating airports in dubai. it's like "oh this is really nice work. what about real buildings."

Oct 7, 08 3:25 pm  · 

i was just assuming a certain level of experience based on the years of working, IDP, and the rest of your description.

In reference to Perkins/Will, i know they (as well as M/J) are really in need of mid level project manager types... if you would consider yourself that type, than both PW and MJ would definitely be interested in talking to you.

Oct 7, 08 3:30 pm  · 

Sorry le bossman, I wish I could help, but I don't really know anything lletdownl didn't already mention. A friend of mine was just let go today, it is clearly a rough time out there.

Oct 7, 08 7:29 pm  · 

Today I got to go on a tour of the Trump Tower (more specifically the roof) . These are some shots I took from up top. It wasn't the best day, a little hazy, but here they are none the less:


Rediscovering Mies:

Carbon & Carbide:

Cloud Gate:

Oct 7, 08 7:51 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm queeesy...

Oct 7, 08 8:59 pm  · 

since this thread has been dead for a couple of weeks, i figured i would try to restart it.

has anyone been to the cecil balmond "solid void" installation at the graham foundation? it is pretty impressive. the actual site-specific installation downstairs was already installed at upenn a couple of years ago, but there is a new one upstairs, along with many samples of his work and describing the way he works. he is an amazing designer...if anyone hasn't seen it yet, i would recommend checking it out.

he is also giving a lecture at the art institute on november 11th.

Oct 29, 08 9:42 pm  · 
i'm not new here

I got an email re. 'solid void' exhibit. I was thinking it looked a little cheesy - like an art student's project with no budget constraint...but I must admit I've heard so many good things about it already that I am going to go - with an open mind...

Oct 29, 08 9:49 pm  · 

eric ellingsen (a senior lecturer at IIT) was one of my studio professors my last semester there, and he helped install it with students from IIT. he studied under cecil at upenn, so that is how he got involved. he is also involved with the non-linear organization there. jenny sabin (who gave a lecture at IIT almost 2 years ago and showed pictures in the lecture) was the person who originally installed it at upenn. in all, it is pretty cool to see how it is a self-supporting structure and how it wraps through the first floor of this classic prairie school building. it looks like it was pretty intensive to try to install.

i am a big fan of balmond's books as explains his methods of thinking pretty well.

Oct 29, 08 10:05 pm  · 

I just got the large format book of this exhibit - going to see the show tonight. Looks interesting. Michael Wolf, Transparent City, a look at and through the windows of Chicago Highrises at the dawn of the credit crisis. He captures some anxiety ridden faces in corner offices in the financial district and many people just watching TV and even a guy flicking him off. Cool book, cant wait to see the exhibit.

Museum of Contemp Photography

Nov 20, 08 9:45 am  · 

I didn't even know that museum existed! Very cool, I will go see it too. Thanks for the tip.

Nov 20, 08 10:03 am  · 

That was a good show - Highly recommend. The photos are large - so you can look at the details. its like wheres Waldo looking for people in the windows of the highrises. The museum is part of Columbia College, ground floor on Michigan, enter right next to the Spertus. Make a 2 fer visit. The upstairs exhibit was cool too - it was a girl who did these photocollages of how people decorate their desks, refrigerators etc.

Nov 22, 08 6:38 pm  · 

oh - and it was free the night I went. I think it might be a free museum.

Nov 22, 08 6:41 pm  · 

This is probably going to damn me even further.....but Blair Kamin seems to agree with me about 600 N LSD and One Museum Park! They aren't so bad, kind of, in a slightly above average, not exceptional, but pretty good kind of way... Yippee!

Blair "Stone Cold" Kamin

Nov 24, 08 6:45 pm  · 

By the way,

Any thoughts on the Wit Hotel? It is nearing completion, but this is the only image I can find on the web.

Nov 24, 08 6:58 pm  · 

in regards to kamin's article... i more or less agree with him... though id give museum tower a C-, and 600N a C (echelon is terrible...) in regards to their impact on the skyline, they are both better than a huge portion of the towers done over the past 15 years.

The general premise however i think is right on. The quality of towers done over the past few years has been leaps and bounds better than the previous boom. The 3 new towers on the river, aqua and its new neighbors, the blue cross addition, and 600 N fairbanks are all above average buildings to my eye...

as for the wit, i think its in the same group as the towers Kamin is talking about... its not terrible, its not great. The zig zag facade irks me though... i like the idea, but i really feel like they wasted it. They built a tower which is visualy split in two with one side curtain walled and one side sort of framed... so why did they use this obvious fracture in the glass skin to actually mark the split in the building. It really seems like a wasted opportunity and relegates the zig zag to a gimick....

Nov 24, 08 8:12 pm  · 
le bossman

Whoooooo! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Whhhoooo! Whoo Whoo Whoooooooooo! WOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO WHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO! Whhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooo!whoo!

Nov 24, 08 10:18 pm  · 


Nov 24, 08 11:30 pm  · 


What you fail to realize, is that "zig zag" as you call it, is actually a marking, paying homage to the first spot on earth ever struck by lightning. The architect is merely paying respect to this interesting, little known local fact....

Ha, seriously though, I agree, it is appears to be a really arbitrary feature, but then again, I do think I like this situation more than if the feature were omitted altogether.

Bonus question, how do you pronounce this building anyways, is the "Wit" or the "Vit" ? (I honestly don't know, someone please let me know so I can mention the building someday without sounding like a moron)

Nov 25, 08 9:36 pm  · 

Th zig zag looks really cool from the southwest. Not so much from the the northwest.

Nov 25, 08 11:02 pm  · 

While I often agree with Kamin, i have to disagree with One Museum Park.....that thing looks like the stubby bloated cousin of the Burj Dubai. That whole complex is just terrible all around.

Nov 26, 08 12:17 am  · 

Man with that attitude, if i was a developer, I'd be looking forward to getting back to the banality of the old uniform, drab, cheap buildings, that pollute our skyline, because it seems like every time someone sticks their neck out even a little bit and bothers to try something, they get their head bitten off.

Nov 26, 08 8:35 am  · 

the top of the Wit rocks... the cwall system is unfortunately too clunkly.

but i walk by it every day, and that top edge is nice.... and an element that isn't to percievable in the above image...

Nov 26, 08 9:13 am  · 

"Wit" or "Vit"??? gah!! somebody answer me!!! :)

Nov 26, 08 9:26 am  · 

apparently it's "theWit"

Nov 26, 08 9:48 am  · 

What about some of the new river north towers? Theres a blue rounded one off Grand that looks well done and then the Silver Tower going up on Ohio and the Kenedy ramp. For spec developer towers they arent bad at all in my opinion. Good use of Cast in Place.

Nov 26, 08 10:28 am  · 

Went to the Michael Wulf show - was very impressed. The Spertus is next door to so that's a plus.

The building thats rounded and blue is the Grand Kingsbury - SCB

Anyone know whos responsible for the abomination at Orleans and Chicago? Thats truely disgusting, "Aw F*ck it lets just paint it white".

Dec 2, 08 3:46 pm  · 

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