
Baby Carbon Tax


Found this interesting news topic:,23599,22896334-2,00.html

Its about taxing babies in order to save the planet.

Whats are peoples views on this??

Dec 11, 07 4:49 am

yes, it's about time those little fuckers pay their fare share and stop loafing around for the first 12 years.

Dec 11, 07 5:04 am  · 

lol, how are they going to pay their way?? Starting a job a 3months??

No my friend, the parents take the hit.

Dec 11, 07 5:32 am  · 

...what do you mean, get that little fucker into diaper and baby food commercials...fuckers!

Dec 11, 07 5:41 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm all for limiting people from having children, especially in my worst momets.

But this is one more tax that the rich would weasel out of, the poor would get subsidized, and the middle class would shoulder. Crappy idea.

Dec 11, 07 6:52 am  · 

the problem with this proposal is that the birth rate in industrialized nations is already reaching historic lows. the west is on the wane. the unmanaged population growth is in countries that also happen to have food and water crises and are relatively undeveloped and with less-than-stellar educational systems.

i don't think we can expect terrorism OR environmental problems to get better as long as there are so many more desperately poor children growing up seeing what the developed countries have and having no other way to get it than 1) come after it, or 2) destroy their countries' resources - and, by extension, the world's - to try to make it.

Dec 11, 07 6:56 am  · 
vado retro

You done too much much too young
You're married with a kid when you could be having fun with me
You done too much much too young
Now you're married with a son when you should be having fun with me

Don't wanna be rich, don't wanna be famous

Ain't he cute, no he ain't
He's just another burden on the welfare state

Call me immature, call me a poseur
I'll to spread manure in your bed of roses
Don't we wanna be rich Don't we wanna be famous
But I'd really hate to have the same name as you

You done too much much too young
Now you're chained to the kitchen making currant buns for tea

Ain't you heard of the starving millions
Ain't you heard of conraception
Do you really wanna go with the sterilization
Take control of the population boom
It's in your living room
Keep a generation gap
Try wearing a cap

Dec 11, 07 7:03 am  · 

"Im mad as hell, and im not gonna take it anymore"

Dec 11, 07 10:34 am  · 

I agree with beta...for too long now there has been a demographic that hasn't been doing their duty as citizens. Babies! This travesty must be righted! It time for babies to pay! Tax away!

Dec 11, 07 10:47 am  · 

i personally think wed be better off just eating them. What better way to recycle i say.

Dec 11, 07 10:52 am  · 

there are an estimate 21 million babies and children under 5 that pay $0 in taxes. This drain on the economy is killing the country!

Dec 11, 07 11:01 am  · 

here's an odd question; let's assume that life begins at conception - as pro-lifers would have us believe - if that were true, then could parents apply for social security numbers for the unborn? could there be any financial benefit, a tax deduction perhaps?

Dec 11, 07 11:12 am  · 

On a related note, Divorce destroys the environment. Lets tax kids AND divorced adults. We must be fair after all. $800 a year should just about offset the tax breaks for having the kids already offered by the government. Steven is right as well, the US for instance is just barely at the rate of replenishment, before immigration is accounted for. The Australian Family Association is also right, if per person consumption of resources is considered, household resources of course are larger in a larger family, but why would she mention that.

Dec 11, 07 11:21 am  · 

didnt nostradamus predict this?

Dec 11, 07 11:30 am  · 

Just another government infringement.

Not long until mandatory sterilization.

The United Nations cites China as its model state, so look what we have to look forward to....

Dec 11, 07 11:32 am  · 

I find the statement about China as funny. Since most of Europe has achieved a similar fertility rate, none of which required any government intervention. Many of which have "achieved" a lower birth rate than China. The funniest thing about the statistics is that the colonies of Hong Kong and Macao have lower birthrates than Mainland China, but neither has the same draconian practices to officially reduce birth rates.

Dec 11, 07 11:50 am  · 

Why do we need an additional tax? Just take away the dependant child tax deduction.

I used to work with a guy that had 7 kids, yes, 7 kids all under 10 years. His wife didn't work, obviously, and they lived off a modest architects salary. I swear he paid zero taxes with all those deductions running around.

Dec 11, 07 11:54 am  · 

"kids are the greatest tax shelters ever" - my best friend's dad

Dec 11, 07 11:56 am  · 

screw taxes, time to dump some tea in the harbour

Dec 11, 07 11:59 am  · 

careers are the new children.

Dec 11, 07 12:05 pm  · 

"Since most of Europe has achieved a similar fertility rate, none of which required any government intervention."

If you look into history, many developed nations recognised that one method of reducing birth rate would be to offer more desirable rewards, such as cars/good lifestyle/chinese electronic junk, as a method of reducing overpopulation.

Culture creation, which comes from the top down (government) have also created a society in which individuals are very self absorbed, therefore they are too selfish spend time and effort on children.

So the government have intervened in all european nations.

Im am also working on a current project for a underground city in the US, very interesting project, which is to be used in the event of epidemics etc. There has been a lot of talk among us architects on the project about what the 'normal folk' will do when such thing happen.

Dec 11, 07 12:15 pm  · 

"no taxation without representation". babies and children have been under represented in terms of tax burden. it's time for that to end!

vive la revolution!

Dec 11, 07 12:36 pm  · 

You're wondering now if it's up to you Monkey Man?
A Message to you Rudy - Its The Dawning of a New Era.
Dont give me that Blank Expression, - doesn't make it all right.

Dec 11, 07 1:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

But: aquapura, re: the guy with 7 kids: the tax deduction on a kid is , what, about $2500? Do you think a parent spends less than that on food - not clothing, education, medical expenses, books, etc, just food - for their kid in a year?

Dec 11, 07 2:19 pm  · 

LB - I didn't mean to claim the guy was living large off child tax credits, but they sure do help, especially when with 7 kids it adds up to 17,500.

Dec 11, 07 3:07 pm  · 

my mom has 9 brothers. My dad has 11 bros. and sisters. I have sinister seed.

Dec 11, 07 4:17 pm  · 
Mulholland Drive

What's wrong with burning children as fuel?

Dec 11, 07 5:20 pm  · 

Population Control = Auto Genocide

Dec 11, 07 6:11 pm  · 

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