


LA is depressing me

Nov 24, 07 9:48 pm  · 

Sorry to interupt , but today there are no exchouse for a depression, I say this ironic offcaurse, but we don't appriciate depressions anymore we fight them.
SSRI you know what I mean -- we don't allow this phenomar to mature our lifes anymore, we must be happy happy and happy all the time. Depression and nomatter it is a natural reaction is not acceptable anymore, what it created in arts we hardly understand and by fighting it with chemicals, we produce some very very, very ballanced people.

Who need depression in their life, it is just a mental disorder, nothing that is there to mature us.

Nov 25, 07 9:54 am  · 

3dh makes me happy

Nov 25, 07 3:16 pm  · 

Hey, I have been trying to avoid this thread for weeks now but to no avail. I have been suffering through one of the worst depression spells I have ever experienced. I am now seeking help as these spells are coming more often and are getting increasingly worse. I do not want to take medicine, I never take medicine for anything, but this is starting to affect my school, work, home, marriage, friendships, and life in general.

I get so down, I hate myself, my work, and everything and everyone around me. This disease sucks, my dad has it and he has pretty much made a good mess of his life, I do not want to end like him. btw winter and its fucking cold and short days doesn't help either,

Nov 25, 07 3:43 pm  · 

Elimelech, why do you not want to try meds?

I also did not want them at first, I wanted to get through it on my own, I was scared of what the meds would do to me, I wanted to avoid the self-implied social stigma of being on medication, I did not want to be a doped out zombie etc.

I discussed all this with my GP, and realised my fear was fuelled by my pre-existing anxiety problem. I also hated the short days of winter (seasonal affective disorder) so I know where you are coming from champ. FYI, none of my fears materialised and I have been feeling progressively better since starting the meds. The only side effect was delayed ejaculation... an added bonus in my case ;-)

My best advice again is discuss your issues candidly with your GP, explain why you are against talking medication etc. He/she will chart the best course for your recovery. Best of luck matey!!

Nov 25, 07 8:42 pm  · 

metamechanic there's a good chance you're not normal and balanced, only you seem to enjoy it. other people do not.

Nov 26, 07 12:31 am  · 

I am delighted to see the strength of community here, and the general absence of bad science (though there is some).

I would weigh in with a whole lot more, but here is one section from the British Psychological Society publication The Psychologist:

The chemical imbalance model

Dr Joanna Moncrieff at UCL argued the worst notion on the mind is the theory that mental distress is caused by some kind of chemical imbalance – an idea propagated doggedly by drugs companies. ‘Most people think the link between depression and the neurotransmitter serotonin is established,’ she said, ‘and yet there’s no evidence for it at all.’

Moncrieff explained that it’s not even possible to measure serotonin directly in the brain. Instead, most studies rely on measuring serotonin receptors, especially the 5-HT1 receptor. Some of these studies have found the receptor is lowered in depression, Moncrieff said, but others have found it the same or raised. ‘Don’t just take my word for it,’ Moncrieff added, pointing to a quote from David Burns, the Stanford psychiatrist who won an award from the Society for Biological Psychiatry for his research on serotonin metabolism – ‘I spent the first several years of my career doing full-time research on brain serotonin metabolism, but I never saw any convincing evidence that any psychiatric disorder, including depression, results from a deficiency of brain serotonin’ (PLOS Medicine,

With 11 per cent of women in the USA now taking anti-depressants, Moncrieff said the chemical imbalance idea has moral and political implications. It promotes dissatisfaction in people and implies there’s some kind of ideal balance that we should all be striving for. And
it is used to justify harmful interventions. Most recently, drug company-funded research has identified intermittent explosive disorder and compulsive shopping as new conditions treatable with antidepressants…

Meta, the DSM definitions are ancient, many of them relying on categorisations made in the 19th Century when knowledge of the brain and its functions was rudimentary at best.

Nov 26, 07 11:40 am  · 

Your statement "Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid" literally means "no majority for the pity". Did you mean to switch these words around? After 12+ years of speaking German I'm slightly confused.

Although I'm not a huge advocate for medicine to help all forms of depression, in some extreme cases I deem it appropriate. Clinical depression can manifest itself in the form of physical ailments. In my darkest times I actually had a physically difficult time walking. The problem is that doctors are prescribing medicine when people are feeling "blue" and the drug companies marketing it by telling people if you've been feeling sad for 2 or more weeks one should go seek help.

Nov 26, 07 12:36 pm  · 

KMFDM = German Industrial; many people have deciphered the name as meta has noted with the images...

Nov 26, 07 2:27 pm  · 

i have a previous degree in psych and according to the DSM-IV, EVERYONE has a disorder, and if they don't, they can be loosely categorized into one or another. (didn't mean to take the focus off the subject, just a footnote...)

Nov 27, 07 11:57 am  · 
Living in Gin

For what it's worth, I just posted a [url=]blog entry] about my time living in Philadelphia, when my depression was at its absolute worst, and my thoughts were at their darkest. I recently took a trip down to Philly for a concert, and being back there brought back lots of old memories... Some good and some not so good.

Some parts of this blog entry might be a little intense, but the good news is, it has a happy ending.

Nov 28, 07 12:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

Oh fuck, here's the proper link.

Nov 28, 07 12:11 am  · 

i forgot about this thread.

Sep 16, 08 9:33 pm  · 

wellbutrin has kept me from falling off the face of the earth.

Sep 16, 08 11:37 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

belatedly...cheer up

Sep 17, 08 6:45 am  · 

is this 'kevorkian' character still alive or what? shit, i have NERTS right now.

Sep 19, 08 3:10 pm  · 

seems appropriate to send this one up.

Jan 13, 09 9:51 pm  · 
Ms Beary

It's been a long time coming (I have suffered with depression off and on since I was a teenager) but I am finally happy. Funny how it took me so many years to JUST THINK POSITIVE and LET IT GO. Easier said than done I know, but now I know it's possible. I can find joy in everything lately. Feels good.

Just call me PermaGrin. (is there prozac in the water supply?)

Jan 15, 09 11:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

not all depression is cured by thinking positive and letting it go.

Jan 17, 09 12:59 am  · 

um, yeah. thinking positive isn't my issue. and it's not something i can let go. it's been building up for a while. and taking all i've got to hold on. wheeeeeeeee

Feb 12, 09 6:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hang in there, holz. It's very, very easy to get very, very down these days. Everyone is scared.

Seems all I'm hearing lately is bad news, or else everything I hear I twist to be negative. The Hudson River plane landing was the best thing to happen recently.

And to think, I was absolutely certain, all during the election pandemonium, that once Inauguration happened and spring was in the air everyone would just calm the fuck down. Boy was I wrong!

Feb 12, 09 8:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't claim to know anything about depression because i'm not a doctor...but i have dealt with some difficult times where i felt rather gloomy. my best suggestion comes from something that i learned via my interest in scandinavia. because it's so dark & cold up there inevitably much of the culture is indirectly linked to depression but what i learned it that scandinavians also have an appreciation of the beauty of sadness. to them, it's not necessarily a bad thing to be sad.

american culture, by comparison seems to be foolishly pre-occupied with the expectation of happiness. i find it to be rather stupid. on the whole, my life is very good but nonetheless i actually try to enjoy whatever sadness comes my way. indulge it instead of fighting it. maybe a similar strategy can help some of you.

Feb 13, 09 9:22 am  · 

I landed a new project that is more good news...! Maybe we can work our way out of this hole.

Actually I always liked this weekend when working in Wyoming cause it was always the very best cross country skiing in the Big Horn Mountains. The days are starting to get a bit longer....and nothing like blue sky and lots of snow on a long weekend. Ski all day eat monster meals and drink away the night! Knowing full well your over the winter hump....and Spring is not that far off.

Feb 13, 09 4:58 pm  · 

sometimes i act really insane so it feels like i don't have to dread being insane anymore. for instance, i play instruments such as guitars, bass, piano. last weekend i was playing piano for some friends and i started hitting all the wrong notes and zoned out. stared at the wall and hit wrong notes for about an hour. maybe more. i was drinking wine and stroking my hair and hitting wrong notes. at first, it started as a joke and people laughed. then, they slowly moved to the garage where they couldn't hear me anymore. i'm sure they were all talking about me. i think some of them thought i really was losing it. i zoned out so much by acting insane that i forgot about all of the anxiety of the possibilities of insanity. it was like meditation. and who gives a shit what your friends think anyway.

trying faking insanity for a while. it's fun. go into restaurants and stare off into the distance mid sentence while talking to the hostess. they always looks behind their shoulder to see what you're looking at. ask weird questions about frogs and socks while at 7-11. you can even wear funny scarves in the summer time with shorts. i knew a friend who was arabian and he always got his 9s and 7s mixed up. he would say he wanted to open up a 9-11 and everytime i laughed my ass off. lay on your hardwood floors late at night and yell," you ain't got no pancake mix."

that probably doesn't help you, but it's quite fun.

Feb 13, 09 5:23 pm  · 

depression is nature's way of signalling that there is good news in the pipeline. You have to suffer a bit first: then comes the email, phone call, letter, out of the blue which gives new opportunity and a way to move forward with your life. that is my wisdom for what it is worth from dealing with depression for many years.

It also helps to dance crazy, sing wildly, smile when you really feel like ending it all. Imitating happy people even when you feel totally lousy can help cheat depression of its effect.

Feb 14, 09 8:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Haha, I love that attitude of "cheating" depression by smiling: FU, depression, I won't let you in! Excellent, farmer.

Feb 14, 09 8:44 am  · 

"You are what you pretend to be."

Feb 14, 09 9:57 am  · 

I'll pretend that I'm already in my first MArch year then.

Feb 14, 09 10:18 am  · 

ill pretend that i don't have to spend 30 hours at the studio this weekend

Feb 14, 09 10:47 am  · 

I'll pretend I'm not at work today.

not working.

Feb 14, 09 12:47 pm  · 

The same here, working, fortunately at home.

Feb 14, 09 12:59 pm  · 

all this depression talk is fine, but when you know there is a heavy gauge extension cord and wood beam to wrap it around, well, that's another thing altogether.

Apr 17, 09 10:28 am  · 

Prozac doesn't work that well, especially with extended use or if your depression is atypical (including a form where apathy overrides any sense of sadness). Medication I more highly recommend include Olanzapine, Lorazepam, and Aripriprazole. Good luck.

Apr 18, 09 2:23 pm  · 

Funny, I remember April 17th 2009, like it was yesterday. 

Oct 29, 13 7:28 pm  · 

i'm glad you're still using the extension cord for electrical purposes.

Oct 29, 13 7:36 pm  · 

I concur with curtkram.  And I find enjoyment in how the words concur and curkram sound in proximity.

Oct 29, 13 11:06 pm  · 

OMG i feel so shitty as well. I have spent over 3k on getting my license back, insurance, tag, car repairs and i can't seem to get my car back. I got my car out of the shop on the 28th, tried to start it on the 29th and it would not start almost was late for work. I'm suffering i've spent my last dime clinging to my job of getting paid min wage.....I've listened to this like three times maybe it will help you.

Oct 31, 13 11:35 am  · 

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