
blacks in architecture


I am a black woman aspiriring to be an architect. Does anyone know or work with any black architects? I know there aren't many blacks in this field.

Sep 3, 04 2:37 pm

just for your info -

look into NOMA. (national organization of minority architects.)

Sep 3, 04 2:43 pm  · 

Thanks dozer. Much appreciated.

Sep 3, 04 2:50 pm  · 

Ray Huff and Mario Gooden out of Charleston, South Carolina

Sep 3, 04 3:06 pm  · 

i have heard good things about allison williams in san francisco of ai. their offices are more on the corporate end of things and they do a variety of work from planning to architecture to interiors >>

Sep 3, 04 3:24 pm  · 

i'm afraid i missed any of his lectures associated with the opening of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center here in Cincinnati (if there were any?), but Mr. Blackburn has a very good reputation, and as i understand it, is a strong advocate for involving minorities in the profession:

Also, William Taylor, listed here...:

...used to be a prof at The University of Cincinnati and is still held in very high esteem by faculty and students alike (myself included). he is quoted in this article, which seems to speak to both issues of your post:

Good Luck ArchChick....!

Sep 3, 04 4:15 pm  · 

that would be MS. blackburn.

Sep 3, 04 4:20 pm  · 

and don't forget UC's directory of african-american architects

Sep 3, 04 4:23 pm  · 

One of the best professors I've had was black, Mario Gooden. His class was the pivoting point for myself, as a student. We worked our asses off, but I think that as a class, the work was excellent and helped many of us become good designers.
Cheers, Mario, Twin Peaks was a nice touch and I'll always be thankful for being in that studio!

Sep 3, 04 5:22 pm  · 

Forgot the link:

Sep 3, 04 5:22 pm  · 

plastic....i stand corrected, thanks....i had forgotten that he had died back in 2000. i remember he was the initial name in the news when the project was introduced. His wife, Alpha, now leads the firm, and completed the NURFC.

His obit can be found here...

it lists many different prestigious awards the man had earned, and the organizations that thought so much of a very dedicated man... Sorry to lead you to a legacy and not the man, himself, ArchChick, but i'd think that blackburn architects would still be a worthy source of information and or inspiration.

Sep 3, 04 5:35 pm  · 

Denny Alan Mann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 3, 04 5:55 pm  · 
le bossman

well, there are actually a paltry amount of african-americans in this field for some odd reason. i for one have 3 black bosses, in a firm of about twenty people. the principle of my firm is black, and he is a civil engineer, as is the in-house civil guy on my project team. my boss who is a licensed architect and a CM is also black. i don't know what is with the disproportionate amount of african-americans in our field though.

Sep 5, 04 7:43 pm  · 

Geoffrey Bawa..... minimalist, very "chic" architect right now in London...also teacher of the Architectural Association (London)

Sep 5, 04 8:02 pm  · 

David Adjaye
Sep 5, 04 8:04 pm  · 

Sorry i meant Geoffrey Bawa who has amazing work in Africa (hotels and such)
and David Adjaye: "...minimalist, very "chic" architect right now in London...also teacher of the Architectural Association (London)..."

Sep 5, 04 8:09 pm  · 

Bigness u meant:

Sep 5, 04 8:12 pm  · 

yeah, the day i'll stop fucking up the link thing it will rain frogs. sorry!

Sep 6, 04 5:42 am  · 
le bossman

are there two geoffrey bawas? the only geoffrey bawa i know of is from sri lanka and has recenty passed on. his best works were residential; he did do a really amazing hotel and some major government buildings in colombo.

Sep 6, 04 10:28 pm  · 

the same Bawa.... i know a couple of hotels of him...and i have seen some of his residential work....and yes sorry, i thought his work was in Africa... still, was he black BOSSMAN??? (i was in a mistake)

Sep 6, 04 11:09 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

ArchChick03 - there are quite a few (hence minority) architects practicing in the US, not much literature on the work being down however. Historically I would recommend, The Crisis of the African American Architect: Conflicting Cultures of Architecture and (Black) Power or Americas Black Architects and Builders (haven't read this one yet). There is also quite alot on African-American Landscape Architects including the one who worked with Olmstead until his passing.

However the US is perhaps not the place to find relevance contributions by any minorities. In the UK there is better document of the works of black architects, MADianito mentioned David Adjaye, and there are many others. Or just look at latin America and the Caribbean. Many SCI-Arc and AA grads operate practices in the Caribbean - take a look at COCOA

Sep 7, 04 8:25 am  · 
David Cuthbert

Here's another title Architecture in Black by Daniel Wayne Fields

Sep 7, 04 9:34 am  · 
le bossman

bawa was a sri lankan, and he was dark skinned. one of his parents was a settler from the netherlands, the other a sri lankan.

Sep 7, 04 2:14 pm  · 

most minority architects have to go up against more issues than most caucasian/european architects...


one of the largest and hardest obstacles minorities have to hurdle is themselves

had a friend who taught a first/2nd yr graphics course for archies and the most problems came from the minorities that didnt quite grasp where the idea of high quality draftsmanship came from. when the unsavory grade arrived, they would revert back to the ghetto "its the white man holding me down" mentality as opposed to learning from what the grade was trying to tell them.

dumbasses -the professor was israeli.

he had absolutely no concern whether the student was black, white or maroon and fuscia polka dot skinned- he graded them on effort, ability, and work output and was even liberal with the grades.

minorities with that mentality (common from inner-city) who delve into architecture have to learn to change that mentality quickly.

or crash and burn even quicker...

Sep 7, 04 2:35 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

wow kyll <- that was a interesting perception

does it apply to non-minorities from the inner city as well? And or suburban/wealthy minorities?

Just wondering you know

Sep 7, 04 3:40 pm  · 

well your sarcasm may be running on the idea that youre intelligent enough to realize this kind of "simple" situation (perception- bad terminology), but theres half a classroom full of archie kids that dont understand what i mean.

and it'll apply to anyone with a closed mind and a stick of "you owe it me" up their ass.

clearz it up for ya jam?

Sep 7, 04 3:51 pm  · 
Bryan Finoki
Eddie Adams Jr.

makes a little news....

Sep 7, 04 6:05 pm  · 

hey kyll if he didn't care what the color of the persons skin was, why did you point it out? your kind are rather quaint, in a Archie Bunker sort of way...

Sep 7, 04 8:29 pm  · 

is that kyll for real? Unsavory grade? Tell me this guy isn't for real...

Sep 8, 04 12:00 am  · 
David Cuthbert

kyll, you speak of a "closed mind" yet you refer to "them" with a rather broad stroke...thanks for clearing up your prejudice - since I did owe you one!

Sep 8, 04 8:43 am  · 


gordon kipping-GTECTS
Max Bond-Davis Brody Bond
Victor Body-Lawson
Jack Travis

i know this is a short list, kinda busy here ill add more later

Sep 8, 04 12:41 pm  · 

them. yes.

what did you not understand about the word "them"? dont make something out of nothing. very far from prejudice am i.

unsavory grade. sorry, shitty grade. F. fail. didnt mean to undermine your apparently enourmous grasp of the english language.

archie bunker? listen bright one- if all the fingers on your left hand became a dead green, its safe to say that u have gangrene on your hand no? i guess in your case it would just be a generally large number of my be P.C. its called OBSERVATION. i said "most" of the minorities, not all. a larger percentage of them were the ones that banded together and gave the professor a hard time- ALL based on the same precept of "being held down" by the "white man", but their work apparently was not up to par as compared to the rest of the class- i was a critic- and i even took it easy on them. being that i'm DARKSKINNED and from the INNER CITY myself, they confided in telling me that they felt the grade unfair by means of racial opposition- but they were way off the mark as the prof. was a friend of mine and not racially driven at all. their work just sucked.

Sep 9, 04 10:43 am  · 


these are your words, nothing was changed - except for the excerption - so choke on them for a little while and come back for air.

where in the first sentence below do you say "most" or "many"?

one of the largest and hardest obstacles minorities have to hurdle is themselves

and in the first sentence below you say "most problems..." and not most minorities.

had a friend who taught a first/2nd yr graphics course for archies and the most problems came from the minorities that didnt quite grasp where the idea of high quality draftsmanship came from. when the unsavory grade arrived, they would revert back to the ghetto "its the white man holding me down" mentality as opposed to learning from what the grade was trying to tell them.

dumbasses -the professor was israeli.

so, if i understand you correctly Israelis are beyond racism?

revert back - you gotta love that one, and he says these kids are the dumbasses...

so, is it most minorities or some of the minorities, and if it was some were there other minorities that did better? if their work sucked just say their work sucked and move on, because obviously in this thread there are plenty of quality "minorities" doing quality work.

i always love statements like - i'm darskinned, or most of my friends are black...etc, as though there are'nt any self-hating people in this world or that somehow because you've had or do have some "black friends" it doesn't make you racist...

Sep 9, 04 12:27 pm  · 


ok. you win. you figured it out.

i'm a big fat racist. hate people of all color- even the purple polka dotted ones. im a cross burnin, flag stompin hater with a big white conical hat on my head and youre the great symbol of freedom that has deciphered from a casual statement with enough "most" and "many"s about a group of people that should better them-sorry our/yourselves by letting go of a stupid idea thats way way tired of being uttered- that i'm a self hating racist.

pure genius

maybe someone is funding you to make an issue out of what seemed to be a fairly straightforward piece of advice. little did i know that a genius awaited on the other side of this monitor to decipher my hidden code of pure racism.

that what ya wanna hear? are you looking for a racist? your questions are banal. your instigation on this matter is annoying

no- you do not understand correctly- apparently. not ONCE did i say that israeli are incapable of racism. our recent world events has shown us different. what i meant as in they are "dumbasses" is that they refered to him as a symbol of the "white man holdin us down", which he is far from- someone who himself had to fight INS for his visa to remain and is still ridiculed about his heavy accent. you should read closer before running off at the keyboard.

"the minorities that didnt quite grasp where the idea of high quality draftsmanship came from. " MEANING that there were some minorities that DID grasp where it came from. and also some white- hmm caucasians that DID NOT grasp where it came from. you get it now?

i'm not going to break it down in numbers the percentage of who did what and felt whatever about their grade. next time i'll draw a pie graph for those who cannot from simple statements get the main idea. or a graph. or i'll use crayon.

maybe my own terminology threw some for a loop.


but then what do i care? i'm a self loathing "darkskinned" racist....right?

Sep 9, 04 1:42 pm  · 
David Cuthbert


I was okay from your previous post - there seemed to be a notion of comtempt by the use of words (more apparent with your sarcasm) that you clarified. I'm cool, we're cool - I feel I better understand the "real" issue now

However, all of that was to ask "where the idea of high quality draftmanship came from"? Where does it come from? What system of judgement makes it of a "high quality?"

Sep 9, 04 2:39 pm  · 

not a system of judgement- a system of honest effort.

you could see more or less effort from a set of lines to the next if a set of drawings of just one (graphite) set of lines drawn down the center were lined up on the wall.

mind you- it was first year, so we were looking for those who learned or who wanted to learn

for that class effort= (maybe not "high") but quality

Sep 9, 04 2:52 pm  · 

okay, anyway, does anyone know of any african american women architects in new york city, or any other city for that matter, not necessarily principals

Sep 9, 04 2:54 pm  · 

fine i can accept your response, you are not a racist, but perhaps rethinking your post in this topic - how does it even respond to the initial post? are you suggesting that the reason that blacks aren't represented in this professions is because of poor line work and getting pissed at the man?

Sep 9, 04 6:28 pm  · 

well, not totally. theres alot of reasons (not a subject worth boring into)- but that is part of it. i highly believe the educational system in the inner city schools has in large a part to do with the lack of fundamental architectural knowledge for not only black or minorities, but whoever attends these schools.

but that lack of proper schooling seeps into almost all subjects considering inner city versus suburban or private schooling.

Sep 9, 04 8:26 pm  · 

Keep it Real...

Sep 9, 04 8:42 pm  · 

aseid, sorry don't know any african american woman architects. my step mother is a recently retired african american woman (of course) who climbed the corporate ladder and was always very frank with me and my brothers how she did it.

worked 5 times harder and smarter (using the intellegence she was blessed with) than any white man in her company. many many large architectural firms are quite white man with the grey hair led, and her corporate world was certainly the same.

hard work, talent, and being true to the firm and yourself carries across all ethnic barriers (or will for the right firm anyway) in a way that will always prevail.

please look for inspiration in many ways including your background and instead of it.

By the way, Ray Huff in Charleston was a great example. his work is terrific and has inspired many friends of mine to reach for the stars.

Sep 9, 04 8:54 pm  · 

oops sorry aseis, mis-scrolled. meant to address to archchick!

Sep 9, 04 9:01 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

Kyll still I'm curious "where the idea of high quality draftmanship came from"? As you said in your earlier post.

One of the reasons why there is a low representation of minorities in architecture in the US has simply to do with the profession as a whole. It is a marginalised profession that was rather elitist up until about the 1970s, which is also on par with the Civil Rights movement. Whilst generations after there were significant representation into medicine, law, et al - architecture in the US is still lowly represented by minorities and "other" ethinicities

Sep 10, 04 8:05 am  · 


responded 09/09/04 11:52

basically, you'll know it when you see it. "idea" as in previous examples from whoever you see as a great artist/draftperson

Sep 10, 04 11:58 am  · 

Well, it didn't take long for people to ruin the tone of this thread.

Anyways...ArchiChick-if you are still out there-are you currently in school right now? I'm a black female designer-if you have any questions feel free to drop me an e-mail.

Sep 10, 04 1:13 pm  · 

my wife is nigerian, she works in New York City and I can honestly say that she takes more shit for being a woman than for being african american

Sep 10, 04 1:25 pm  · 

aseid, a double whamy is what my step mom calls it!

her strenth of character and stubborn nature did not let it get to her most of the time. sometime she dealt head on with blatant sh@t, and her putting them in their place caused some pains.

I can only imagine how hard that was for her. most people around her though were great and made for positive thoughts that things really are getting better for african american's and women in busines.

long way to go and a good job done so far.

Sep 10, 04 1:34 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

sorry but the "I'll know it when I see it..." doesn't really swing with me. You began with a statement, semi-factual and I was curious hoping you would have finished the argument. I have been very curious about "drafting" and architectural representation for a long time, believing that it is the dicotomy between practice and study of architecture. Importantly the endocrynological aspect of it, where did this form of representation come from and when did become accepted both as an artistic expression and technical language. I went so far as to eliminate all elevations becuase I felt it was a "false" or artificial articulation from all drawings I produced. I usually got a lower mark but ehh...not the reason to do architecture for the grade I mean. So when you said, the source I was curious to find out.

Sep 10, 04 1:47 pm  · 

kissy.....uhm...sorry for the tangent we went in....but ruin? we havent even mentioned the word archiporno yet...? THAT will ruin it....


i see..

the brevity of my answer was in avoidance of a long drawn out explanation of something that #1 is somewhat subjective and #2- is seen by some as a dying tradition withing architecture- the manual drafting executed in part as an art form. its just not practical anymore in terms of production, with some firms considering drafting as the only means of such production. in school we looked at it as an art form, and in that particular class we wanted to get across to the students that no- it was not practical in today's cad driven architectural process, and yes- it is something of an art form and there are ideas as to where high quality draftsmanship comes from is that of old and rare modern architects (lewis tsurumaki lewis for example- still draft but as an artistic expression for their style) then theres the hybrid- whole nutha story. combination of old and new.

Sep 10, 04 3:02 pm  · 

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