
let's play

Sep 16, 07 8:42 am

I love how Chevron is sponsoring this game.

Chevron is the same company that is lobbyinig the hell out of our government to remove many environmental restrictions on oil refineries.

Sep 16, 07 10:05 am  · 

Oh jeez. A company makes billions of dollars in record profits and the best they can come up with is an interactive energy game? Wow. Bold step, Chevron.


Sep 16, 07 11:44 am  · 
vado retro

that reminds me i gotta get gas...

Sep 16, 07 12:06 pm  · 
some person

Did anyone else sense the corporate bias in this game?

Sep 16, 07 2:58 pm  · 

I'd like to ask you nice liberals on this forum one thing:

Who do you think is going to be hurt the most from the end of the "oil era"?

1. The Consumer.
2. Gas Companies

I think the answer is 2. The market will obviously eventually provide solutions to the impending oil crisis, because people need energy. This is already visible in the emerging sustainability economy. Gas companies however, if they don't adapt and widen their product to include alternative sources of energy, are going to find themselves out of a product to sell. Despite the fact that the impending rises in oil prices will benefit them greatly it will hurt them in the long run because sustainable alternatives will begin to look cheaper and more viable to the consumer.

I am not a spokesman for Oil, The Republican Party, or any industry. I am simply trying to see reason. I see no fault in major energy corporations (institutions who I find myself normally opposed to) attempting to include themselves in the future of the energy economy.

Sep 16, 07 3:20 pm  · 
vado retro

apurimac is that your hummer double parked outside?

Sep 16, 07 3:51 pm  · 

What??? Yes, let's pleeease think of the companies. They are people too. Won't anyone please think of the companies?

Despite our "awareness" our dependence on oil has increased. Everyone, please stop driving trucks unless you need to. For once, put down the Kool-Aid.

Companies have always needed to adapt along with the evolution of their industry to prevent becoming obsolete. I am not sympathetic. Besides, most (if not all) oil companies have prepared. Who's really getting hurt? No one. They are just milking what they can. Sound familiar? Have a smoke and think about it.

Sep 16, 07 4:00 pm  · 
vado retro

hi garpike!

Sep 16, 07 4:03 pm  · 

hi vado!

Sep 16, 07 4:03 pm  · 

Whoa, 9000!

Sep 16, 07 4:03 pm  · 

Vado, the one with the baby harp seal lashed to the grill? Yeah, that's me.

No, i'm not crying tears from the oil industry. I just like how any attempt for them to clean up their act is met with scorn, sarcasm, and indignation by the very people who push for them to change their dirty ways. Frankly, I like the fact that BP, Cheveron, et al, are starting to see the writing on the wall and make the attempt to change before they (and everyone else) are doomed.

Sep 16, 07 4:15 pm  · 

I agree that I like seeing the attempt to make a difference, though I am wary of public displays of action. They are often a drop in a bucket for these guys. Remember when Philip Morris offered their "40's" bottles to flood victims of Katrina? And then spent more money telling people about it?

Sep 16, 07 4:21 pm  · 

hmm, good point.

and DOW chemical spends millions on fancy ads

Sep 16, 07 4:26 pm  · 

chevron gas still keeps my engine cleaner tho...

Sep 16, 07 4:27 pm  · 

Apurimac, consider this:

Chevron made over $4 billion in PROFIT the first quarter of both 2006 and 2007. PROFIT. Like, they get to take it all home. If they were really interested in "making an effort", they could have very well solved the world's energy problems already, with that much money invested in research and development, instead of lining somebody's pocket.

$4 billion in profit! For christ's sake....and they make a web site with an energy game. It's actually insulting.

Sep 17, 07 8:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Apurimac, it turns out I agree with everything you said in your first post (12:20), but I had to force myself to read it because you started off with the sarcastic "you nice liberals" which made me want to tune out everything that followed.

digression: I once read an article in Wired about a woman who had come up with a filter for letters written to corporations, newspapers, etc. Her filter was able to pick out which texts might have cogent points and which might be flaming rants, in part because it looked for words combined into phrases like "all you people believe" and "you liberals" and "you right-wingers" and the like.

I thought that was interesting. End digression.

Sep 17, 07 8:20 pm  · 

i didn't play the game, that maybe why i'm not angry if it was that full of fail

Look, im not gonna try to defend them, but if your worried you can either wait till they go bankrupt when they run out of product, or more likely, rejoice when they finally go whole-hog with alternative energy. Besides, corporate greed knows no bounds which is why I applaud them even when they make the slightest effort to clean up their act. Baby steps have brought us a long way from even 1970, and alot of those changes comes through folks like you DubK who buy into the "sustainable market" and advocate its existance. I may complain about your complaining, but please note I'm of two minds about everything. On one hand I hate entities like Chevron and everything they stand for, and on another realize they provide the basics that sustain our civilization. Finding a happy medium between civilization and the natural world is something I personally strive for.

Besides, you folks can be so easy to pick at sometimes that I can't resist playing Devil's Advocate.

With Love,
Lobbyist for the Oil Industry

Thank you for Driving!

Sep 17, 07 8:28 pm  · 

like i said lb, i like trolling liberals on this site because there are so many of them. I have no conservatives to troll on this site so I have to pick on leftists for my kicks.

Sep 17, 07 8:31 pm  · 

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