
time zones


what do archinecters think about the time zone they’re in? i’m in the east and often wake up in the morning to read on archinect that those lucky enough to be on the west coast have been having a grand party on TC while I have been sleeping. but then I think: those lazy Californians, asleep when all the world in the east is up.
do you ever feel lonely because of the time zone you’re in?

Aug 21, 07 8:33 pm

I am about 90 miles from the Eastern Time Zone/Central Time Zone border. I am on Central Time Zone, but I secretely wish I was an Eastern Time Zone kind-of-girl.

It bites me in the ass in during winter because it gets dark as early as 3:30; whereas, someone in far west Texas (about 1300 miles away) in the same time zone will not experience such early darkness.

Aug 21, 07 8:46 pm  · 

Don't drink so much the night before.

Aug 21, 07 9:04 pm  · 
some person

I lived in the Central time zone for most of my life. Even after almost 6 years in the Eastern time zone, 10 pm seems "late" because that's the time the nightly news is on in the Central time zone.

I have to tell myself, "10 pm is really 9 pm"

(Did that make any sense?)

It's 9:20 and I'm thinking about going to bed now.

Aug 21, 07 9:21 pm  · 

I always felt bad for Central having to go indoors so early to watch their sitcoms. Kids like to play!

Aug 21, 07 9:36 pm  · 

hey, cali's not alone in the pacific...
but i do enjoy waking up to new posts from east coast & central 'nekters.
it does suck, though that all my cohorts in europe are fast asleep (usually) when i get off work.

Aug 21, 07 9:45 pm  · 

try reading archinect when ur in europe, u post some discussion, and "no one" gets into the thread for like hours...then it becomes interesting when ur ready to go to sleep, u wake up the morning after and then ur thread took a really wrong way and from architecture they're ending up in a conversation about anything else but the original...

im sure Paul or someone have the statistics of at what time Archinect has more traffic and activity, i would really like to take a look of it to measure office/work habits (taking as consideration 80% of archinect audience is in the states)...also i wonder how does it fell to ppl in Asia

Aug 22, 07 5:30 pm  · 

agreed MAD, but i kinda like the feeling when all the US archinectors are starting out their day - we are just about done

Aug 24, 07 5:03 am  · 
el jeffe

i once worked in an office in LA whose primary clients (90% of the billing) were eastern or central time zone. so we had to be working at 7:30am to synch with the clients working hours.
of course getting off work at 4:30 in LA was SUHWEET.

Aug 24, 07 10:08 am  · 

el jeffe - I work with some consultants in LA where all their clients are in eastern/central time zones yet they still don't bother coming into the office until 9am (or later) pacific time. I often can't get a hold of anyone out there until after I've had lunch already.

It does suck listening to the BBC right about noon and everyone is getting off work and heading to the pubs across the pond while I've still got 1/2 a day to go.

Lived for a while in mountain time, now that was messed up. Think they have the worst deal, too early for central and too late for pacific.

Aug 24, 07 10:33 am  · 
el jeffe

yup - i'm in mountain now - it does suck.
i'm waiting for mediatemple billing folk to arrive to work right now so i can make some changes, and i always seem to miss product reps/manufacturers who are on the east coast when i need to make a call.

Aug 24, 07 10:55 am  · 

well its about 20mins left of the day here in amsterdam - and then we are off to the local cafe (pub/bar)

Aug 24, 07 11:07 am  · 

east coast is the way to go. we get all the news before the west side does. but then again, they also get sunsets!

Aug 24, 07 11:21 am  · 

i have to say i really like the central time zone. i do like the east coast time zones a lot too though. but football on sundays starting at hiiiigh noon just feels right.

i think living on west coast time would be really a pain in the ass... you couldnt really watch any baseball games on the east coast or midwest cause they would be on right after work, or during...

and how are you supposed to go to a bar at 10am to watch football??
noon is ok, 10am... way way to early.

Aug 24, 07 11:34 am  · 
el jeffe

if you live on the west coast, you don't give a rat's ass about the east coast or midwest....

Aug 24, 07 11:48 am  · 
liberty bell

I currently live at the very last edge of the Eastern time zone, and it sucks. It's only August and already it's still dark at 6:30 when I get up (I've completely given up on jogging in the mornings and now work out in the afternoons.). And yet it's light later than my 4yo wants to go to sleep, so he wants to stay up late!

I wish I lived in Central because then I could see Jon Stewart at 10pm, get to bed before 11, and get up early in the morning to jog.

Aug 24, 07 11:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

i grew up in michigan at the western edge of eastern time zone and i later moved to boston on the other side of the time zone. i remember thinking that my first summer in boston never really happened because we never got to the point where it was light out until 10pm. and winter was even worse because it felt like the sun set at about 4pm in the afternoon. as a late-sleeper, i never really benefited from the extra morning sunshine.

Aug 24, 07 12:16 pm  · 

Try posting on the 'nect from Chinese standard time. When i got into work i'd catch the late night crowd and then catch the early morning crew coming in when i stayed late. Still didn't stop me from wasting time on the boards though.

Aug 24, 07 12:34 pm  · 

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