
What's better than caffeine?

design geek-girl

So, I'm heading back to school full time on Monday. This means Studio plus 6 other classes, and a job that requires about 30 hours a week.
When I was a part-time student working 45 hours a week, it wasn't so bad, I still got about 5-6 hours a night on average, except for midterms and finals. Got by on coffee and red bull. But, I'm thinking I'm going to need to break out the big guns now. Give me your best tips for staying awake for days on end, please. Thanks in advance.

Aug 26, 04 5:37 pm


Aug 26, 04 5:38 pm  · 


Indian food after all-nighters

Aug 26, 04 5:40 pm  · 


Aug 26, 04 5:41 pm  · 

oops, that is caffeine.....


Aug 26, 04 5:41 pm  · 

water water water

Aug 26, 04 5:43 pm  · 

how does water help?

Aug 26, 04 5:48 pm  · 


Aug 26, 04 5:48 pm  · 

i mean, it keeps you alive and prevents you from dying of dehydration, but in general, it's good for a quick wake-up? maybe it's just me...

Aug 26, 04 5:49 pm  · 

Modafinil, if you can get a prescription. Also called Provigil. Keeps you awake and jitter-free for days.

Aug 26, 04 5:49 pm  · 

you have to balance the water and the caffeine, hydration is key. if your mdler, you should avoid indian food at all costs for the sake of those within 250 feet. smelly jerk

Aug 26, 04 5:51 pm  · 
design geek-girl

yeah, a friend of mine told me the water thing today, and I told her that it was crap, no way that would keep me awake... but, hey, I'm not a biochem major.

Aug 26, 04 5:51 pm  · 

this is what i did, lots of water - if anything you'll need to pee and that usually keeps me up - in the morning grab a shower, then drink massive quantities of OJ followed by a banana....the best!

Aug 26, 04 5:58 pm  · 

OJ and a banana? weird.
maybe i'll try

Aug 26, 04 6:03 pm  · 

vitamin C and potasium...great for re-energizing your body and mind for the day.

Aug 26, 04 6:07 pm  · 

The answer: Green Tea.
I finally figured this out in grad school after logging 6 years of all nighters and going delirious and passing out from the highs and lows of coffee and various stimulants. Coffee gets you up too high- after a couple of hours (or days) of drinking it, you just crack. Caffeine pills or ephedra tabs are the up all night kamikaze- once you start, you better not stop or else you're done for. Dammit I miss those days! Especially the nights where you got way too jacked up so you had to have a couple of drinks, then some coffe to wake you up again, then some... fear the high-low game!
A slow, constant hum of the Green Tea is the Grail. You can go for days without losing your mind- always keeps you in a good conscious state. And make sure you get the real stuff- Japanese or Chinese- not Lipton or any of that British crap- it's not real green tea. Real Green Tea stinks and tastes like turf. So good.

Aug 26, 04 6:28 pm  · 

if you read above post real messege is hidden in line 5.
"just crack",
all that other green tea shit is decoy.

Aug 26, 04 7:17 pm  · 

no drugs...just a lot of sex in ur free time so u can have ur stamine up all the time...

if u can't get some with all ur studio and job hours keep it with coffee or coca-cola, i dont drink sodas so i stick to sex and coffee

Aug 26, 04 7:43 pm  · 


the last time I checked, your ass doesn't smell like rose buds

Aug 26, 04 7:45 pm  · 
juan moment

Have any of you actually tried this modafinil /provigil stuff. It sounds great but almost too good to be true. I don't want to risk getting cancer or going schizophrenic ten years down the road.


Aug 26, 04 8:22 pm  · 

i drink tea as well.. no matter japanese/ chinese/ english tea.. they helps and they are health-er

Aug 26, 04 8:46 pm  · 

agree with bubBLe, green teas give me much more of a kick than any coffee....lots more stomach rot.

Aug 26, 04 8:56 pm  · 

Ice, Crack,Cola,Smack,Herion,Toot,Yam Yam,White Dragon
yellow Dragon Blue Ice, Maui,Shrooms CrossTops ,Pink Hearts
Yellow Moons, THC, GHB, CHB, Meth, White Heat, ZZ Tops,
Fast, K, HighNoon Speed, Green peace,High grade ,
Snort,SHHHHHS Snort gasoline

Aug 26, 04 9:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

The U of Michigan arch school has a long, narrow, white, 4' wide (exact floor tile and ceiling grid dimension) by maybe 100' long corridor linking the faculty offices. It's relentless. On all-nighters I used to do a full-out sprint up and back every hour or two - that would give me a rush that would last awhile. Gets a little oxygen in the lungs, and too damn cold in Michigan to go do it outside.

Aug 26, 04 9:56 pm  · 
Charles Mackintosh


Aug 26, 04 11:13 pm  · 
Clancy Pearson

black metal (music)

Aug 27, 04 1:13 am  · 

could we go back to the basic premise of "Studio plus 6 other classes, and a job that requires about 30 hours a week." ? Drop half the course work & about 10 hours of work. Besides, I have never heard of a school that allows you to take seven classes, one of which is a studio. Someone better give the registrar some coffee.

Aug 27, 04 1:24 am  · 

tea and skateboarding work for me but if you wanna get serious take some aderol

Aug 27, 04 1:25 am  · 

aderol only works the first few times. after that you build too much a tolerance and the only thing you end up with is cottonmouth - even after downing liters of water. personally speaking, taking a quick run outside around the premises usually does it good - and if it's cold even better to wake one up.

Aug 27, 04 2:09 am  · 

I was not referring to your ass, I was saying that YOU stink. all of you. And the last time I checked my ass, it did smell like roses. I'm flexible. And while on the subject, why you checkin out my booty? gross.

Aug 27, 04 8:51 am  · 

my first year first quarter i had to crunch down for finals (got the unlucky draw of two studios at once) i stayed awake for five days and four nights by taking nothing but vivarin and coffee....the trick is, like what is said above, to not get caught in the high-low game. the easiest way to stay "up" is the balance. you have to know when your body is starting to come down and know what the proper dose is to keep yourself on that keel. but coke does work if you just want to crank it down for a day or two.

Aug 27, 04 8:59 am  · 

Stay off the internet!!

Aug 27, 04 9:28 am  · 
design geek-girl

I can't drop classes or hours at the office. Believe me, I would if I could.
I'm an interior design student at FIT (SUNY). The school philosophy, and I'm not joking about this, is that if you can survive 4 years, you can survive anything. If I want to maintain full time status, and I do because financial aid is basically giving me a free ride; I have to take all of these classes. (free undergrad means I can spend a buttload on my MArch1... GSD, here I come)
And while school is paid for, nothing else in my world is, and so, I must work. And, I don't want to quit this job because I really like my bosses, and they are being as supportive as they can be about me going back to school full time. How many people can say that about their crappy 9-5s?
Anyway, that's why I'm looking for any tips, short of cocaine, to keep me going.

Aug 27, 04 10:00 am  · 

orange, gives you more energy than caffeine and will not make your hand jitter when you are tryingnto draw tiny lines

Aug 27, 04 10:19 am  · 
David Cuthbert

dgg - grasshopper
prepare to loose your mind, not just your sleep
There is truth is getting the balance of coffee/ caffiene and water right, it has to do with hydration and blood flow. Adequate blood flow to the brain, the less tired you feel. Why proper expresso (italian expresso) is served with a half glass of mildly chilled water.

Green tea, is fine if you don't mind getting up to pee all the time, and once your system gets used to it - it will take advantage of it - cut scene to jam-arch stuck in loo at UT whilst his crit goes on without him.

The sugard from fruit - are perhaps the most effective. I usually kept some around during school - only problem, stopping people from nicking them during the day time, when u really need it at night when ur system is running low...

dgg I'm sure you'll do fine - if all else fails send your work off to China for all the drawings and pick and print them off before class each morning - expensive, but I'm sure worth it <- great management

Aug 27, 04 11:01 am  · 
design geek-girl

jam- thanks for grasshopper... I will officially be changing my name to design geek grasshopper, shortly. As for losing my mind, oh, that's been gone for a while now. Good idea about the outsourcing. I think I'll outsource to Thailand instead, though. I already have employees over there, and I can expense the shipping.

Aug 27, 04 12:32 pm  · 
le bossman

could anyone please direct me to the weightroom? i am feeling huge and believe i must flex at myself in the mirror

Aug 27, 04 1:15 pm  · 

one more vote for cool, clean water. i was on a steady diet of mountain dew for my first few years of school...until i became immune and also read about the horrible side effects of yellow 5....bad magic....bad, bad magic.

so, i 'discovered' water. keeps you running to the restroom, cleans out the pipes, no nasty indian-food-like side effects of OJ and i found it keeps me awake. Thank you us, it works. plus, it helps keep your weight in check when all you eat is junk food at 4 am.

No doz made me too jittery and i never used it more than once. maybe it was just me. i didn't like being unsure exactly where my x-acto was going.

i will also vote for cutting down on the class/work schedule, but i understand if you can't do that.... take the time for exercise, and make sure you sleep a little every night...if you actually count up your productive time during the day, all nighters only cost you time, not give you any when it comes to several in a row. powernaps of 20-30 minutes work wonders...

good luck, DGG!

Aug 27, 04 5:06 pm  · 

meth and vicodin

just kidding, drugs are bad to depend on...

Aug 27, 04 5:29 pm  · 

porn wakes you up sometimes

Aug 27, 04 5:35 pm  · 

" it is called crack man , aits great. all you do is mix cocaine and baking powder, and i think i tasted some egg and cinnamon, too. " tyrone biggums

Aug 27, 04 6:22 pm  · 

No joke: a banana with at least 1 tbsp peanut butter (the organic kind, the only listed ingredients should be peanuts and maybe salt). Every day.

IPITYDAFU who has nut allergies.

Try it for two weeks. For reals. I started doing this around February, I think, and normally don't need more than 6 hrs. of sleep a night and wake up feeling very energetic and healthy.

Aug 27, 04 8:33 pm  · 

what does the banana and peanut butter do together?
i knew that a banana was always good for energy retention... but you guys are suggesting the weirdest combos with it...

Aug 27, 04 9:06 pm  · 

try a grain of salt

Aug 27, 04 10:40 pm  · 

Ever heard of a banana & peanut butter sandwich? Common combo, although I myself don't do it myself really. Fiber + protein. But really, how does that help?

Aug 27, 04 11:17 pm  · 

I don't know exactly. I think it's a combination of nutritional and caloric density, the fats in both the bananas and the nuts, the potassium.. like eating a candy bar that's good for you. And it tastes good.

Aug 28, 04 3:30 pm  · 
juan moment

It was at least good enough for the King.

Elvis Presley's Grilled Peanut Butter
and Banana Sandwich

* 2 slices of white bread
* 2 tablespoons of smooth peanut butter
* 1 small ripe banana mashed
* 2 tablespoons butter

Spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread and the mashed banana on the other. Press the slices gently together. Melt the butter (or to be truly Elvis-like, melt bacon fat!), over low heat in a small frying pan. Place the sandwich in the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Eat it with a glass of buttermilk.

Please note: Elvis tended to eat 12-15 sandwiches a sitting! So belly up!

Aug 28, 04 4:49 pm  · 

Damn, that's heavy!

Aug 28, 04 5:08 pm  · 

packets of "Gu" i use it when i go mt. biking and i feel like the "hulk" after a few packets.

Aug 28, 04 8:13 pm  · 

i somehow just cannot get myself to like peanut butter :(

Aug 28, 04 9:11 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

lately i have been drinking a lot of milk tea from muji. my sister brought it back from tokyo - powdered tea sort of earl grey tasting w/milk & sugar already in. drinking it now in fact.
i don't know what's in it cause i can't read the label but it must have a ton of caffeine but doesnt make me feel jittery at all. i know it's got something that keeps me up cause i've made the mistake of drinking it at night and I was just completely wide awake in my bed for hours.there are no muji stores in the US that I know of though maybe NYC will have one soon. I had a friend in Tokyo send me some more but its almost gone, so I'll have to go to the local japanese supermarket and have someone read the label & see if they have something similar soon.
the other foreign thing i've tried is Guronsan (Sp?), a french pill that dissolves in water like alka-seltzer, except it's sugar, caffeine & vitamin C. amazing.... used that a lot when i was in school. comes in a plastic tube - perhaps you could find it on the internet or maybe someone on here can hook you up? doesn't need a prescription or anything, just available in pharmacies.

Aug 29, 04 2:31 pm  · 

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