
What's better than caffeine?

design geek-girl

Thanks for all the tips everyone! I'll be trying them all out, exept for maybe the coke and vicodin combo, starting tomorrow.

Aug 29, 04 4:27 pm  · 

Try *iced* green tea.
You can purchase bottles of these at Chinese supermarkets
but it's best to brew your own, to achieve maximum potency :)
I usually toss 3-4 bags into a ceramic teapot and boil em for an
hour, add some honey, and then chill.
For me, a cold pitcher of this stuff along with a bowl of fruit is phenomenally more effective during those all-night marathons than strong coffee, or even caffeine pills.

Aug 29, 04 4:41 pm  · 

in school i used ephedrine (i.e. mini-thins available at your nearest truckstop) which was perfect for the all-nighters - but you gotta time it right, as mentioned above...

nowadays in the working world, my crutch is
alka seltzer "morning relief" (available at local grocer)
which i use for those special mornings after late nights of
drinking/concerts/sex/etc when you really needed to sleep in
but the boss maintains you gotta be desking at 8am.
i've found that if i can use coffee to get me thru lunch on those days,
then i'll utilize morning relief after lunch to get me through that long slow afternoon - it's a great upper for working, though you may not wanna rely on it daily, it may be rough on your tummy

Aug 29, 04 6:06 pm  · 

the water/hydration thing is key, but one of the things you definately need to remember is to eat. you can't eat dinner at 8, then wait till 8 to eat breakfast the morning. get yourself some food every 4 hours or so to go with the liquid. its better than grazing all night anyway, cause it keeps your models cleaner.

really though, your bosses might support you now, but somethings gonna give at some point with a load like that, and rather than dropping a class later (wasting time and money) i would do it now and keep yourself that much more sane. if I am correct, fulltime is like 12-14 hours, and it sounds to me like you are taking upwards of 20. if you can handle it, great, but it sounds bad to me no matter what spin i try to put on it unless you have super powers involving time manipulation.

Aug 29, 04 6:40 pm  · 

d g-g....

really think hard about javier's advice. its the best on the thread. i have never heard of anyone taking 6 class + studio. your profs are wrong. its not about do 0r die and you are risking quality with bad grades and getting nothing out of it. then why bother with school?? take only what you have to do keep your scholarship if you think it requires you to take over 15 -18 hours per semester max, talk to an advisor,,,,something is not right. i sense you have mandated you get out by a certain date and thats the way the number fall.

you cant do that work load with any level of one can. and stark3d is right...we are going to loose you from archinect......ok....drop one course....we will take up a collection for you or perhaps sell some extra gmail accounts on ebay to bridge the gap...ok?

Aug 30, 04 12:52 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I thought the last of TED's post read - sell some extra small organs <- need to check eyes again.

Aug 30, 04 8:12 am  · 

i think , from an italian point of view , coffe is the best thing but done with a moka , not with that weird machine that you use there else tea is better...
if you can find a coffe maker-moka, for the worst moments you can do a " student coffe" as we call it...first do the coffe then to do the second put first coffe instead of water and do another coffe... it could be "dangerous" ... do not drink it too fast!!!
else you can buy NESCAFE and use it with a creative dosage...1 cup 4 spoons more or should be almost black...not american coffe colour... and your favourite song it always work!

Aug 31, 04 6:53 am  · 
design geek-girl

Yesterday was the first day of classes, from 9am to 9pm. I don't think I'll be needing the Design Geek College Fund after all (thanks Ted). Nor will I have to sell my eyes, eww.

My Form Z class and my drafting and persective class are designed to support my studio. My math class is uber easy and art history won't require any papers.

The really good news is that I was just informed that I can take physics without taking the lab if I can prove that I took the Regents exam a million years ago in high school. This means I have dropped myself down to 12.5 credits. I was originally at 14.5. Have to maintain 12 to keep my aid, and my schedule was such that removing the ones that were not specifically required for this semester would leave me at 11.5.

Kinda crazy that 7 classes only adds up to 14.5 credits though, huh? F.I.T. is an alternate universe. Oh, and I dropped 4 hours at the office. I think I'll be ok. Thanks again everyone!

Aug 31, 04 11:19 am  · 

elena! we call that the killer's coffe...nice to know some more people are practicing the art of caffeine abuse.

Aug 31, 04 12:30 pm  · 

quite late on the hit however - yerba matte with liquorish -
water equals brain flow

Sep 16, 04 3:22 pm  · 
design geek-girl

a bit late to the party, but new tips are always appreciated ;)

Anyway, I've found that my fear of failure is what really keeps me awake.

Sep 16, 04 4:25 pm  · 

Very late in on the party but i go for Ginsing and Blackurrant tea. It also keeps the pecker up when required. Probably not so usefull for you design geek girl although I don't want to make assuptions.

Sep 17, 04 9:14 am  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice

Nicoderm CQ gives you a boost also the 14mg rocks me every time.

Sep 17, 04 11:28 am  · 

all i have to say is holy fuck i can't believe i just drove home

Apr 22, 09 6:02 pm  · 

oh, and water really is the best thing. drink shit tons. drink a gallon within 5 minutes if you have to, otherwise you'll forget to drink while being involved with your work. took me until recently to find that little jewel.

Apr 22, 09 6:06 pm  · 

Why are you working so much? That makes no sense to me. You'll sacrifice your education and your health to avoid a little debt. Again, no sense to me.

Apr 23, 09 11:05 am  · 


Apr 25, 09 12:55 am  · 

trace - i don't have a job. i'm in school. school work.

Apr 25, 09 10:32 am  · 

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