


ok i have just determined that I want to go into a 5 year Bach in Arch course for college, one of the schools I am looking at requires a portfolio. any suggestions on what I should try to put in it? Drawlings? should I try and design something? should i try to build it once i do?? HELP! thankssss


Jul 24, 07 5:14 pm

you should include a search feature, kind of like the one at the bottom of the discussions page. they're pretty handy.

Jul 24, 07 5:22 pm  · 
I'm hijacking this thread!

I just put my post-gradschool portfolio online last night (graduated last year).

It's here:


Any and all who've got portfolios on the web, you'll be posting the links here, if ye know what best for ya, yaar!

(PS - anybody hiring?)

Jul 24, 07 5:36 pm  · 

Since we're hijacking threads, this would be a great time for VindPer to drop his portfolio on us. As much as I hate 3dH and his thread hijacking, I'm actually very curious to see some of his work.

Jul 24, 07 5:39 pm  · 

sevensixfive- nice portfolio, but I was looking for something I can do on my own. I'm going to be a senior this year in high school and my school does not offer architecture classes ( what catholic school does??).

Jul 24, 07 5:43 pm  · 

Drawlings might not work.

Jul 24, 07 5:43 pm  · 

ok then what do i use? photos, should i just try my best on a design??

Jul 24, 07 5:45 pm  · 

I've found an envelope of unmarked bills usually does the trick ;-)

Jul 24, 07 5:47 pm  · 

do some creative writing about your favorite priest

Jul 24, 07 5:49 pm  · 

ok im good at writing, ive written a few poems here and there. but shouldn't i have more then just creative writing pieces?

Jul 24, 07 5:50 pm  · 

i would suggest searching through this website. this topic gets discussed all the time and im sure you will find really good advice, and probably the names of others in your similar situation. you'll find a lot of people giving joke responses because this topic is so frequently covered.

quick reminder though... very few high school students have any architecture experience. so include drawings, paintings, writing, pictures, anything that you feel appropriately shows your strengths whatever they might be, and dont feel intimidated... remember your competing against other kids who are probably doing even less preperation than you. Dont waste your time trying to do things you think the school wants to see ('design something') if your not confident in what you'll present. look at the portfolios on this site, get some ideas... there are lots of good ones floating around here.

Jul 24, 07 6:00 pm  · 

765, did you code that project yourself? i miss my c++ days.

Jul 24, 07 6:52 pm  · 

do architects purposefully make it difficult to navigate through their websites?

Jul 24, 07 8:16 pm  · 

My site? Hard to navigate? Really?

@xacto - yeah, took this class that was all about processing, so that's all I know.

@babylonian107 - I agree with lletdownl ad everyone else who's saying don't worry too much about it, just show some creative visual work, drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, whatever you like to do, and you'll be fine. If you feel like 'designing something' and if you've got a an idea that you're excited about, then go for it, but only show work that you're happy with.

Now back to the hijacking! Let's see some more portfolios, me hearties!

Jul 24, 07 9:58 pm  · 

Actually your website is quite organized. I just think the simplicity of the website makes some people confused, cus they think its hard to navigate with out any obvious buttons.

Jul 25, 07 8:17 am  · 

hey Sevensix five

Your Website portfolio is really hard and difficult to navigate thru...Whats up with that

Jul 25, 07 4:37 pm  · 

Yo, difficult FIX

Thanks for telling me straight up. I haven't had enough people test it out, so I really don't know if it is or not. It makes sense to me, but then I built it so that would follow, right? I want to ahve some more people look at it and tell me what's up.

Can you tell me more about what's difficult? Is it tricky to go from page to page?

This is one reason I wanted to start/hijack this thread: we make boards, right? In school, that's the output, along with the models, of course. It's hard enough to go from 'boards and models' to 'a book' (aka a portfolio), and even harder to then go from 'a book' to 'a website', layout's tough, navigation even more so ...

Jul 25, 07 4:50 pm  · 


a few thoughts. maybe define a color for all links. this way ppl have a graphic /visual cue between what is plain text and what is something they can click on.

to move from image to image with in a project it is not readily obvious that you much click on the current image to get to the next. maybe provide an image nav. also what if i want to go back to the previous image? sure i can hit the back button on my browser. the image nav would solve this problem too.

the biggest issue is that your main nav disappears when i go to a project. sure you have the TOC link at the top, but it's small and could go unnoticed. i hate having to go backwards to go forwards. it's like having to go up some stairs before heading down to the next floor. why would you do it?

hope that helps.

Jul 25, 07 5:18 pm  · 


I like it...once I figured out that I have to click the image on the right to go forward and on the left to backward. The layout of the pages themselves seem to be more print-friendly then web-friendly, and therefore I wished that I could enlarge nearly every page, in addition to the few that could.

Did you consider a standard navigation bar along the sides or top that had more functionality?

Your work is pretty kick-ass, though.

Jul 25, 07 5:19 pm  · 

That's good stuff, thanks for the comments, y'all.

In general trying to go for uncluttered, and yeah the pages are pretty much a straight rip from the print book, with most of the text redone in html. So didn't want to have a thumbnail or menu navigation that followed you through the thing, wanted it to feel like a book.

But that said, if it's simple it's gotta be intuitive, right? And you guys are telling me it ain't, so that's a good thing to know. The funnest thing to do with a new website is just ask someone to click around on it while you're looking over their shoulder, not giving them any hints. I wish I could get somebody here to do that but I'm stuck out in the sticks for now.

On top of that, Comcast just 'upgraded' the internet here and in the process they broke FTP. Can't upload or change anything until it's fixed, aaarrr!

Jul 25, 07 5:29 pm  · 

i think you can acheive both 765. worst thing to happen is that someone gets frustrated because they can not figure out how to navigate the site and then they leave without seeing your work.

regarding nav following you though, i think it is pretty important that it does. we all search for/nav thought info differently and having the nav up would accomodate everyone. even with a book or mag some will go page by page. some will move front to back while others will move back to front. some like skipping around. you could always have the nav expose itself when a user rolls over the TOC button. that way it is there but it isn't.

Jul 25, 07 5:37 pm  · 


I was just joking with you because you misspelled "drawings" as "drawlings"

Jul 25, 07 5:43 pm  · 

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