
A Great Adventure

liberty bell

Spa treatments are ALWAYS welcome, and it will give her a chance to hand the kids to her husband and take an hour away, which will be heaven. One of my girlfriends back when we had our kids said about six months after giving birth that she needed to "take a break from being a mom and instead be a woman again for awhile" as she went of to get exactly the kind of treatment you are talking about....I think it's a great idea. Just make sure the gift certificate is good for at least a year.

Sep 4, 07 2:08 pm  · 

woohoo! That's exactly what I'll do, then. I already gave them a book on twins that she loves. I hope it's ok that that's all I give them because I can't really afford anything more.

Also I forgot to mention that she went through all this via free public clinics in New Orleans because her insurance denied her, no joke. So she probably could really use some quality personal care right about now.

Sep 4, 07 2:13 pm  · 

ok, lbelle, if you have a minute, could you look at these massages and give me an idea of which one might be best for the post-pregnant body? i'd really appreciate it. I think we can swing a 60 minute massage gift certificate.

aveda massages

Sep 4, 07 2:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, I had the first belly touch this weekend. It was a newly met cousin by marriage, and it was the light, friendly scratch kind of touch. Strange, but at least it was "family" and only once. It just happend so quickly, that there was no chance in backing away, and since it was the first time I met these people, I had to make a great impression.

Oh, and I forgot to mention...

As MIL was holding her new grandson, she was doing the baby-talk thing, and Husband turns to me, as I stare in disgust, and says "We're not going to do that, are we?" I just breathed a sigh of relief. I'm sorry if any of the parents reading this are into baby-talk, but we are adamently against it. It just makes you look stupid, and your child will have to relearn english later. When Husband told his mother that we weren't allowing that, she said that she would just go into another room. He said, "No, you aren't doing that around my child." Woohoo! Mark one up for the parents! He is going to be such an awesome dad.

And Myriam, can you send that massage voucher to my house instead? I'm sure your friend will understand.

Sep 4, 07 2:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

myriam, the hydrotherm sounds pretty intriguing, though any one of those would be wonderful.

Don't do babytalk, Sarah, but do stick your tongue out at the infant and watch for the age when s/he mimics you back - it's pretty cool!

Sep 4, 07 2:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OK, so I've been out of the office all morning at a dr's appointment. AHHH they were an hour behind, and since Husband and I arrived an hour early, we had to wait in the waiting room for TWO HOURS! Oh well.

So in a month I have gained 4 lbs, thats right, only four, so if I can keep that up, thats about a lb a week, and that 23 lbs! WooHoo!!! And they say like 15 of that is kid and accoutrements, so that means only 10 lbs that I will have to answer for, right? Well, don't bust my bubble if its worse, but feel free to make my delusions grander.

Oh, and we were hoping to get confermation on the baby's sex, but apparently you have to schedule that seperatly. So we go back next wednesday.

Other than that, the visit was typical. They told me the pain I've been feeling was either a ligament stretching, or an ovarian cyst, which is no big deal. I was just curious. And the baby's heartbeat was a standard 156, so I guess things are comfortable in there. And, then, of course, they HAD to take more blood. Something about Down Syndrome testing. I hate needles.

Sep 17, 07 3:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Did you pee in a cup? I had to do that every sinlge time. And I never got to be any good at it.

Of course you'll only have 10 pounds to worry about after it's all over. Absolutely ;-)

I had a golf-ball sized fibroid tumor which was quite painful some days, unnoticeable others, and hasn't bothered me a bit since then. All kinds of things get bigger with pregnancy, then disappear after! Including the weight!

Glad you are doing well - are you in the "I'll happily eat any food placed in front of me" stage yet?

Sep 17, 07 3:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, they don't ask me for urine samples. I did it twice, but that was that. Not sure, maybe they just don't see the need, who knows. Maybe later? Since I've never done this, I don't really know whats to come. They could ask me to stand on my head at the next appointment, and I would ask why, but still do it anyway.

And as far as food goes, I have upped my feedings to 5 a day from the previous 3, but even thats not always certain. I just eat when I'm hungry, and its usually not much before I am full. Part of me is hoping it stays that way. I did manage 3 slices of french toast the other day, and I was suprised, but normally its something like half a sandwich and half a bag of chips. I love 'Potbelly's.' I wonder if they have them up there, or out west. hmmmmm.

I am happy to say that I am cooking again. My only creative outlet, and the desire has returned. Husband is happy too.

Sep 17, 07 3:22 pm  · 

I'm sorry I haven't come across this thread until now. We are expecting our first child in 7 weeks!

Here's my better half at 25 weeks.

Sep 17, 07 3:40 pm  · 

Congrats ether! I have found SH's thread really entertaining and informative, and I can't speak for Sarah but welcome another 'nector that is experiencing the miracle of life. the bean is moving all around right now...probably from that root beer I just polished off.

Sep 17, 07 4:05 pm  · 

i do have to pee in a cup at every visit. The nurse says she is checking for changes in blood sugar/looking out for gestational diabetes. It seems like overkill given that I haven't gained an irregular amt of weight and I wasn't overweight to begin with.

so far I've gained 15, and am at a pretty consistent rate of a pound per week. I gained 10 in the first three months, and then nothing in the fourth, and finally 5 by the 5th month. a pound/week still means 20 lbs give or take to go. yikes. am trying to eat as "clean" as possible (fruits/veggies/protien) since the idea of predisposing my kid to obesity or heart disease with my chocolate cravings scares me.

Sep 17, 07 4:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

smallpotatoes, I read that a pregnant woman's chocolate cravings may actually be a mis-interpreted craving for protein.

Congrats again, ether - it's soon!

Sep 17, 07 4:36 pm  · 

thank you smallpotatoes. =)

Sep 17, 07 4:37 pm  · 

thanks lb!

Sep 17, 07 4:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OK, so I need some female advice, although I suppose a man could possible help as well.

I've been feeling down, and ugly, which I asume is just part of pregnancy, but I think I want a facial, and maybe some other spa treatments. I've never had anything more than a massage, so I don't know what I'm getting into here. Its just that my shape is changing, which is fine, but I don't have that 'Glow' that everyone speaks of, my skin is just as rough a gross as always, and its been getting to me. Then, the nurse told me yesterday that I had tough skin. Guess if I was going for body armor then this would be a compliment, but being that I am not a dragon or crocodile, though maybe a bit hormonal, it got to me. Don't worry, I didn't let her know. So I've been looking at spas.

I know that some things you can't do being pregnant, though I wonder if you can't do them while pregnant, why you should do them when not, but thats another conversation completely. But there is a spa at 'Hotel ZaZa' (sounded like that might mean something) that offers 3 treatments specifically for the expectant types. And that has me assured that I could possibly get a facial (95$), a massage - which includes lower legs! (95$), or a body wrap moisture thing (120$).

Their 'Menu' And its on page 9, just so you don't have to read through them all.

Ok, so my questions are...

Should I do one, or all three? I tend to get compulsive now and buy way too much when shopping, must be a symptom. Should I see if they do a pregnancy package since they do other packages?

And, should I try to hint at it to Husband and let him take care of set up, or just do it myself?

Am I just being hormonal and sad?

Oh, I'm getting overwhelmed, and I'm rambling. Sorry.

Sep 18, 07 4:21 pm  · 

there ARE different things they do for pregnancy and you should talk to the spa about these things.

my wife went to the spa on a somewhat regular basis during pregnancy because (smart woman that she is) she asked everyone for spa gift certificates for christmas and had hundreds of dollars stacked up. she loved it; no question you should do it if you think it will make you feel better about yourself.

i don't think you ought to "hint" to your husband. either tell him you're doing it and do it or tell him he really needs to do it. though i'm not sure why you'd want him to do it: he's not likely to be an effective middleman for the setting of appts and the customizing of what you want done. if you want to get what you want and you want it done right....

Sep 18, 07 4:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I thought about that, really, I did. But, Steven, being that I am a girl, or maybe its just ME, I would be flattered if he DID something like that for me, and since he can't read my mind, the hinting. Plus, I like to give him the opportunity to do something nice for me. Wow, when did I turn into this? Its really coming from a genuin place, but its coming out like I'm being manipulative.

Oh, just put me into a coma until this is over!

Sep 18, 07 4:44 pm  · 

the spa should know if the treatments are pregnancy safe. you might even consider calling your OB just to be certain.

i would recommend looking into acupuncture. my wife loves going. and it's done wonders for her sore body parts (feet/ sciatic nerve). here's rhonda's website so you can take a look at her "qualifications". she's one of, if not, the most respected in the area. you might consider using the appointment it as a testing experience in case you do develop some pain later in your pregnancy.

otherwise, get the whole damn spa treatment.. make yourself feel good! you deserve it!

Sep 18, 07 4:49 pm  · 

i agree with steven's points. i'm sure he can concur... us men aren't always keen on the pregnancy and it's impact on women's bodies, etc. please don't try to expect/hope your husband to make the appointment for you. tell him you want to go and hopefully the next time, he'll take the innitiative.

Sep 18, 07 4:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, thanks for the advice, but Michigan is a bit far for an accupunture appt being that I'm in dallas. I printed off the 'menu' and will approach Husband when I get home. So no hinting, but he will still be part of the process.

I really think I'm having a crazy day. Please don't let me turn into Media!

Sep 18, 07 4:58 pm  · 

the website was only meant for reference purposes, if you decided to look for someone local.

Sep 18, 07 5:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Go for the total pregnancy package and spend a whole day there if you can. Your husband can use it as quiet time around the house or going out with his buddies or whatever - heaven knows neither of you will have time for that after the baby comes!

Or, if he seems upset at you spending the money/taking the entire day away, reassure him that if you do it now you'll possibly be less likely to NEED to do it after the baby is born, when your spa time = his alone being single daddy time.

Men often don't take hints -just be honest about it.

I had a manicure one week before I delivered - it was heavenly and a tiny treat to myself. I squeezed it in after a Saturday work meeting and cleaning the house for my mother's arrival. Looking back I wish I had spent a lot more time pampering myself beforehand, because once the baby is around it's a lot ahrder to fit that time in (though it does become that much more blissful when it happens!).

Sep 18, 07 8:37 pm  · 


enjoy the pampering!

this is how men think:

hint? what hint? you didn't tell me what you wanted/needed, so I assumed everything was okay. now you're pissed off at me for something I didn't do, couldn't have known, and would never have though of in a million years!

thanks LB for helping to clarify the air.

Sep 18, 07 9:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Haha, excellent impersonation, a-techno - I'm guessing you've spoken those exact words before?!

Sep 18, 07 11:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Shit, sorry, treekiller, I don't know how I misread your name as techno's!

Sep 18, 07 11:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Maybe you read his name as TK, and that sounds a bit like Techno, but thats just guessing.

Anyway, I printed off the menu, and showed it to Husband. He said go for it, but then later that night we were talking finances, and I am no longer comfortable spending the money, just like a woman, right? So now I'm wondering if I can do some stuff with kithcen ingredients at home. Maybe mix brown sugar with an oil or something to make an exfoliating paste? Does anybody think that would work? Maybe this should go on the 'Ask Mighty' thread. We also have mint tea, that seems like it would help somehow maybe.

Any ideas?

Sep 19, 07 8:49 am  · 

there are tons of resources available on the web for such homemade concoctions and their uses.

Sep 19, 07 8:54 am  · 

you won't feel refreshed, special, and so on unless you get into the sort of removed environment and special treatment you'll get at the spa.

you might want to/need to spend a couple of weeks saving specifically for this event so that you can still do it or something, but i think you should do it.

preparing your own treatments does not seem like the solution to the feelings you were having. part of the spa situation is that someone will be sympathetic/empathetic and encouraging while treating you nicely. it's not just the product.

Sep 19, 07 9:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good point. I was actually just wondering to myself how long it would take to save that up, and that maybe I should just try the home-made stuff as a quick fix. Although, when mentioning that to Husband, he said I should have it done proffesionally so as to avoid any sort of painful mess-ups. And he's right, permanently marring my face would do loads for my self-esteem.

Sep 19, 07 9:23 am  · 

lb- every married (and otherwise hitched) man, myself included, has had at least one of these failure to mind read/get the hints episodes. the communication training goes both ways - so ladies, stop being subtle and just come out and say it to us thickheaded men. it simplifies everything when you stop treating us like your girlfriends and realize were closer to being neanderthals when it comes to guessing your thoughts.

no offense taken for being mistaken.

Sep 19, 07 10:45 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven is spot on here, Sarah - you NEED that spa environment for this to work. You need to escape the real world and be treated like the center of the universe for a few hours.

Eat ramen for a week, it will be worth it. Just add some fresh veggies to the ramen so you're getting your vitamins, too!

I'm like you, I hate to spend money on so-called frivolous things like beauty treatments when we're always broke. But honestly: being pregnant is an exception to putting common sense frugality above a little bit of luxury. You deserve it, your body is basically on charette right now producing another human! It's hard work!! Not to mention your mind is full of worry and anticipation and doomsday scenarios, PLUS you are a working woman! I'll say it again: you deserve it. Be frugal elsewhere right now.

Sep 19, 07 11:56 am  · 


can I get a seaweed facial?

Sep 19, 07 1:00 pm  · 

I am looking it...

Sep 19, 07 1:06 pm  · 

I want a tumbleweed facial ;)

Sep 19, 07 1:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its official!! Presenting Mst. Abram Bradley Hamilton.

Husband says he looks like he's driving a car; how appropriate.

And the more 'baby' like image.

Sep 26, 07 12:32 pm  · 

Wow Sarah those are great images! Congratulations on having a boy! Your u/s tech knew what he/she was doing to get such a good profile shot.

Sep 26, 07 12:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

And as for the visit and the results...

I am releived. I wanted a boy, and I am so glad that it is one. The technician didn't even have to try to guess what it was, and when he said "its a boy, by the way" I said 'YES!!!!!!!' A bit over excited when compared to others, but I am very pleased.

Everything else seemed normal, so nothing to report there.

Can you guys think of any way to make fun of his name that I haven't figured out yet? I know kids can be cruel.

Sep 26, 07 12:41 pm  · 

girl.. boy... so long as it's healthy.

Sep 26, 07 12:56 pm  · 

I like the name Abram; the only thing I can think of would be the likelyhood that someone might want to say Abraham instead. How do you feel about the shortened "Abe?"

I'm happy to hear that you're excited for a boy - I am waiting to find out and it's killin' me a little bit!

Sep 26, 07 1:03 pm  · 
vado retro

for a boy here's some good names....

temujin(thats ginghis khan's name)

Sep 26, 07 1:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Abe is fine with me, I just hope he's cool enough to pull it off in HS. That coudl be total nerd, or collest guy in school material. So thats really up to him. I will always call him Abram, and I figure most of his family will. Something about Texas it seems is that we don't shorten peoples names. If you are introduced as Christopher, we don't call you Chris. Just something we seem to do.

Sep 26, 07 1:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um...Vado, thanks for the are pretty set on Abram. No changing our minds. And how do you know Gengis Kahns name?

Sep 26, 07 1:17 pm  · 

i've never been able to understand my wifes obsession with trying to come up with ways of making fun of our future childs name...

if i have a boy i'm naming him sue.

Sep 26, 07 1:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its to prevent the pain and suffering that comes from being made fun of in k-4 grade. After that, kids find better things than names to pick on, but until then, you could be stuck with a sad/whiny kid cause he has no friends. Plus, a name can make or break your social status, and in those years, its important. If your kid has no friends, then he can't develope much needed social skills. And it would be sad if you could've prevented that just by naming him something else.

Sep 26, 07 1:37 pm  · 

did you read that in a book somewhere?

Sep 26, 07 1:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, just something I know, but would you believe it more if I had? Maybe I should write a book, this architecture gig doesn't pay enough anyway.

If you just watch kids on the playgorund, you can pick up a lot on their social dynamics. Its interesting, and even a bit animalistic. Just think of 'lord of the flies.' Piggy was singled out mostly because he was fat and had glasses. Children are like wolves, the strongest becomes pack leader, and the weakest must be submissive to survive.

Does this all just sound like crap? Maybe my views are too harsh.

Sep 26, 07 1:48 pm  · 

it does.

Sep 26, 07 1:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Maybe girls are just meaner than boys, and thats why your wife and I worry. Girls torture through words and such, boys just beat each other up. Maybe thats the actual difference.

Sep 26, 07 1:54 pm  · 

boys will always find ways to make fun of other boys, this comming especially from their closest of friends - and you shouldnt worry too much about that. His social dynamics will come from you and the father - your personality traits, how much/little you coddle him, etc.

my wife and I were thinking the same things of the names we are starting to pick out: either nerdy and gets made fun of, or coolest in school.... but it is not the name that ultimately decides this.

Abram is a great name

Sep 26, 07 2:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

I worried over kids making fun of Angus' name. Time will tell if I needed to worry or not. So far no one has called him "Anus" (that I know of), but I'm sure it will happen eventually. I think every name under the sun has been the subject of taunting on a playground - kids are mean. We all were too.

Congrats on the beautiful US images, Sarah! I never got one that looked like anything more than a blob. Yours are both beautiful!

Abram is a great name.

Sep 26, 07 2:18 pm  · 

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