
are ipods really worth it?


i am sick of switching cds every hour and a half or so and am thinking about buying an ipod. my question is if there is a better alternative to the ipod? Or is the ipod the cats meow and nothing really compares to it. i was thinking of getting the 20g ipod.

so any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Aug 24, 04 12:03 pm
Josh Russell

i recently got an 4G 20gig ipod (about 3 weeks ago). i love it more than i thought i would. i use it for music mostly but also as a portable hard drive. my friend has an iRiver HP120 he enjoys it but was jealous that i got one. the ipods are also cheaper now. if you go with the ipod get protection iSkin the best in the ipod protection business just released their new case for the 4G.

Aug 24, 04 12:11 pm  · 

yes. yes. and yes. it is a luxury for sure. especially at the office.

Aug 24, 04 12:12 pm  · 

I like my ipod, but I think having one is really going to be great while in studio for hours on end. although the battery life sucks. I heard a radio ad that claims that (?I forgot the player) can get up to 30 hours of play time. thatd be nice, but my ipod was a gift and I am definately not complaining.

Aug 24, 04 12:58 pm  · 

Both Dell and Creative have HD players that have 15-20 hour battery times. The new ipods claim 10 hours.

Another thing to think of is the fact that the ipod is recognized as a firewire drive on pcs for transfering large files. No additional drivers needed. The dell requires additional drivers be installed in order to use it in this way.

Iriver have great products, but the cost $$$.

I bought a Dell last Christmas because my music library was all WMA files, and the IPOD cannot play that type. I have been reasonably happy with it, as well as the $150 I saved over a comparable IPOD at the time.

If you buy music online, I would make sure that the player you get is compatible. IPOD will only play Itunes, and not the other services (assuming, of course, that Apple blocks Real's music soon.)

If you rip your CDs, all HD players will play MP3, but it requires more diskspace for a CD quality MP3 than WMA or AAC. But hey, its 20 gig, right?

One last caveat. The Ipod can play content, while many of the others cannot. Just something to think about.

my 2 cents.

Aug 24, 04 3:24 pm  · 
Josh Russell

people make a big deal about the ipod not being able to play WMAs. when you copy over the music to the iPod it automatically converts it. no big deal.

with my 4G 20gig iPod i've personally gotten 13.5 hours of battery. carry the charger with you or leave it in studio. no big deal.

Aug 24, 04 3:26 pm  · 

I have had my 3g 15g since feb. and although I love it, the battery does not last more than 6hours (not touching the wheel,or scrolling through playlist). I took it to the apple store and was told that was normal...The thing didn't make it on a trip from DC-San Fran (5.5hour flt)
I may be looking at the Sony before the year is out (30hrs) battery life.

Aug 24, 04 3:46 pm  · 
Josh Russell

sony (like with the minidisc) uses their own propietary formats for audio. just so you know. that's why the minidisc thing wasn't ever that big.

Aug 24, 04 3:51 pm  · 

Converting from a WMA to AAC is like copying a copy. The only way to get the same quality is to rerip all of your CDs. That is why it is a big deal.

I don't blame Apple for not supporting a Microsoft technology, I just chose not to spend hours and hours reripping and labeling.

Aug 24, 04 3:52 pm  · 
Andrew Kudless

I've had my 5GB iPod for almost two years and absolutely love it. All these people complaining about battery life must live some pretty outdoorsy lives because I've never run out of battery life more than a few feet from an outlet. I usually get 6 to 8 hours on my 2 year old battery. When it runs out, I'm at studio anyway so I just plug it in. Personally I also don't think the larger models are worth it. I have over 40GB on my home computer and I have no need to have that with me all the time. This way I'm forced to switch things out when I get tired of them. If I bought another iPod in the future I'd go with the mini.

One more thing, a month ago I dropped my ipod from waist height. It bounced once on the concrete sidewalk before I managed to kick it 15 feet in front of me into a mass of people during the london rush hour who then precedded to kick it around some more before I grabbed it. It was still playing when I picked it up and amazingly no surface damage either.

Aug 24, 04 5:14 pm  · 

I'm thinking of getting an external Hard drive to periodically back up my thesis this semester. I'm looking at Lacie's usb2 bus powered versions. The one i'm considering is 40g @ about 170 bucks. My question is would an Ipod be worth the extra cash and since it would be dual purpose? How are the transfer rates, and would the data be safe enough to be considered a backup. Thanks

Aug 24, 04 5:48 pm  · 
Josh Russell

transfer speeds are obviously not as blazingly fast as true portable harddrives (due to physical size) but with a USB 2.0 or FireWire you could probably transfer a gig of data in say 4-5 minutes (just a guess based on my experiences) . as far as the data being safe...extremely safe.

Aug 24, 04 6:54 pm  · 

Anyone know how to transfter mp3 from ipod to itune or hd?

Aug 24, 04 8:05 pm  · 

download ipodrip, here:

Aug 24, 04 8:17 pm  · 

About a week ago, I received the 3g 15gig iPod as a gift and I'm quite happy with it.

However, I do agree with the complaints about the short battery life... It's a bit of pain to have to recharge it every night. Plus, for longer trips, I imagine it's going to be a bother.

As far as hard drive capacity is concerned, I think the 15gig is more than enough. While I own somewhere around 1000 cds and am slowly ripping them into MP3 format, I don't need all 1000 cds on my iPod at anyone time. I'm okay with having a few thousand songs available on my iPod.

In fact, I liked my iPod so much I just bought my girlfriend a silver mini iPod!

Aug 25, 04 9:11 am  · 

ok, i went out and bought a 4g 20gig ipod and so far it is amazing. now the question is where is the best place to get music. itunes is nice, but i think it is going to get a little expensive. what is the best, easiest, most cost effective place to get music on line?

Aug 25, 04 10:52 am  · 

has free legal downloads of mp3s. Not everything you want, but a pretty good resource.

I am personally holding out until all mp3 players have tuners and work as portable storage. iPod has two out of three. Until then I stick with my portable mp3/CD/radio player.

Aug 25, 04 2:56 pm  · 

you can buy a plug in tuner for the ipod i think. There are tons of add-ons. There is even a media card reader so that you can download pics from your camera to your ipod on the go, without an intermediary computer.

As far as addons go, ipod is the king. No other player has so many alternative uses.

Aug 25, 04 3:35 pm  · 
Jonathan Stockton

Gosh...I'm so tired of brushing my teeth twice a day. Is it worth having them all removed? And how would you recommend I remove them?

Aug 25, 04 5:23 pm  · 

got my ipod 2 weeks ago, no complaints...
how good is this ituner thing? and what other accessories would u recommend?

Aug 25, 04 5:44 pm  · 

The Itrip tuner is great if you can find a radio frequency in your area that is free from broadcast.

Aug 25, 04 11:56 pm  · 

nice jonathan, very nice. i must admit i giggled like a school girl over that one

Aug 26, 04 8:51 am  · 

i know i sound like a trendy sellout but i've been looking for a decent mp3 player for a while and nothing else compares to my ipod. itunes rocks i imported all my music into it and burned all my cds into it. i am so pissed after wasting money on a SONY minidisc player it is a huge ripoff because you can only put your music on minidiscs and you can't even burn anything onto a cd or export it. what the hell was i thinking well atleast i have my ipod and all my problems are solved.

Aug 27, 04 2:04 am  · 

[url=]link[/affordable preventative protection]
not a bad little item - cheap!
They work great it's like the protective film you get on a remote or glasses, but custom fit and durable.

Aug 27, 04 9:31 am  · 
link from above


Aug 27, 04 9:34 am  · 

Pimpanzee is the funniest name in archinect.

Aug 27, 04 11:40 pm  · 

i am little jeolus..

Aug 27, 04 11:42 pm  · 

Compare the
ipod vs the Cassette tape

Sep 2, 04 9:36 am  · 

my friends decided to give me a mp3 player as a birthday gift and told me to choose whatever i wanted...
i researched the ipod, the iriver and the creative zen touch
the creative is shit...the touchpad dont work fine, and their software interface is also crap

i have chosen the iriver and man, it rocks...the sound quality is much better than the ipod, plays and records radio (with real time mp3 encoding), integrates very well with winamp and media player..but it looks like crap compared to the ipod. its lighter, battery is 16 hours..etc etc...also has voice recording

wants me to get back to the pc/mac argument - the iriver is like the pc...does lots of things, but the interface has a steep learning curve..the ipod does one thing well but is so sweet to use.

am still wondering if i should give the iriver back and get an ipod????

Sep 3, 04 11:39 pm  · 

Can you play MP3's downloaded from Kazaa or Emule on an ipod. i was told that it can only play music ripped from Itunes? is that true?

Sep 7, 04 4:36 pm  · 
Josh Russell

i own a 20gig 4G iPod. its name is Emilio.

yes you can use 'illegal' mp3s w/ the iPod. it's a common misconception w/ the ipod. you transfer the music on your computer to the ipod through iTunes. there is 3rd party software out there so you can just drag and drop.

(iTunes kinda sucks at first but once you get used to it it's not bad)

Sep 7, 04 4:41 pm  · 

i was leaning towards the creative MP3 player, cheaper and more disk space, but from what i gather on this site their players seem to suck big time, good job i didn't buy one. might go for an ipod after all, looks like for once apple have managed to put a decent product on the market... it bothers me cos i'm allergic to all this trendy mac hype. anyway i might be walking down the street with a pair of white headphones in my ears soon...

Sep 8, 04 7:55 am  · 

what the hell is a CD?????? if you want to choose for yourself .. pile up as many cd's an iPod can carry.. if you are a music lover and enjoy music around at all times of your life get the pod

Sep 9, 04 2:09 am  · 

doberman go for the iriver...really
the interface is not as slick as the ipod, but it can play radio, can record fm radio etc etc
have not found any problems with mine yet

and yes, putting music onto it is a thousand times easier than going thru itunes (which ive just begun hating)

Sep 9, 04 2:19 am  · 

cool, i'll look into that then.

Sep 9, 04 11:10 am  · 

Seriously, how hard is it to put music into an iPod though iTunes?? Take a file, drag it into the iTunes widow and connect iPod. Thats it. You can play all mp3 you get off kazaa or anywhere else. As for recording what's on the radio, well I can't even remember the last time I listened to the radio since I got my iPod, nevermind actually wanting to record something. As for battery life, the iPod does have shorter battery life but that does not necessarily make it inferior. Its like saying a Saturn is a better car than a Porsche because it gets higher mpg. iPod is very intuitive. You can actually drive half way decently and be able to pick out songs I want to play in your car. iPod is number one player for a reason and its not because its cheap.

Sep 9, 04 12:14 pm  · 

only prob i find with iPod is while youre driving it causes you to look away from road alot.. it would be nice if they made some sort of driver friendly attachment..also i prefer limewire over kazaa

Sep 9, 04 12:22 pm  · 
Marc Pittsley

what iriver model do you have?
I have an iriver cd player and love it. I'd like to get an mp3 player, but I won't get an ipod, since I too despise the mac hype and want to avoid the cultural values that have come to be associated with the sight of those little white headphones, at least here in New York.

Here's an amusing article that speaks to ipod culture in NYC.

Sep 9, 04 3:07 pm  · 

zepellin, porsche and saturn is a bad more like porsce and a acura NSX...the iriver is also a bit expensive than the ipod...

well but my love for the iriver might just end - please read on: supports the wma format but for proper indexing and stuff, the customer support tells me to download this program called moodlogic from their website - something that indexes all the music on the computer (so it keeps running in the background, something i just hate). they told me to uninstall the earlier driver, which i did too

now i can copy all the music into the player, play the songs, but no indexing at sucks...

the customer service is also real bad, takes an average of 45 minutes on hold, and they are totally not helpful. ive spent almost 10 hours trying to rectify the problem - also installed the old drivers, but nothing seems to work...

i might just return it and go take the ipod, just wish that someone comes up with a smart way of integrating radio with the remote control that one can buy from a 3rd party.

another option is the new sony player, but im just tired of trying stuff now...time to actually listen to music!!! - but as i still hate the mp4 format, i will still convert everything to mp3

im just going to be another white ear-bud totting dude, it looks like

Sep 9, 04 4:24 pm  · 
Christopher Connock

-marc and all ipodhaters

i love how hipsters always have to be one step ahead or in this case, behind, the game. before i go off an a tagengtial and probably completely off-the-mark rant - let me just say - dont knock it until you try it.

i had been a pc stalwart for all my life until i recently started at an all mac firm. going in, i too had the same 'mac hype' inclinations. after 4 months of using macs and my ipod, there have been plenty of moments i have been lusting for that pc functionality/compatibility. BUT i would never let my 'nerd culture misconceptions/prejudices' get in the way of enjoying GOOD design.

the ipod is an amazing little machine with the most intuitive interface and comfortable size of all the players. dont let the jobs-hype-machine or some shitty nyc weekly lifestyle (stupidly obvious - listen to the sounds of the world once in a while - thanks for the tip Gabriel Sherman!) article change your mind for you.

my ipod has made 6 hour chinatown bus trips back to richmond almost bearable, AUDIOBOOKS have actually enriched my worldviews and blasting Jason Forrest's latest nonsense on the walk home from work have made long days dissapear by the time im at my doorstep.

if you are afraid of seeming too bourgeois or stlye-concious - i advise buying a pair of black headphones instead of passing up on what could be a great little pal.

Sep 9, 04 6:05 pm  · 

good one connok... iPod = iPal

Sep 9, 04 6:48 pm  · 
Marc Pittsley
after 4 months of using macs and my ipod, there have been plenty of moments i have been lusting for that pc functionality/compatibility. BUT i would never let my 'nerd culture misconceptions/prejudices' get in the way of enjoying GOOD design.

Christopher, as far as I'm concerned, it's not really good design if it looks nice but doesn't work as well as you need it to. I know this doesn't apply to the ipod specifically, but you raise it as a point about macs.

Really, you needn't be so defensive. I wasn't attacking your lifestyle. It's the planned obsolesence and the cultural hard-sell from Apple that I resent. The more they hype a product as a technological and cultural necessity (and especially as a mark of a design-conscious exclusivity), the less inclined I am to buy it. I'm sure it's a fine little device, but Apple's sales tactics and the cyncial product-as-lifestyle attitude they are trying to pitch (regardless of whether you call it "hipster," "nerd," or whatever culture) make me want to buy from a competitor. Simple as that. You really shouldn't take it personally.

Sep 10, 04 10:10 am  · 

marc pittsley....

"I wasn't attacking your lifestyle. It's the planned obsolesence and the cultural hard-sell from Apple that I resent"

have you ever heard of Windows?...and/or mircrosoft..i guess you don't
use those either? not trying to attack either..but apple is not even close to as hard-sell as bill gates fact they've finally carved out one niche in the huge computer market and they're ridiculed for it?...
microsoft intentionally puts other companies out of business and has
been called out and sued for it...

i'm interested in how you think macs are not good design?...i assume
you must use a number of microsoft products in daily life as well as all seriousness do you see these as products worthy of praise
on the design front? i use pcs daily and have yet to buy an ipod..but
i look forward to the day i can add a mac laptop to my previously
purchased pc laptop...and maybe then i'll also buy an ipod...

Sep 10, 04 11:17 am  · 

the "i" stands for ipal

Sep 10, 04 11:25 am  · 

"are ipods really worth it?"

Sep 10, 04 12:42 pm  · 

the i stands for ingenious... in our profession both pc and macs are used interchangeably.. you can either learn to use them both or get left behind...

Sep 10, 04 2:33 pm  · 

christopher, seriously

"BUT i would never let my 'nerd culture misconceptions/prejudices' get in the way of enjoying GOOD design"

for me it just gives me images of people (like my boss) who dont get much work done in enjoying 'good design'. seriously its a load of crap to have such an attitude - looking pretty with the G5 on the table, when all it can do is photoshop and vectorworks, which half the office does not use. im just giving his example as the prototypical mac users i have seen. i have been recently given his old powerbook g4 and am still thinking how to use it efficiently other than sitting at starbucks and browsing. please give me some suggestions
believe it or not, the mac is too much of a lifestyle hype - and though we'd like things to be slower and more smoother, the world is sadly not that way and i need to get back and send the construction detail today - on a pc

makes me want to return the iriver and wait till something better come out from a non-apple vendor... maybe the new sony player

Sep 10, 04 2:43 pm  · 

if you dont like the power book as a gift, can i have it?

Sep 10, 04 3:01 pm  · 

sure, tell me what you'd do with it first...and its not a gift, man, its for office use

Sep 10, 04 3:14 pm  · 

freelance graphic design work... video editing mixes... web page design... all things that guess what, offices love...and macs do better... but i love my PC for boring ol Auto CAD.. hey need to pay the bills somehow..

Sep 10, 04 3:18 pm  · 

man this powerbook is, for some reason horribly slow...forget video editing im lucky if i can get to run photoshop 7 at a decent pace...looks like i should run the format mac utitility disk and reinstall OS X....and yes i buy your ided for the video editing work, but for all other things i guess my good old pc will do it just fine

Sep 10, 04 3:27 pm  · 

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