
Summer '07 Movie Central


speaking of "the fountain" was that any good?

i was really interested in it for the visuals.

Jul 9, 07 2:35 am  · 

depends entirely on what kind of person you are Cris, i thought it was brilliant, others, beyond shit. You like deep introspective movies that ask more of their audience than give and really beautiful visuals? You'll like "The Fountain".

Jul 9, 07 2:41 am  · 

I saw knocked up on transformers opening night- it was effin' hilarious. Made me never want kids though- ouch. graphic delivery scenes.

Jul 9, 07 3:23 am  · 

transformers was a dud. i'm ready for summer 2008...

Jul 9, 07 9:19 am  · 

danny wills / re. "man bites dog" i saw that film years ago, and some scenes still stick with me...(old lady's heart attack in the beginning / the birthday party gift)...quite powerful, really messed up film...

Jul 9, 07 1:08 pm  · 

I am excited for the Bourne Supremacy. I like Matt Damon, he's such an unassuming guy, but he kicks ass so convincingly. He actually knows how to kill people....he had to learn for these movies.

Jul 9, 07 11:09 pm  · 
vado retro

The best thing about The Bourne series has been the choice of directors and its great to see that Paul Greengrass has done The Bourne Ultimatum, following up his 2004 gem, The Bourne Supremacy.

Jul 9, 07 11:15 pm  · 

Did I say Supremacy? I meant Ultimatum. I was thinking that "supreme" was as high as you could get, but no, an ultimatum is pretty high....

Jul 9, 07 11:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

WhatToDo, that sounds like an amazing experience. Fast Times truly is one of the best. What a great way to end your time on the West Coast before the big move.

Jul 10, 07 8:48 am  · 

so, who's going to go watch the simpsons tonight?

Jul 26, 07 5:28 pm  · 

WK - matt damon comes to boise and they do this fancy screening each time a new bourne movie comes out. and he is a major donator of our contemporary theater, which is cool. people get really excited about it though and crowd around the theater all day waiting to see mr. damon.

back to summer movies...
i saw la vie en rose, and i loved it! i didn't know much about edith piaf, other than that i like her voice...anyway, well acted and great biopic!

i watched evening last weekend and had to step out for 20 minutes of it, and didn't feel i missed anything. it was mostly just boring and cliche.

paprika and angel-a open this weekend...i'm excited for both.


Jul 26, 07 5:38 pm  · 

paprika was cool!

pretty trippy dream sequences.

Jul 26, 07 5:43 pm  · 

simpsons review... i am excited!,foundas,77351,20.html

Jul 26, 07 10:04 pm  · 

I think I may completely nerd out and go watch it tonight.

Jul 26, 07 10:05 pm  · 

Finally saw transformers. Of Micheal Bay's movies, its probably the best next to The Rock. That REALLY isn't saying much though.

Jul 26, 07 10:21 pm  · 

"losers always whine about doing their best..."

Jul 26, 07 10:32 pm  · 

any films about architects?

Jul 26, 07 11:38 pm  · 

i nerded out and saw the simpsons movie last night. It is really really good. It really is not much more than a longer episode, but that makes it better than 99% of movies out there. A strong environmental theme, and very, very funny. I cannot remember the last time i laughed so hard in a theater.

Jul 27, 07 7:32 am  · 

I put this in the news:

The environmental track record of The Simpsons:

Jul 27, 07 8:21 am  · 

quilian, i nerded out too, ha ha!

yeah, i agree, it was just like a really long episode.

pretty funny.

bart riding his skateboard naked, ha ha, classic!

Jul 27, 07 12:17 pm  · 
Rescue Dawn

is amazing. I highly recommend it, even if it is Werner Herzog's "Hollywood" film:


I second architectural pandiculation's recommendation of Black Book. I saw it in the theater three times, the first time paired with a lecture/question-and-answer with Paul Verhoeven. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

Jul 27, 07 12:39 pm  · 

yeah, squaresquared, rescue dawn, that's on my list!

Jul 27, 07 1:11 pm  · 

and how was steve zahn, by the way?

Jul 27, 07 1:17 pm  · 

Who knew that Steve Zahn was such a good character actor?! All of the cast was great, especially Christian Bale. His weight loss for the role is especially scary. I hope it doesn't cause health problems for him.

Jul 27, 07 2:06 pm  · 

you know, i've always liked steve zahn, particularly in saving silverman, ha ha ha.

yeah, there was this feature in the l.a. weekly recently on bale.

i'm sure you've seen the machinist, right?

Jul 27, 07 2:16 pm  · 

Nope. I haven't seen The Machinist, but I've heard... After that, he gained tons of bulk/muscle for Batman Begins, only to lose it all again for Rescue Dawn. Seems like too much method acting to me.

I read in a New Yorker piece that during filming, Werner Herzog went on the same weight loss diet, in solidarity with the actors. Cool guy!

Jul 27, 07 2:21 pm  · 

not out for summer, but I won't be seeing this come christmas.
Alvin and the Chipmunks Trailer 2007

Jul 29, 07 4:36 pm  · 
vado retro

hey that's my name too!

Jul 29, 07 4:57 pm  · 

Just saw transformers, liked a lot more than I thought I would. It isn't great; the plot had holes, john turturro gave probably the worst performance of his career as a crazy bureaucrat for a silly governmental body, and the product placement got out of hand. Then again what do you expect for a movie about robots that change into cars? Let's get real I loved the Transformers as much as the next 80's kid, but it aint no high culture.

I did like the way the robots transformed and all together, if you are willing to forgive a lot, it was an enjoyable experience.

Aug 3, 07 8:24 pm  · 

yeah, i like john turturro but i also thought he was pretty bad in it.

my favorite part of transformers was this!

Aug 3, 07 8:30 pm  · 

I am also starting a personal Ingmar Bergman movie festival. On first: The Seventh Seal

Aug 3, 07 8:35 pm  · 

Q, Transformers was great...except for all the time the robots weren't transforming or fighting! Do writers and directors just not know how to pace a movie so it isn't so bi-polar? Slooooooow FAST Sloooooooow FAST! FAST sllooow sllloooooooooow. I can appreciate a love story, some comic relief but only if it is compelling.

Also saw The Simpsons Movie, Die Hard, and Knocked Up. The Simpsons Movie was funny, but maybe only had an hour worth of material...not 90 mins. Die Hard was pretty rotten. Knocked Up was 20 mins. longer than it needed to be. Has most of Hollywood caught the Peter Jackson syndrome and made their movies too damn long (I'm sorry, every Lord of the Rings movie is mostly worthless...nice to look at, but self-aggrandizing dribble)?

I think I'm ranting too long...sorry.

Aug 3, 07 8:36 pm  · 

i am looking forward to seeing rescue dawn! also, sunshine...did i mention that already?

i saw Angel-A this week and really liked the cinematography, i think moreso than the story...

i missed out on paprika...oh well.

next weekend there is a film festival in town and i am most excited to see the guatemalan handshake, everything's cool, and some shorts...

Aug 3, 07 9:40 pm  · 

Saw La Vie en Rose last weekend. Yes, very well acted. Struck by the abject poverty and threadbare existence of Edith's early life, and left wondering whether one can every really escape such a profound formation--though there's much to be said for the power of true art. Strange too how one can still be surprised by various aspects of the 20th century.

Borrowed Antonioni's Blow Up from the Free Library yesterday.

Going to see Bourne Ultimatum tonight. Looking forward to it, so it better be good. (I'll be reading The Misfortunes of Virtue until the lights go out.)

Aug 4, 07 11:48 am  · 

last night i hung out with tod harrison williams, nephew of tod williams (of billie tsein) cousin of tod williams (dir. the adventures of sebastian cole) weird?

going to see vanishing point today.

Aug 12, 07 2:00 pm  · 

I watched on video "My Father The Genious" a documentary about Glen Howard Small one of the founders of SCI-ARC. It was done by his daughter. It does provide for an interesting view if your an Architect. There are a bunch of interviews with various people as a bonus piece. I'm curious how people react to a piece like this.

Aug 12, 07 7:39 pm  · 
vado retro

contemplated going to see bourne today instead talked on skype and cleaned crib.

dvd's i have watched lately that i missed in the theatre and found worthwhile...

notes on a scandal...freakin great. heard the book wasn't as good
zodiac...freakin great. its like two movies in one. part one police procedure part two guy obsessed with finding zodiac.
last king of scotland...pretty freakin good
stranger than fiction...pretty good
war and peace...russian version freakin awesome! over six hours long though so get extra large popcorn.

Aug 12, 07 8:13 pm  · 

any of you see Cashback?

i've seen a great trailer and heard great things, yet blockbuster doesn't carry it and it costs $25 on amazon.....

Aug 13, 07 10:53 am  · 

you can see the full 18min short film of cashback here

i also saw the 90 min feature film, made later. but in many ways the 18min version is better.

good film!

Aug 13, 07 10:58 am  · 

oh and INLAND EMPIRE...loved it

Aug 13, 07 11:00 am  · 

i was COMPLETELY lost on inland empire.

Aug 13, 07 1:56 pm  · 

yeah well kinda to be expected with Lynch - if i had left the cinema knowing exactly what i had just seen i think i would have felt cheated.

Aug 16, 07 4:13 pm  · 
john bender

anyone see SuperBad yet? i heard it was good

Aug 20, 07 10:39 am  · 

saw it yesterday, at a 10:10 AM matinee...very funny, though seeing it in a theatre with more than a dozen people would have helped!

Aug 20, 07 10:48 am  · 
john bender

yeah, i can't stand going to the movies these days with assholes yelling and talking on the phone. yup, i said it, talking on the phone.

i hate baltimore.

"hey, did you see that part man?!?", "no jackass, i paid $9.50 to stare at the floor"

Aug 20, 07 10:51 am  · 

movie theatres in philly were the same way--maybe it's a mid-atlantic thing?

Aug 20, 07 10:52 am  · 
john bender

haha, that it could be mfrech

i need a change of city

Aug 20, 07 10:58 am  · 

saw superbad...and it was pretty freakin funny...semi formulaic
of course..but there were quite a few surprises that kept it fresh..
that and the three main characters are pretty well cast.
overall i didn't feel cheated out of my 8.00

did anyone else see bourne ultimatum? also an ok movie..lots of
action and a nice, entertaining flic...didn't go in expecting all that
much and got what i was looking for.

Aug 20, 07 11:13 am  · 

is not summer anymore, but I just found out about this movie and I am kinda excited about:
Be Kind Rewind
youtube trailer

Oct 18, 07 8:12 pm  · 

Good! I am looking for some movie to watch tonight. I am starting with that black ship :)

Great thank you!

Aug 3, 11 10:31 am  · 

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