
New NYC 2nd Ave Subway Station renderings


(scroll down a bit for the renderings)

So what do you think of this new design?

Apr 13, 07 4:09 pm

Sad when 3D-H like things isn't taken to the limits , Design like this make me pleased to know what wonders will erupt when desingers finaly throw off the Lego chains.

Apr 13, 07 4:16 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Per, you definately have a one track mind. These depots don't look one bit like 3D-H like things.

Apr 13, 07 4:18 pm  · 

Though the renderings look a little Coop Himmelb(l)au-ish, they're better than Calatrava's downtown disaster.

Apr 13, 07 4:23 pm  · 

There are a lattrice box at an angle --- guess you simply will not see it, but that's no complain at all. I love all those lattrice structures that evolve these day's , no my point is realised in this structure , the tradisional grid box is angled there --- not how I displayed 3D-H and true, this is proberly not made as a 3D-H , it is I guess made by all tradisional profiles , still it's a lattrice out of the tradisional planes and it still pleases me, that someone had that extreemly gutts, to doubt the Lego thinking and produce an angled lattrice --- What I realise is how soon this reach the limits ,and then what .

Apr 13, 07 4:27 pm  · 

I really thought about Coop Himmelb(l)au at first as well! I think CH stuff is way more interesting though!

Apr 13, 07 4:30 pm  · 

i bet crazycg could have done the renderings much better at half the price! : )

Apr 13, 07 4:33 pm  · 

Chili Davis --- a simple steel profile lattrice soon show it's limits , even it is angled , now check out this ;

Apr 13, 07 4:45 pm  · 

not too exciting if you ask the MDLER..add Tumbles and things could change

Apr 13, 07 4:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The subway entrances aren't bad looking, but I'm curious to know what the stations will look like down at the mezzanine and platform levels, since that's where straphangers will be spending the bulk of their time. I imagine that, since the line is deep-bore construction rather than NYC's more typical cut-and-cover, the stations will have a significantly different appearance.

Sad part is, this line is only being built with capacity for 2 tracks, forever ruling out the possibility of express service on the line.

Apr 13, 07 4:59 pm  · 

vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 ... havent you found a new method or a new mesh or a new program - or is your stlye the honeycomb???

give it up dawg!

Apr 13, 07 5:00 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Talk about a one-trick-pony.

Apr 13, 07 5:03 pm  · 

dog-n-pony show

Apr 13, 07 5:20 pm  · 

I like. It's simple, clean, and shiny. I especially like the one shoved into the brick building though, just because it's such an unexpected combination.

per, these are nothing like "3D-H". They're not even space frames. They haven't pushed 3D H as far as it can go, because they aren't even remotely interested in your stupid shite.

Apr 13, 07 5:27 pm  · 

weAREtheSTONES write ;

"vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 ... havent you found a new method or a new mesh or a new program - or is your stlye the honeycomb???"


"vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 ..." --- I have displayed hundreds of different images, I think you suffer from a serious "I don't want to see" situation . Or ,aybe your glasses need to be re-engineered , unless you are so much into the letters in your mind when you write, Maybe you simply need to harras some bright guy who develobed a brilliant new method ---

saying "vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 " is saying "I don't see what is just in front of me" ,easy proven by counting how many different images I displayed.


"havent you found a new method or a new mesh or a new program - or is your stlye the honeycomb???""

Ofcaurse not as nothing is better --- look at that train entrance station windshed ,all square and the only boring difference is to do what I did so many years ago with a lattrice in 3D-H --- and I just showed it, but done more flexible with 3D-H and with a few more nice details to break the Lego rigidness --- but Gee, if you could see , you would realise how much further a bolder attitude than just anglel an rigid steel box ,would bring this. Now emagine making a Round structure from these stiff pins ; you can not, --- and that's the limits here ,but 3D-H is the relive as the only sense thing or technique that will form a round building where the lattrice is in Ballance with the expression ; try do what I do in 3D-H with these rigid stiff, steel profiles , you will fail. --

And one in real 3D-H , one that justify it's structure , one that isn't angled just to follow the trends , would be much more pleasant ; sorry I say so but acting without a reson alway's made me wonder, and that's why I found that old Image that I published so many years ago,

Apr 13, 07 5:28 pm  · 

Oh boy.

Apr 13, 07 5:31 pm  · 

It's not angled "just to follow the trends", it's angled because it's a form emerging from the ground, at an angle! It's angle is a product of the space it inhabits below, and the way in which people enter that space via stairs or escalators- at an angle. It would have been MORE artificial to force a vertical/horizontal grid system onto it than it was to embrace and articulate this angle.

Apr 13, 07 5:32 pm  · 

Phew, some rationalism!

Apr 13, 07 5:35 pm  · 

"per, these are nothing like "3D-H". They're not even space frames. They haven't pushed 3D H as far as it can go, because they aren't even remotely interested in your stupid shite."

Exactly I know that's why I publish this, to show how much more detail and ballance a different attitude could bring an angled box.

Ofcaurse it is difficult to hold back an old design when they are slightly simular --- both angled boxes ,both entrances to underground facilities and true , this one are plainer and simpler and made with yestoday's and today's technikes I know , but it still pleases me, as I know how limited it is, just to angle what is already square , and in particular when there are no structural reson for it, except trends.

Apr 13, 07 5:36 pm  · 

rationalist, you are too funny!!!

Apr 13, 07 5:37 pm  · 

weAREtheSTONES write ;

"vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 ..

Just so everyone know ; That Image have Newer , I repeat Newer been published. It is one that first now --- after Imageshack.Com allowed acces to Yahoo groups image folders, groups and folders that othervise are protected by user name ---- only now it became easy to publish , and this Image was for the first time published , still weAREtheSTONES write ;

"vindpust you have been showing the same image since i joined this website in 2004 ..

weAREtheSTONES how can you say so when that picture newer been published ?

Apr 13, 07 5:48 pm  · 

"Exactly I know that's why I publish this, to show how much more detail and ballance a different attitude could bring an angled box."

No. You do NOT bring more detail. You do NOT bring more balance. The stuff you post is outright crap. If I saw one of these things you design built somewhere, I'd spit on it. You need to wake up. There's a REASON your stuff hasn't taken off- because it's not good. I'm tired of dancing around this shit, that's just the way it is.

I'm glad I'm amusing the rest of you.... I just can't take this anymore!

Apr 13, 07 6:53 pm  · 

oh, and weAREtheSTONES got confused because even when you post images that are technically different- a different view, a little tweak here and there, it's essentially the same old stuff over and over, shown in slightly different ways. You have not progressed as a designer over the past three years at ALL, and it shows with every image you post.

Apr 13, 07 6:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks, rationalist. You said what needed to be said, but I doubt he'll listen.

On another board I'm active on, per/vindpust would be known as a "crusader", and would have been banned by the admins months ago for constantly derailing legitimate threads with his self-promoting bullshit.

I'm actually very interested in discussing this Second Avenue Subway project, but not if I constantly have to wade through vinpust's verbal diarrhea to do it.

Apr 13, 07 7:45 pm  · 

i don't like 'em.

they don't do anything for me. visually kind of cool in a mall-entrance kind of way, and definitely shiny, but i'm not getting anything off of it.

they don't look like new yorkers. and they don't look like what new yorkers would want to see in their town. imho.

i like the ideas of bringing all that extra light and air down into the station, but the whole thing seems so out of touch with its environs.

Apr 13, 07 7:49 pm  · 

hmmm, maybe that's why I do like it? I guess to me there's a certain amount of stand-out-ish-ness required of a transit terminal, so that it's obvious and easily located from a distance. I guess I like the thought that they bring a little more variety to their neighborhoods.

Apr 13, 07 7:52 pm  · 

i'd agree that a terminal needs to be easily recognizable. and in nyc in particular, there are so many subway stops that are impossible to find until you're practically opn top of them.

i'm thinking especially the whole lexington/madison/midtown zone. the buildings are tall and cast massive shadows all over anyway.

the fact that it's angled like a dukes of hazzard launch ramp makes for a less intrusive experience on the back end, but damn, it just seems so arbitrary to me.

did they do wind tunnel studies and decide that this was the best shape for the nyc climate or something?

and how dirty and disgusting will the glazing get in like, five days.

i think i could totally get behind the glazing and the white structural members if the whole affair were a little more boxy. what's wrong with a nice and simple box? then you could sign the inside of the glazing with lights/train-times and arrival information, whereas this thing seems to be something that looks hot in a 3d rendering but will suck in actuality.

you feel me?

Apr 13, 07 8:01 pm  · 

yeah, but as I mentioned above, I feel like the whole angle is directly relatied to the experience of going into the ground. The angle of a stairway, an escalator, your path of travel on them produces that angle as an experience, and the station embraces that.

Apr 13, 07 8:04 pm  · 

agreed...but it produces that experience for those travelling down into the station, whereas many more people will presumably be experiencing this thing from the outside...and it's not the only experience that's worth quoting.

when you travel down a stair and look up at the underside of the floor you're going under, you see it in its horizontal state, not automatically as an angle that mimics the stair.

"It would have been MORE artificial to force a vertical/horizontal grid system onto it than it was to embrace and articulate this angle."

i'm seeing what you're saying here, but i don't agree that it would be MORE artificial.

but hey, i'm not per!

one other thing - it's also a device for bringing people OUT of the subway, not just IN. as you travel the stair from below up onto the street level, the box-form could modulate the shock of being underground one moment, and standing amidst a sea of tall boxy towers the next.

Apr 13, 07 8:16 pm  · 

All of the people in the renderings are White.

Go figure.

Apr 13, 07 8:44 pm  · 

no matter what they look like, they will still smell like hot piss

Apr 13, 07 8:44 pm  · 

The east side is white and smells like piss. Awesome!

Apr 13, 07 10:54 pm  · 

if you want to see a full scale model you can fungwah to boston and check it out..... its been up for about 4 years

Apr 20, 07 2:56 pm  · 

Only problem I see is that the upright posision don't fit the design, --- people will look as if they lean beckwerts ,it would be perfect with gravity shielding so when you used the stairs it would from outside, look as everyone leaned forwerds following the natural planes of the box , think about it it will be a great advance for architecture.

Apr 20, 07 3:39 pm  · 

Btw why is the box sunk in the intire one end --- why not over a corner I think there are to much etics there ; chaos is to well organised for my taste there, but it's a nice box. Sad it somehow fight the fact that you walk upright.

Apr 20, 07 3:43 pm  · 


Apr 20, 07 4:01 pm  · 

i bet they look even cooler from the inside going upstairs
do you have interior shots?

Apr 20, 07 4:41 pm  · 

It's aight... A better step in the right direction of better things to come down the stretch....hopefully.

Apr 20, 07 4:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm still anxious to see what the stations will look like down at the mezzanine and platform levels. The typical commuter spends at most about thirty seconds walking thorugh the entry kiosk, but will be spending up to about 15-20 minutes waiting for trains to show up. I hope they make the platforms more pleasant spaces to wait than most typical NYC subway stations.

Apr 20, 07 4:55 pm  · 

i like how vin/per complains that nobody uses his 3D-H crap to make architecture (like how could you) and the bitches when someone comes along and design for a building thatlooks like it was "made" with his system by saying someone stole the idea.

Yet about the train station, I'm also fretting the glazing, and the pretty white beams. They just aren't "dirty" enough for NYC, even the east side (hence all the white people in the renders). I'd prefer something made of stone or concrete.

Apr 24, 07 6:56 pm  · 

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