
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


well there are plenty of sketches...i guess im referring to what Harvard is asking for advanced standing (people with a bs arch), which I believe is something like hand drawn (drafted) plans and such.

Dec 9, 07 7:52 pm  · 

Yeah, Im applying for march I also...just the version of march that will, hopefully, allow me to skip a year.

Dec 9, 07 7:53 pm  · 

they require hand-drafted plans for advanced standing? weird. what if you work strictly in cad?

Dec 9, 07 7:58 pm  · 

Oh okay... in that case - I would add in hand drawings... just my opinion anyway.

I have a question - I am applying straight out of undergrad - do you think this would hurt me in my application? i have a lot of internship experience in my major, but i've noticed that a majority of the students in the m. arch I programs are a lot older/have more working experience. i feel fully capable if accepted to be able to handle all of the work.. but im just curious because i almost feel as if i'm not mature enough? if that makes any sense?

Dec 9, 07 8:00 pm  · 

I know, thats what Im saying....I dropped the hand thing pretty quickly, so the projects I do have are incomplete/crap from my sophomore year. And at this point if I do try and put them in they'll look forced/out of place next to everything else.

Dec 9, 07 8:02 pm  · 

wow, we're talking a lot today. norita- i know how you're feeling. but if your work is sick and you're academically solid, there is no denying that you belong in a good m.arch program. strangely, i think most people think that they're too old to be in school still.

Dec 9, 07 8:03 pm  · 

nor- it depends where you apply...I dont have as much experience either (one year out of undergrad), and I feel much stronger applying to a place like princeton that might not look down on your lack of professional experience, vs a place like harvard or UCinn that are much more focused on the professional side of things. My advice: just dont try and sugarcoat anything, in your application play to your strengths, and mention how you would like to develop weaknesses further at the respective school.

Dec 9, 07 8:05 pm  · 

Im starting to talk alot now because I just realized I have two weeks left...and talk = panic

Dec 9, 07 8:06 pm  · 

Norita I am in the same case than you.

I just finish my degree in civil engineering in July 2008.

Worried? A Lot because that.

Dec 9, 07 8:08 pm  · 

okay, yeah thanks.. that makes me feel better. i've just been feeling very apprehensive about this all... i came into this whole application process all pumped and confident.. but now i'm just worn out. hah

asbuck - hmm.. yeah i agree don't force it in just to put it in. i was having a sort ofsimilar situation where I was trying to incorporate too much into my portfolio (i am going more towards the fine art route).. basically the "theme" didn't flow. so if it doesn't look right, go with your gut.. leave it out.

Dec 9, 07 8:08 pm  · 

whoahh this thread is going crazy tonight.. haha

Dec 9, 07 8:10 pm  · 

im actually writing my letter of intent right now. how does this sound for the opening paragraph: Dear Princeton, Let's make out.

Dec 9, 07 8:13 pm  · 

nor, trust me, the feeling of coming into something all pumped up only to have your spirits crushed is a sad reality of architecture.

Going the fine art route is a good idea. I had a number of former professors/bosses who were fine arts majors and made it into iv march programs playing that card. In fact, I feel the openness of a fine arts portfolio, in regard to arch, can be alot stronger than anything architectural (which is ALL i have)

Dec 9, 07 8:13 pm  · 

DJ tan, tried that one...princeton likes rich guys

Dec 9, 07 8:14 pm  · 

From what major are you coming? Nobody from Engineering?

Dec 9, 07 8:16 pm  · 

i actually started this year off thinking i had no chance of making it into arch school. but for some reason, my confidence level is really high right now. [cheese] i may have my spirits crushed, but i'm glad that I am going after something i thought was unattainable. for me, believing that I can do this is an accomplishment in itself. [/cheese]

Dec 9, 07 8:19 pm  · 

English baby!

Dec 9, 07 8:19 pm  · 

hahahaha that letter of intent sounds solid. make sure to include a picture of yourself with the caption "very single"

oh man, i hope i get into the schools im applying to! i'm applying to upenn & columbia.. they are my first choices of course.. but i wouldn't mind going to pratt or parsons.. pratt especially, because i would like to take some electives in their urban planning department.

i think you have the upperhand though interms of architectural experience.. I remember when i was 16 I took this summer intensive studio course at parsons in architecture - i was dying because learning autocad was like learning another language to me. just think - you know how to do all that already haha

Dec 9, 07 8:21 pm  · 

trust me guys, the top dog at our school (he's a top dog in the world of architectural theory actually) was a physics major...NO architectural background. By virtue of hating themselves, architects will let in anyone as long as they're not an architect.

Dec 9, 07 8:22 pm  · 

eh, we'll see...the only use in learning autocad is to become a cad-monkey, so not too much virtue in know that.

Dec 9, 07 8:24 pm  · 

asbuck, what school did you go to?

Dec 9, 07 8:26 pm  · 

ohio state

Dec 9, 07 8:28 pm  · 

btw, i have two big finals on tues.. reason why i took off from work tomorrow. and here i am, sitting on the computer posting away... hah i love it. senior year = major slacking time. next semester i am making sure i live in undergrad bliss.. i barely went out this semester... i think the last time i got drunk was november?.. jeez. what a life i lead

Dec 9, 07 8:29 pm  · 

In Architecture, AutoCAD is the bread of everyday fellas! ... I can't imagine an Architect without a knowledge of this software as it were the only thing in the world.

Dec 9, 07 8:29 pm  · 

i wonder if tadao ando knows autocad...

Dec 9, 07 8:31 pm  · 

definately not. thats what all the little people are for

Dec 9, 07 8:32 pm  · 

Norita- Monday (tomorrow aaaaaaaah). Final Exam of Steel Design. Pain Ass.

Dec 9, 07 8:32 pm  · 

Thats the mindset of a cad monkey, sorry to say....I work at the most traditional, down to earth, practical firm in the world, and our principle can barley grasp CAD.

Dec 9, 07 8:33 pm  · 

blahhhhhh ... goood luck! go study!

i have corporate finance & physics. ehhh.. i'm not too worried

Dec 9, 07 8:35 pm  · 

haha iwas just kidding asbuck

Dec 9, 07 8:36 pm  · 

actually our engineer can barley grasp cad...its a wonder so many people have survived!

Dec 9, 07 8:36 pm  · 

when a school asks me to put down how i plan to take calculus and physics in the upcoming year, do i just pick a school and make it up? or do i have to actually take it seriously?

Dec 9, 07 8:36 pm  · 

hahaha... dj i would put your undergrad down and if it changes, oh well.

Dec 9, 07 8:38 pm  · 

DJ Tanner take it easy. 7 years doing all related with calculus and physics and trust me ... I am alive.

Dec 9, 07 8:42 pm  · 

well, physics isn't too bad.. it's mostly common sense and math. which i prefer.. i find it easier to learn and remember..

calculus isn't too bad either.. well the basic level isn't. i dunno how bad it gets in the higher levels.

Dec 9, 07 8:45 pm  · 

Yes don't worry. Basic level is not too hard.

Dec 9, 07 8:47 pm  · 

i'm not worried about taking the classes. i just wanted to know if the schools i'm applying for care about scheduling accuracy

Dec 9, 07 8:51 pm  · 

The schedule should be absolutely compatible to add calculus, physics, and art history or whatever requirement.

Dec 9, 07 8:59 pm  · 

noritabonita and others complaining about the GRE - I'm with you just on the verbal section. it is basically a collection of vocab words that haven't been used since the 18th century.

so... who's my competition this year? anyone applying to MIT?


Dec 10, 07 2:50 am  · 

I leave the application to MIT, Harvard and Princeton.

Just Berkeley, RISD, Columbia, Pratt, Parsons, Syracuse, Cornell, Rice

Dec 10, 07 2:59 am  · 

YbTH - I'm also applying to Berkley and RISD.

what's with Berkley's portfolio requirements? 10 pages stapled?


Dec 10, 07 3:10 am  · 

I don't know... I think no more than 1/4" thicker.
and stapled

Dec 10, 07 3:17 am  · 

I'm done! A very very stressful process, but hopefully it's worth it.
Cal Poly Pomona
Univ of Washington

Dec 10, 07 1:00 pm  · 

Actually, it's 12 double-sided pages stapled and you can do spiral or flat binding.

I'm almost done myself. Good luck everyone.

Dec 10, 07 1:02 pm  · 

I'm curious. To the ones that did apply for Syracuse, why did you chose that school and for which program?

Dec 10, 07 1:04 pm  · 

i have an unrelated question. Because i have a background in piano performance, i was thinking of including a CD recording of one of my recitals. i know that the schools say no CD or DVD - some even threaten to disqualify you for admission if you include it. However, i assumed that was a warning for people only submitting their architectural work in those mediums.

A CD is basically the only way to convey my artistic and technical ability as a pianist...although i am going to include some musical analysis in my portfolio.

any thoughts?

Dec 10, 07 1:39 pm  · 

good question smith.. i would call the admissions dept and ask them. can't hurt to ask the schools directly.

Dec 10, 07 7:30 pm  · 

wait a second... berkeley has a page limit? i swear i read it thoroughly and didn't see ANY limit. can you guys link me to the page?

Dec 10, 07 10:48 pm  · 

smith... they're not going to have an opportunity to listen to your music. it's just a bunch of faculty members and students spending an afternoon or two sifting through hundreds of portfolios

Dec 10, 07 10:49 pm  · 
Dec 10, 07 10:54 pm  · 

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