
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!



where do you work?

Mar 30, 08 10:30 am  · 

ff33, how big is your dick? does your mom wear combat boots?

Mar 30, 08 10:30 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

if you don't think they can, tell me what you're on. I want in on it too...

Mar 30, 08 10:31 am  · 

i went to a state school where do you think i'd work? i do Targets of course...

Mar 30, 08 10:32 am  · 

I was just curious.

Mar 30, 08 10:33 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

i'm smarter than you
soy mas listo que usted
ich bin kluger als sie
Я более шикарен чем Вы

Mar 30, 08 10:35 am  · 

see, that's the problem with you youngins, you still want people to teach you something, and therein lies the lesson grasshopper; teaching you something should have ended after third year. make something of yourself in the here and now. quit wasting money and valuable space if you are going there to be taught, you're of no use as a TA if you don't already have methods for learning bred into you by third year.

Mar 30, 08 10:35 am  · 

actually you're not. i wont have 80-100k in debt, joining a profession that either pays nothing or next to nothing for 10-15 years...dum-dum.

Mar 30, 08 10:37 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

I dropped out of high school. Whats a TA?

Mar 30, 08 10:39 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

I won't have debt either. You're too quick to assume...dum-dum.

Mar 30, 08 10:42 am  · 

i like sunday's, no aia or community charretting to do and i get to come to this thread and make it rain....

Mar 30, 08 10:48 am  · 

I don't remember seeing you on here that much, Beta.
All you wisdom sure would have come in handy a few months ago.

Mar 30, 08 10:50 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

i liked sunday's, i like sundays, i'll like sundays...ooooh he's back. Shall we play? ;)

Mar 30, 08 10:50 am  · 

i was busy shitting on Hillary. she likes scat.

Mar 30, 08 10:52 am  · 

...also do you make the same perverse reference to male genitalia, when you are doing all that "aia or community charretting".

Mar 30, 08 10:52 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

i gave Hillary herpes

Mar 30, 08 10:53 am  · 

i do it one better, i fellate everyone that comes.

Mar 30, 08 10:54 am  · 

I would like to get an intern job in your office, Hussein. I can tell that you are knowledgeable and professional, and would make a great mentor. I will try and look you up in the AIA board.

Mar 30, 08 10:56 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

...sigh...this bores me. Gonna go shoot some pigeons, or better yet iraqi's.

Mar 30, 08 10:57 am  · 

He got into GSD and turned them down, now that is genius!

Mar 30, 08 10:57 am  · 

im more interested in seeing some of hussein's good design. perhaps i have an elitist streak, but i think he can talk about felching (or rusty trombones!) in an effort to dominate the boards as much as he likes -- if hes a design rockstar.

Mar 30, 08 11:07 am  · 

i am your god. you only wish you could design like me.

Mar 30, 08 11:14 am  · 

one of my master pieces.

Mar 30, 08 11:16 am  · 

I think he is stockboy at Ikea...or at a gay porn shop...he does mention male gentalia often.

Mar 30, 08 11:19 am  · 

if it's any consolation, you mentioned "dick" first...i did work in gay porn as a fluffer, but how did you know? i only told two people and PJ died a few yrs ago....i also like nazi s+m parlor tricks.

Mar 30, 08 11:23 am  · 

trolls bore me

Mar 30, 08 11:45 am  · 

then this entire thread should bore you.

Mar 30, 08 11:53 am  · 

you win , dude...I have nothing to gain by getting negative along with you...I am not even going to an Ivey..but a state school..I have made a lot of good friends on here, despite the whininess at times...

it is sort of an insult to free debate and the virutes that Archinect is good and successful for, ,,,,when you do this sort of trolling. I wonder if in 3 weeks you'll have the same stamina for negativity. If you wanted to debate us on the money issue, should just say so...but don;t you like care about your reputation....?

For years i have seen you, Beta v2.0 express yourself positively to debate on numerous threads, it seems you are ,....well..I only wonder what happen to the beta that was reliably reasonable.

Mar 30, 08 12:26 pm  · 

i'll reliable and reasonable when reason and reliability return on these threads. after 5 years of architecture school - for most here - to come to the table empty handed, with no opinion of your own, applying to grad schools for the reason of padding a resume, is not only irrational, it's stoop-id. i mean how different can yale and harvard be? HUGE. i mean if you paired some comparable choices i could get it, but this sort inanity is beyond retarded...

Mar 30, 08 12:32 pm  · 

dude, you're starting to sound like per corell with only slightly better grammar.

Mar 30, 08 12:39 pm  · 

wow, in many regions of the world that is seen as a compliment...

Mar 30, 08 12:48 pm  · 

what is going on here?

Mar 30, 08 12:53 pm  · 

an archinect veteran turned troll, apparently

Mar 30, 08 12:55 pm  · 

Trolls only go away if ignored. I'd like to try this again since it seemed to get washed away by beta's spew:

My applications were denied.

Any suggestions for improving this portfolio for future attempts?

And thanks to DJ Tanner for the comments the first go round.

Mar 30, 08 1:21 pm  · 

first of all - where did you apply?


45 pages... maybe others can comment to this, but it does seem a little long. might want to try condensing

i wouldn't use one of the images in your portfolio as your cover. they've got a short time to look at these - you don't want to re-present work.

i like it overall. i think it's clean and concise. but not a lot of your plans/ sections jump out at me.

i think the canonball project jumps out at me the most.

i think you could condense the first project.

do you have any more projects? for applying for advanced placement, you don't seem to have a lot of actual buildings in your portfolio. i can tell that the first project has a building, but it seems to be more of an emphasis on the landscape/site design than the buildings.

these are just my opinions. take them for what they're worth. i didn't apply to any ivies - and am on my second round.

a really good book to check out is harold linton, if you haven't already. it gave me some ideas.

good luck!

Mar 30, 08 1:52 pm  · 


Mar 30, 08 2:15 pm  · 

too long. too undercooked and too too...long and short.

Mar 30, 08 3:45 pm  · 

Well, there it is. Got my GSD rejection last friday to complete my 0 for 4. Like asbuck, somewhat surprised i didn't get into one of those schools, but so it goes. Looks like i'll see some of you on the '09 edition.
Congrats to those who got in.

Mar 30, 08 5:43 pm  · 

sorry to hear that jhooper

so what you planning on doing within this year

Mar 30, 08 7:13 pm  · 
Workshop B

anpla- my scholarship came with the acceptance letter/email. Haven't heard about FAFSA aid yet.

ff33 - you're wasting your time w that giant bag of douche.

Everyone knows that blowing Rem is so two years ago and we're all sick of shitting on Hillary. Now we're all trying to blow one of the many Rem minions that left to start their own firm but for some reason design their projects and their websites exactly the same!

Let me know when the 2009 thread starts, I'm thinking of sitting out school this year so I can reapply to all the Ivy league schools and perpetuate the bullshit comments of beta above. Meanwhile...I gotta get back to loading lead holders because I fucked up ceiling details!

Mar 30, 08 7:46 pm  · 

i've got a good job in chicago working for an old starchitect so i can't complain. I was too new when i was applying this time, but i should be able to get one heck of a rec for the next time around. I've got some other things i want to work on in the meantime as well, kinda extensions of some leftover ideas from undergrad

Mar 30, 08 7:50 pm  · 

Perhaps, and this is a mere suggestion, you might feel more fulfilled in life if you stopped comparing yourself to others. Type it all you want, vitriol provides solace only to the small of mind.

"nor is it any light affair
How one should carve a hen, and how a hare."

Mar 30, 08 7:58 pm  · 

wow you grad students are soft and smart, kinda like charmin. now back to work monkeys, finish my RCP and toilet details...

Mar 30, 08 8:06 pm  · 

The fact that you don't care to do your own RCP or toilet detail speaks to your own lack of perspective about what separates architecture from building.

Mar 30, 08 8:13 pm  · 

I am starting to see that attempts at dialogue with beta[troll] don't go anywhere rational. For some reason, us "grad students" are all the bad guys because we didn't go to the same 5 yr state school that he did. I don't know why he hates us, we are just ultimately trying to get licensed like him... but someone so bitter must have a sorted history.

Mar 30, 08 8:26 pm  · 

...i get trolls and cad monkeys to do my details, now back to work - rome wasn't built in a day...

nothing sorted, assorted perhaps...

you're all whiners that can't think for yourselves, and that i loathe.

if i had your money, talent or time i'd know what i'd be doing, but like grandpa always said; youth is wasted on the young.

Mar 30, 08 8:42 pm  · 

Rejected by MIT. :(

Mar 30, 08 8:43 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

you're both wrong... it's sordid. Thanks GRE!

Mar 30, 08 8:52 pm  · 

your like picking a fight with kids...

I don't see how being a washed up has-been that brags about commanding a bunch of 2d drafters at a mediocre firm in PA is anything I would continually brag about. If anything your presence is a testament to why we grad students SHOULD go to the best school we don't end up like you .

Mar 30, 08 8:57 pm  · 

I would be willing to bet that three thousand seven hundred and seventeen comments on would say that you don't care about anyone else but yourself either. you speak of those who can't speak for themselves and yet you would rather other people create the details that define your building? I have no money, talent, or time. I would gladly "do your details," and I relish the opportunity to build rome in a day. such is the opportunity that architecture school presents.
but seriously three thousand seven hundred and seventeen comments? wouldn't that make you more of a blog pundit than a builder anyway? if you were to spend one quarter of the time you use to spew bile on the lives of others in order to design your own details, maybe you wouldn't feel so insecure about yourself.

Mar 30, 08 8:58 pm  · 

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