
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


witty did they inform you about that already?
i'm hoping for 2 year..

i got my bs in architectural studies at UT after my junior year
i was actually on the regular 5 year first professional program..
and just decided to end it early to work..

so hopefully they will recognize my credits...

Mar 28, 08 4:36 pm  · 


They didn't say what the duration of the program would be, but I have no previous architecture experience (I double majored in studio art and applied math) so its a reasonable assumption that Ill be placed in the 3 year track.

Good luck with the credits.

Mar 28, 08 4:42 pm  · 
Workshop B

GSD rejection letters have hit Los Angeles!!! I'm done for this year finally

Final tally is less than impressive...1 for 4

UCLA - Rejected
GSD - Rejected
UC Berkeley - Rejected
Pratt - Accepted (w scholarship) but super expensive and 3 semester program

Debating on Pratt or waiting another year and going through this madness again...

Its been fun, best of luck to everyone!!!

Mar 28, 08 4:48 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

dietcoke: yeah I got the MIT rejection in the mail today

Mar 28, 08 4:51 pm  · 

hmmmmm, i better go check the mailbox then.

Mar 28, 08 4:57 pm  · 

I went ahead and filled out my Intent to Register @ UCLA...I heard an offer may come in the mail..but either way, it looks like the best school for me for several reasons....I just wish they taught scripting.

Mar 28, 08 4:58 pm  · 

UCAL does NOT give AP...I have discussed this with multiple ppl, including Jim Keis of Admissions..He said you might get some structures or systems class credit, but you still have to do 3 years..

sucks, I know..

Mar 28, 08 5:00 pm  · 

UCLA People

I was wondering weather you can spare me soom general information, that you might have, regarding the M.arch 1 program at UCLA.

General info like:
How many students there are in each year
and more..

And if you can some general info regarding the UCLA Campus
Where is it located in LA
Should we buy a car? :) ect..
and what ever you like to add

Im personally wish I could come to the 'open day' next week
but as it seem now i'm not so sure it will happen (I'm living at Tel Aviv\Israel and its 18hour\1800USD flight so I guess I will just have to wait to the fall to see you guys...

Have a great weekend!!!
And Thank you for your info,
What ever it would be, it would be great to hear.


Mar 28, 08 5:00 pm  · 

im going to wash u open house!

Mar 28, 08 5:03 pm  · 

idob, I can answer a couple of your questions:

It's in Westwood (West) area of Los Angles, on North-East corner of the 10 and 405 Freeways. Depending on where you live, you might or might not need a car. The closer to campus you live, the more expensive it will be. So it's a give an take between rent expense and having transportation. You also have the option of finding a place that is near the Big Blue bus line.

Mar 28, 08 5:08 pm  · 

idob, I woudl also recommend searching threads...or pestering one of the school blog kids..that is what i did...if you email them they might tell you...

The car thing sucks though..I sold my car(s) a couple years ago and bought a scooter and a bike...I was touting a nice EcoFootprint and working close to home..I loved it and had more money as a result... all the insurance, maintenance, and gas and such a drag on resources..yet i think it crucial for LA..

Mar 28, 08 5:10 pm  · 

do you know some info regarding the renting prices..
just to "fix my ears" how much it would cost to rent a 1-2 bedroom apartment that is near the campus area?

Yea, Scooter is a pretty good solution as well
I used to have one of this here in the city and its pretty convenient,
especially reagrding parking and traffic jam
Its the best feeling to pass all the cars while they are in the traffic jam :)

(This days im having a car so now im been laughed by all the scooters...)

Mar 28, 08 5:53 pm  · 

idob ..use craigslist for the assorted apt prices...but I think you can find a room with roomates and pay roughly 800$ a month...while living in the Palms or West LA areas...

Mar 28, 08 5:57 pm  · 

to rent an entire 1-2 bedroom near campus for yourself would be very difficult, but if you find one, it can be anywhere from 2000-2500US$/month. Look here:

Mar 28, 08 6:00 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

speaking of rent... can anyone tell me something about Columbia's housing? Where are the most desirable locations? Cost? Ironically it's one of the only schools I havent visited.

Mar 28, 08 6:12 pm  · 
Workshop B

UCLA'ers...I live in the Palms area. There's a lot of apartments around me for rent but its a bit isolated from everything. We're paying 1825 for a newly remodeled 2 bed 2 bath with 2 parking spaces. The best thing may be to sign up with west side rentals ( Its only a 60 day membership I think so you have to time it correctly.

Mar 28, 08 6:49 pm  · 

I guess I will need to look farther from the campus\Share an apartment with a roomate...

TNX for the craiglist link.

Mar 28, 08 6:50 pm  · 

Rejected from GSD MArch II. I am relieved, because now it is clear that I will be at Columbia :)

Mar 28, 08 7:16 pm  · 

I also got a thin envelope from MIT today, batting all strikes so far. Annette at MIT confirmed via email that all decisions have been sent out, so if you are still waiting, expect something soon. Mine was postmarked 3/26.


UW Seattle - no
RISD - no
GSD - no
Berkeley - no
MIT - no
UMASS Amherst - still waiting...

Tough week being me. Definitely feel like I have learned a lot through the process and would be able to step up the game ninefold if I go for another round.

Mar 28, 08 7:37 pm  · 
Tartar Treats

I was going to look on the upper west side and around 105th, everything is way more though. I have heard that living on the upper east side is a pain cause you have to catch a bus across town to the west side to get up to columbia.

Mar 28, 08 8:32 pm  · 

no student lives on the upper east side. you will probably find the best deals on craigslist. man, i'm seriously going to miss nyc.

Mar 28, 08 9:16 pm  · 

the graduate housing at columbia is actually not bad. you get to live on the morningside heights without paying a broker's fee. i'd live on campus. (it might not be a good idea to take the 1 or A/C train to go home at 3am every morning.) no UES please.

Mar 28, 08 10:20 pm  · 

any MIT waitlist?

Mar 28, 08 10:27 pm  · 

Syracuse - YES
U Wash - NO
Yale - NO
Harvard - NO
Berkeley - NO
SCIArc - ?
Rice - ?
Columbia - ?

Rejections really bum me out. There goes my hopes of getting out of LA since I'm probably picking UCLA over Syracuse.

Mar 29, 08 12:03 am  · 

Anyone hear from SCI-Arc today incidentally? They're the last school I'm waiting for and UPS left a note on my door saying I wasn't around to accept a package today. I guess I'll have to wait until Monday.

Mar 29, 08 12:11 am  · 

no man, I think sci arc might have shut down.

Mar 29, 08 12:40 am  · 

Yeah after thinking about it I remembered I ordered some books recently, it's more than likely those. But what is the deal with them? Do they really expect people to seriously consider their offers when they don't even let you know until a week before all of the other schools want your answer? And that's assuming they send everything out early next week.

Mar 29, 08 1:08 am  · 

columbia rejections have been posted ....

Mar 29, 08 3:04 am  · 

yup. rejected from columbia, as expected.

Mar 29, 08 4:14 am  · 
Andrew Teng

modernmonk: do you happen to know the address or major intersection of the grad housing at GSAPP? Is it dorm style (ie private room+ shared bath)?

I was thinking of renting at 109th, or further north depending on price, then walking to Avery... but I heard that you have to spend a chunk of change to make that happen.

Mar 29, 08 11:20 am  · 

and the long-awaited columbia rejection has come.

4 more to go...

Mar 29, 08 12:04 pm  · 

@Druvius: columbia affiliated grad housing is all over the morningside heights. i think studio apartments are available.

but if you want to get an apartment by yourself (not thru columbia), you will probably end up paying a broker's fee (which can be as high as 18% of your annual rent). i've paid that twice in nyc.

Mar 29, 08 12:44 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

modernmonk: cool, thx for the info :)

Mar 29, 08 1:11 pm  · 

any acceptances/ waitlists in this last wave of MIT letters? I live in Boston and didn't receive my rejection Thursday or Friday....anyone else in the same boat?

Mar 29, 08 2:46 pm  · 

Rejection in Columbia.

Accepted on Syracuse
Rejected on Columbia, RISD, Cornell
Waiting for Parsons, Pratt & SCI-Arc


Mar 29, 08 3:03 pm  · 

Rejection from Columbia too! hahahah

Oh well! I'm happy with where I am going anyway.

Mar 29, 08 5:46 pm  · 

Why did I not read this blog during the past few agonizing weeks! i just found all of you fellow MArch applicants going through the same traumatizing evenings of receiving a snail trail of responses from schools. I also received my Columbia rejection posted online today, MIT's letter yesterday, boohoo. so here's my list:

Pratt: yes
UIC: yes
CCNY: yes
Columbia: no
Princeton: no
MIT: no
Yale: no

No ivy's for me but i am excited about pratt. anyone have any thoughts or comparisons for pratt, uic, and ccny?

archca26 - how'd you find out about your scholarship? i'm accepted in the MArch 3 year and want to know if there is funding available.

Mar 29, 08 8:12 pm  · 

My applications were denied.

Any suggestions for improving the portfolio for future attempts?

Mar 30, 08 4:07 am  · 

i really like this thread, so much potential for jokes. i like how all you future grad students - maybe - think that it matters what school you get in to - it's hilarious. you all send out 50 fucking appys, to what seems random schools, competing programs, with no thought as to why you are sending. you just know, like swallows returning to Capistrano that well, that's what we do - send apps.

perhaps the reason you little fuckers are not getting into your debt of choice is because you are shooting a shotgun at a deer when a rifle would do the job better.

correct me if i am wrong but i think applying to yale, columbia and harvard means one of two things; you don't care what school you get in, you just want the debt and a piece of paper or two, you have know idea that what each program tends towards and you like impressing mom, dad, and miss mary jane rotten-crotch [archiwhore]....

i hope this thread stays up high so i can feel better about myself and my statey barch - and my licensure...

have fun kiddies.



Mar 30, 08 5:26 am  · 

wow. This post oughta breathe some life into this thread.

Funny you should mention it, I had a girlfriend once whose last name was Rottencrotch. I think she was German.

Mar 30, 08 5:47 am  · 

what a dick.

Mar 30, 08 9:21 am  · 

nice beta. a little too pretentious to be funny, but the delivery was solid. your comments really hit hard, especially this one: "you have know idea that what each program tends towards". lol

anyway, enough with this cadmonkey sploozer.

brem- loved the portfolio. really well put together. the projects are really fun. perhaps what i loved about it the most--its humor--is what may have foiled you in the end. some moron long ago decided that this was a serious profession. i wouldn't change much, just add for the next time around. gl!

Mar 30, 08 9:34 am  · 

shit, if i had it my way, and you know some day i will, i'd let none of this sycophantic, indecisive, misanthropes anywhere near a call to higher ed. if they can't shit or get off the pot, they'll be first one[s] looking to fuck their prof for a chance to blow Rem....neophytic ensorcells....

Mar 30, 08 9:51 am  · 

what a troll.

Mar 30, 08 9:52 am  · 
b3tadine[sutures] i not placating you enough? am i not soothing your weak and fragile ego? go to yale then, they like whimpering softies like you...

Mar 30, 08 9:57 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

@ hussein

Wow. Licensure and a state barch, you're my hero! I heard being a CAD monkey and doing ceiling details were incredibly satisfying, is that true? I wish I could be just like you!

Listen, people apply to schools for different reasons. It's completely ignorant to dismiss the relevance of which school an individual chooses to attend. Yes there are people that apply to Yale, Harvard, and Columbia. Either they don't quite know what they want out of graduate school at this time, or want a little bit out of all the schools they applied to. In the case of the former, it's ok to be unsure. I bet you're unsure about a lot of things that impact your life - such as; who'll win the Democratic vote, the state of global warming, or when you'll lose your virginity - by applying to the schools that they are somewhat interested in, it will provide them options and allow them time to choose the right school for them (providing they get in). In the case of the latter, the prospective student knows what to expect from each school, and will choose the one with the pedagogy that suits them in the end.

I think there is another issue at hand here, you only mentioned the ivies, there are also people that applied to Rice, Cal-Poly, and Syracuse, most will agree that those schools are not completely in line with one another in terms of direction. Why don't you mention them? Grad school is expensive no matter where u go (sans in state tuition, fin aid etc...), is your's a rant solely about ivey bashing or is there actually more substance to your rhetoric?

In the end, grad school is not for everyone. The purpose of grad school is to allow one to expand their methods of thinking and challenge the notion of what architecture encompasses. Granted you could come out with an m.arch and be a cad monkey, thats not the point. The point is that you've come out equipped with ideas, strategies, a variety of arsenal to help you wherever architecture/life takes you.

I'm guessing you have not gone through this experience yourself, so please don't sit there and berate others, especially in a time when they're all in a state anxiety. I really do hope you feel better about yourself after reading this thread, personally, I wish I could have used the wasted 2mins of reading your post to do something even slightly more intellectually stimulating like: pulling my teeth out with pliars or chewing shards of broken glass.

@ wittyusername

i had a girlfriend named cottenrrotch...she was Latvian ;)

Mar 30, 08 10:10 am  · 

HEY! >:-( I dated that rotten-crotched chic also..I think.

Mar 30, 08 10:23 am  · 

uh, what's funny is how little import i place on grad school education - as if grad school would teach me anything about design anyway. grad school is the new term for barch. i don't need 80k in debt to a lame grad program to teach or do good design, but perhaps if i wanted to learn how Rem or those other blobby guys like to have their balls stroked while felching....but i digress.

if i did apply to a grad school i'd at least know how one was different from the other.

ceiling details are great! especially when as PA i get to tell ankle biting grads from columbia that they are doing it wrong and have to stay the weekend to refill the lead holders at everyone's desk.

Mar 30, 08 10:24 am  · 
maylines are for pussies

grad school can't teach you anything because you don't want to be taught.

i know ceiling details are great. So is heroine.

Mar 30, 08 10:27 am  · 

if you think grad schools are for teaching you something then you are in the place...

Mar 30, 08 10:29 am  · 

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