
mac vs pc


Which one is better and why?

Mar 1, 07 11:24 am

is your question asking about operating systems or hardware? i have a mac box, but i run windows on it so i think it is considered a pc. the mac vs pc debate is like the soda wars of the 80's - the debate will continue with no clear winner.

Mar 1, 07 12:02 pm  · 

do a search...there are myriad threads that have covered this topic pretty well.

Mar 1, 07 12:03 pm  · 

yeah, how many times do we have to go through this?

Mar 1, 07 12:10 pm  · 

Screw mac and PC - I want a 3dh terminal

Mar 1, 07 12:11 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

we just finished discussing this.

to mac or not to mac

Mar 1, 07 1:54 pm  · 

Good God!!! Not again!!!

Mar 1, 07 1:58 pm  · 

neither or both

go Linux

Mar 4, 07 8:15 pm  · 

I personally think that the search function is the least used function on all internet forums.

Mar 4, 07 9:58 pm  · 

simply rule of thumb:

Mac is for the graphic industry. (i.e.2D)

PC is for the CG industry. (i.e.3d)

build ur model at PC, do the presentation layout & printing at Mac.

Mar 4, 07 10:30 pm  · 

ooooh they are going to come after poor aspect on Monday morning!

He said that sketch up would crash a mac

Mar 4, 07 10:50 pm  · 
PC vs Mac

Those of you who know me know my opinion so I am not going to go there....funny video regardless...

Mar 4, 07 11:54 pm  · 

when u see those hollywood behind the scene stuff like interviewing the CG company how they make spiderman... have u ever seen a mac behind??..... NO!

Mar 5, 07 12:03 am  · 

great find Katze. Oddly he does look like the guy from the advert - the mac guy

Mar 5, 07 12:16 am  · 

let this thread drop, i'm sick of this discussion, stop responding.

And Nubie, you're name is way to accurate. use the search option, and why would you think of starting this thread on an architecture forum?

Seriously, i'm shocked at some of the random threads new people start, I know we don't always talk about architecture on here, but why would someone post their first thread on something like "which is the best graphics card available for World of Warcraft".

No one respond to this comment, if anything make a new post in response! ha.

Mar 5, 07 12:21 am  · 

Dude, why don't you wait a little while. Maybe 3 - 5 months. The new Macbook Pro with OX 10.5 is going to be very very very sick. You can run all the PC programs with OX 10.5.

I became a mac person in 2005. I am still loving it: Dual 2.7 with 4G of ram, 23 HD display. Be honest, I am not willing to buy a PC, although the new Vista is pretty attractive.

Why don't you go ask the people on Mac Rumors. Those experts will give you a lesson on "why should NOT buy a PC".

Mar 5, 07 2:06 am  · 

right! mac rumors! the more appropriate forum for computer questions, not archinect, stop posting!!!! Wait, what the hell am I doing?!!

Mar 5, 07 2:54 am  · 

I think someone should start a new thread about mac rumors. We don't have enough mac vs pc threads :)

Mar 5, 07 3:02 am  · 

SuperBeatledud is one of those experts. Problem solved.

Mar 5, 07 3:02 am  · 

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