
StARCHITECT - pro bono? what???

So I don't know if any of you have heard this but:


what are the thoughts?
self promotion maybe?????

Feb 19, 07 11:46 am

i'm guessing he likes the playhouse and wants to help them out. don't think he needs any more promotion, squirrel! it's a pretty nice thought, though, don't you think?

Feb 19, 07 12:30 pm  · 

hmmm, not sure what to make of it just yet. You know LA and the self-serving attitude many have here in this city (those in the limelight) so I can't say just yet. Haven't made my mind up about what motives he may or may not have.

Hopefully it will be more than just a sketch or two he will give them.

Feb 19, 07 12:41 pm  · 

Frank Gehry is a philanthropist, an artist, and an architect. He is one of the nicest and humblest architects I have ever met. He loves to teach, especially to kids and young people. He has a big heart and a wonderful outlook for architecture. His studio is full of young people. He is all about teaching and learning.

This Pasadena Playhouse pro-bono work is fabulous…and good for the Playhouse organizers. They are very lucky to have Gehry’s office doing this work. Gehry is in a sound financial place (and has been for a few years) where he can do pro-bono work, and does so very selectively, as any good business person should. I think it is commendable he is doing this work and helping his friend.

To me, it is less about who is actually doing the work, and more about the fact that a group can get professional services of this level pro-bono. Gehry’s office will do an excellent job and it will revitalize the Playhouse for many years to come.

Feb 19, 07 1:45 pm  · 

i agree with you shogo664

Feb 19, 07 2:14 pm  · 


now that is an adjective that i have never heard used to describe gehry.

Feb 19, 07 2:17 pm  · 

shogo, I don't think anyone here has (at least not yet) been in any sort of disagreement with you. I guess I found it rather trivial that there was a story about this in the newspaper as I cracked it open this morning.

I don't know mr gehry in any way, so i can't speak for the gentle heartedness he possesses or not for that matter, I just still don't know what to make of his "pro bono" work, or the idea thereof.

I do agree with your comment about the fact that any group out there should get quality professional services of this level "pro-bono".

And isn't the term pro-bono (correct me if Im wrong here) meant as "work to be done without compensation, for the good of the public"?
If this is the case, i wonder....because it seems like more residual for gehry and or as a favor to a friend, not to the public.

And your comment sounds quite biased towards him. Do you work for him? Are you related? What has he done for you on a personal level for you to admire the man the way your statement seems to be expressing. (please don't misunderstand this as an attack, I am simply asking for clarification here).

Just my $.02 cents

Feb 19, 07 2:25 pm  · 

squirrlley -

from my limited perspective (which means that i don't know gehry at all personally, nor have i worked in their office), gehry does come across as a guy who, if he finds the cause worthy enough, is willing to help out. he did it for the cancer center in britain (as have several other architects), as well as help our humble young architects group out with a fundraiser by donating a signed monograph several years ago.

lots of firms pitch in to do pro-bono work for organizations they like or are affiliated with - not only does it ease a financial hurdle they may otherwise face, if you can snag someone with the clout of a gehry, it probably makes their fundraising effort all the easier. does gehry mind the good press? probably not in the wake of the brooklyn and grand ave. developments. so, it's probably a 'win-win' from that perspective.

Feb 19, 07 2:41 pm  · 

Well one thing about Gehry, he surfs and he plays hockey and he tells it like it is... He's not trying to start a movement or anything...

Feb 19, 07 5:43 pm  · 

hopefully its because no one actually wants to hire him anymore.

Feb 19, 07 6:07 pm  · 

Gehry humble? You've got to be shitting me.

I had him as a teacher. Totally bullshit.

He should just design for Tiffany. That's really what he is, a jewelry designer, either large or small scale.

Pro bono may be redeeming quality, but they probably won't afford anything he designs.

Feb 19, 07 8:23 pm  · 

nightrain - that statement you just made doesn't reek of humility either.

Maybe you also have some attitude?

Feb 20, 07 8:32 am  · 

I am anti Bono... U2's new stuff sucks

Feb 20, 07 11:20 am  · 

wow a lot of volley here. where to begin....
I will repsond to squirrelly first:
I have been following his Gehry's career since 1983. I met Frank Gehry at the Aspen Design Conference in 1986. At the time he was finishing his glass ‘fish’ bar in Japan. We talked to him about 30 mins. He was very nice and humble. Humble as in knowing where he was in the world of design. Now that was mid-80’s, perhaps today he is another personality all together. He was, at the time, interested in what we had to say, he listened, we listened... it was a very inspiring and good exchange. I have since seen him other lectures and in a couple films/ interviews. His attitude is genuine and I believe his contributions to the field of architecture are as high as anyone’s. The fact he is doing pro-bono work, much like any firm doing the same, is commendable. That’s it. I just respect the guy and his contributions.

nightrain: you have issues. I totally agree with nambypambics, too much attitude blurring the senses. And for the record (you should do some research before you spout your crap)- Gehry has an astounding record of designing projects ‘under budget’- let me repeat: UNDER BUDGET! Including Bibau.

Feb 21, 07 2:11 pm  · 

Thanks shogo...
I somehow feel that there has to be something more to things. But again, I am not judging the guy, the only thing that did seem to bother me as of late with him was his acceptance and entertainment of Brad Pitt. That was just a joke! (to me at least) hence, my belief in him diminished further after that situation.

However I do feel that he's done some fantastic work (back in the day so to speak). And that would include the work before he became "an icon" as some have expressed.

And it's BILBAO....sorry I had to just chime in on that part.

(btw: when I saw it for the first time....that bldg was truly something well thought out -contextually wise).

Feb 21, 07 2:17 pm  · 

oops. thanks squirrely for the spelling correction, typing too fast. Yes Bilbau is a spectacular work. I spent three days just wandering in and around it. I was also really bummed to see someone had vandalized the façade, basically had bent up a piece of the titanium veneer. No respect.
He is a maverick in many ways. I really appreciate his interest and dedication to art- specifically to painting. His design process is very inspiring and exhaustive. If only more architects would practice his rigor.

Feb 21, 07 2:46 pm  · 

good points Fogey....
I guess for me, the comment about Pitt is that although it's great to get architecture spoken about in the popular culture circles, at times people do seem to twist things and hence make it about them, not about our profession or the movement that architecture could become.

In other words, I know Gehry didnt seek him out, it was the other way around, yet I can't say I don't feel like he might have made a error in letting Pitt to speak. But I guess like they say here in Hollywood....not publicity is bad publicity, eh??

Feb 22, 07 11:01 am  · 

Brad Pitt has a sudo architecture firm, a think tank of designers and architects, whom he discusses plans and projects he is interested in. For many years Pitt has been interested in architecture. And like most hollywood stars (whom I also compare to carnival employees) Pitt has obvious 'whoa is me' ora about him. But from what I underastand he is genuinely interested in architecture.

I agree with oldfogey...paling around w/ Pitt isn't a bad thing. It's the pop culture way. Gehry is as much a part of the pop culture as anyone. What makes him unique (and a few others) is that he is a creative thinker, he has integrety, great work ethic, and a strong opinion about his craft. His role as a StArchitect in this pop culture will do nothing but good in the long run. It is the American system, an Access Hollywood system. Like it or not, most American's get their attitudes about design, fashion and even politics from people in the lime light. Wouldn't it be great if you saw on Cribs...a Gehry House! eh??

Feb 22, 07 11:54 am  · 

Cortney Cox was an architecture student, apparently. Her Lautner House was/is on the market for $33.5 million if anyone is interested

Feb 22, 07 12:52 pm  · 

John Denver was an Architecture Student.....then his plane fell out of the sky.

Feb 22, 07 10:25 pm  · 

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