
Some help for a worried applicant!!

khalid 1898

I was just offered a place in the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL nearly 2 weeks ago. I am required to achieve the grades ABB for my A levels, but I was predicted AAC.

I was wondering if any of you guys know the probability of an applicant being accepted in the bartlett, even though they narrowly miss the required grades....

Thanks a lot... I have searched everywhere, but i've found no results!!

Feb 9, 07 3:09 pm

why dont you talk to the school directly, show them some of your work or writing - it seems like it is something that your eagerness could help smooth the bump.

Feb 9, 07 4:12 pm  · 
I love archinect

Well get an ABB!

Feb 10, 07 2:45 pm  · 
khalid 1898

trust me, im trying to get an AAB!!!!!! hehehehe, its just that it is difficult to forget about it while im trying my best to get the highest possible grades... All the suspense is a distraction... but i am working towards getting the grades. I just want some idea how many people get rejected in the end when they find out they get lower grades then wanted....

Feb 10, 07 3:26 pm  · 
khalid 1898

I heard that the Bartlett would rather choose the applicants that they selected in the beginning of the selection process even though they got lower grades than wanted. People say that theyd prefer those people over the others who are on pooling. What do you think guys?

Feb 10, 07 3:31 pm  · 

ABBA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 11, 07 12:26 am  · 

eat your heart out, Vado...

Feb 11, 07 12:30 am  · 

sorry...I suppose that is ABB

Feb 11, 07 12:31 am  · 

Is that LB on the right???

Feb 11, 07 12:32 am  · 


Feb 11, 07 12:39 am  · 
khalid 1898

hey guys, im really serious about this...... if ur thinking of posting irrelevant things, then please dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( hehehehehe. Honestly, I know may people in this blogsite ask about related topics, bt please be serious...... I need someone's remark who has gone to UCL Bartlett, and knows about all these things...... thanks!!!

Feb 11, 07 4:45 am  · 

i am giving you the best information - you cant go by the rules nor what happened for one candidate isnt the rule for others - especially when your a levels may be on knitting, winter sports and gymnastics.

make an appointment - go see them one on one and work it out - thats how you will get over it.

Feb 11, 07 6:44 am  · 
vado retro

what is ucl??? and it sounds as though you may have been offered the position conditionally ie on getting your ABBA, then maybe they'll take a chance on you!!!!

Feb 11, 07 8:14 am  · 

I saw Rem doing some lines with the girls from ABBA at Outback Steakhouse

Feb 11, 07 1:28 pm  · 
khalid 1898

nice one mdler........
ur a gr8 help.... hehehehehehe jk... ya, for Vado retro, UCL is short for University COllege London, where the Bartlett School of Architecture is located....... Its the biggest school for the built environment in the UK.... and one of the best in the world ever!!!! in other words, my dream uni!!!!! hehehehehe...Ted, I think il do just that.. I cant wait for this year to end.. honestly, the suspense is a killer, thanks for the support!!!!

Feb 11, 07 1:43 pm  · 

actually Khalid - its not the biggest - and there are other great architecture schools in the uk - so maybe you should apply to a few and visit many and not just have one choice! you do 2 degrees and i have always felt that its best to mix it up between part I + part II between faculties!

Feb 11, 07 3:34 pm  · 
khalid 1898

ted really? according to the Quality Assessment Report by the HEFCE ( Higher education council of england), it is... I dunno the rport maight be out of date!!! hehehe... Ya, I saw the bartlett in pictures, and the bartlett doesnt look that great compared to other schools of architecture like cardiff, but hey.... I think its a good school to go to because of its great location ( London... great for aspiring architects like moi), and also beacuse it is renowned all over.. hehehe.. But compared to my school now here in bahrain, although it is modern, it doesnt seem very welcoming.. At least the bartlett feels like ur in a supportive community... i dunno... I really wanna visit the schools, but its gonna be a bit expensive, and right now i cant really afford to miss school!!!!! my voice within tells me to concentrate more on studies first!!!! hehehehe, thanks for the advice!!!!!

Feb 12, 07 2:11 pm  · 
khalid 1898

Ted, what do you mean "its best to mix it up between part I + part II between faculties!"?? I really dont get that thing with the units.... cna u ellaborate a bit???

Feb 12, 07 2:12 pm  · 
I love archinect

Yeah I'm at the Bartlett, your too serious man, take it easy get the grades, work hard, enjoy it.x!

Feb 12, 07 3:32 pm  · 
I love archinect


Feb 12, 07 3:32 pm  · 

I may be speaking out of turn here, but I think he mean that it's good to swap schools between part I and II. I had the same advice and I think it's sound. As Ted says, you have 2 degrees. For the first, go somewhere where you can have some fun, get a good education, and allow yourself to grow as a person. You can knuckle down for Part 2.

Feb 12, 07 3:32 pm  · 
khalid 1898

oh.... k... hehehe, sorry to piss u guys off.. its just that it really means a lot to me.... hehehe

Feb 12, 07 4:24 pm  · 
James Mayers

Good advice. Seems a good opportunity to get a change of surrounds at that stage...which incidentally is the stage I'm at. Having a look at a few London Unis too - anyone have any info on Westminster, by any chance?
Have you had a look at other london unis or UK unis in general? You may find others have a better allocation of studio space/better vending machines/teaching ethic more suited to you. I have heard maybe the Bartlett is a bit squeezed for studio space. I'm sure some of the resident Bartlett students can refute these spurious claims, of course...

Feb 12, 07 4:29 pm  · 

must you put "hehehehe" after every thought

this is not a high school chat room - and if you want the people at Bartlett to take you seriously, you have to project at least some level of maturity, have you stopped to think that maybe, just maybe some of the people at Bartlett are reading this right now?

on that note, I have very little to add to this conversation, as i do not know anything in detail about Bartlett, or their admissions policy.

I will only second the suggestion made to you by others - which is to visit multiple schools and talk with them one on one.

Feb 12, 07 4:32 pm  · 
khalid 1898

I love archinect, I really enjoy architecture... dont get me wrong. im not those people who do it because they have no other choice..hehehe no way!!! I cant stand doing things I dont enjoy.

The only thing which is stressing me out, is that I dont wanna ruin this chance.. Im not one of those students, who get the grades just like that.. Wel, maybe for art and DT, but some subjects like econ, and business, i really have to work hard on that, and its really difficult because of the art and dt workload..... hehehe I just wanna go to ucl, becuase i know that thats where i can really enjoy myslef, especially becuase of its location!! :p ( westend, and LONDON!!!) ya, but I promise, once I find out all about the things that I NEED to know, then il chill!!! so keep the respnses coming!!!

Feb 12, 07 4:32 pm  · 
khalid 1898

James Meyers, it so happens that I did get an offer from the University of Westminster. The school of Architecture is located in Marylebone Street, right opposite Madame Tussaud's Its a really interesting uini, ranked 3rd best school of architecture on 2005, but it dropped down to number 16 last year. It also has a huge residential block on its campus ( marylebone) where the Business and Architecture students are accomodated. In my opinion, I think its a really good uni to study architecture in, as it is located in the heart of London- great for aspiring architects like us!!

Westminster just recently had a multi million pound refurbishment to upgrade its facilites... The only downside is, that the architecural library is located in another campus, somewhere in the outskirts of London, where the faculty of design is located.

for the rest of you guys, especially cln1, im really sorry for the rather juvenile language...... hehehehehehe, im just trying to put in a bit of life into this rather dull topic!

Feb 12, 07 4:52 pm  · 
James Mayers

Thanks for the info. From a brief recce of the site in London it looks an impressive building, just need to get a visit in, try and find out what it's all like - the outer one's the Harrow campus, I think? very strange...
I didn't know about the on-campus accomodation, could be useful...

Feb 12, 07 5:04 pm  · 

aol chat ≠ more interesting content
aol chat = very annoying

Feb 12, 07 5:08 pm  · 
khalid 1898

I think you're right about the harrow campus. Are you an undergarduate applicant applying for the first year? Then if u are, then I suggest you make a firm deicision about which university you want to go to soon.

As Westminster has that 1960's residential block, then the demand for accomodation from that building would be high... It will be dissapointing when you find out that there are no more available rooms vacant!!!! So go and make a firm choice, and start thinking about where you wanna live for a whole year!!!

Realising that monthly rates can reach up to 2,000 pounds in London, I quickly started my application form, so that I would at least have a rather decent place to live for a whole year, as university policy for accomodation is usually 'first come first serve'!!

Feb 12, 07 5:24 pm  · 
khalid 1898

gud luck!!

Feb 12, 07 5:25 pm  · 
James Mayers

Thanks. And good luck with your application(s). I'm actually part 2, so I'm not sure i'm eligible,or at least top of the pile for Hall accomodation, and also terrible at decisions (got to decide from a few uk unis) so will see how it goes.

Feb 12, 07 5:31 pm  · 
khalid 1898

well Chch, il keep that in mind!! I really think that aol chat makes entries much more personal, don't you? Im sorry if you found it annoying. Il just remember to be more formal or mature next time. AS you can see, I am trying. It will take a few more comments until I get used to it..

Feb 12, 07 5:32 pm  · 

heh, don't worry about it, but yes - it is quite annoying.......redaing evryting......LIKE THIS!!!!!! OMFG, it rly want to gouge my....heheheheheheee....eyes out.

Feb 12, 07 6:15 pm  · 

when considering a uni in uk - look at the REA ranking [up to 5*] the higher the ranking = the more funding the UK government hands out to the school per student head - you might then look at the full time faculty, the number - what their work is or what they have written. it will be the core direction of the course although visitors will top off most studio time.

and a well know secret -- many of the profs at the bartlett and other london schools teach at the other schools all throughout london--its not exactly the same but if you can get prof A at bartlett or at Wesminster - not lot different.

you should check to see if there are studio spaces to work in school: check the library out and computer facilities to use, workshop, CADCAM, etc. London Met has facilities for CADCAM that spin circles around the bartlett.

any other 'ranking system' such as the Times, etc. are just beauty contest just like the ones you see posted many times on archinect about US schools. ignore them - they are meaningless.

Feb 12, 07 6:37 pm  · 

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