
Do architects play sports?


All the architects that I have met seem to be bookworms. I have'nt met anybody who lives an active life other than the gym. Maybe thats why architects are so stressed all the time. They dont take out their agression on anything

I play Rec. league b-ball and v-ball games when architecture lets me....well mostly when the semester is over. I also sponge any chance I can get during the summer.

Feb 2, 07 1:23 am

i do! :) surfing...unfortunatelly or not,on the internet :) what do i earn from this? just an ass that has the shape of the chair! anyway, i do feel the need to make some exercise...most used complaint: my back is killing me! :)

....bookworms and webworms i would say...

Feb 2, 07 2:55 am  · 

Ultimate Frisbee. Although lately no one is aroundto play real team action. Floating tooth. You stil have a league going? Lovr to join. You WONT be disappointed with the skillz.

Feb 2, 07 3:02 am  · 


Feb 2, 07 3:05 am  · 

I can think of one sport. Hi oh!

Feb 2, 07 3:24 am  · 

The dutch have this:

Feb 2, 07 5:14 am  · 

I play rugby. Check out this years 6 nations championship starting this weekend. Hopefully Wales can re-caputure their Grand Slam winning form of two years ago.

RBS 6 Nations

past glories

Feb 2, 07 6:39 am  · 

i'd play rugby, but the thought of another mans finger up my ass just turns me off.

Feb 2, 07 6:59 am  · 

i was on an ultimate team until a couple of years ago. everybody started getting too young and i could no longer keep up.

i know several archinect'rs are runners. i've heard some talk here and there about soccer.

i'm going bowling today...[ok, reaching now.]

Feb 2, 07 7:09 am  · 
vado retro

well i still have a trophy for having the second highest batting average on my little league team. woohoo. also, on my sixth grade football team, i had two interceptions! after that i was a bench warmer. but did hit a memorable (for me) pinch hit three run home run in babe ruth league.

Feb 2, 07 8:53 am  · 
vado retro

i am also the worst basketball player to ever come out of indiana.

Feb 2, 07 8:53 am  · 
vado retro

but i was always a pretty good bowler...

Feb 2, 07 8:53 am  · 

betadinesutures - I think you are refering to some homosexual activity of which rugby is not related. I've never had those thoughts when playing.

Feb 2, 07 8:59 am  · 

we started out in the early days with athletics including soccer and ultimate, but over the years as time took its toll on our bodies and we switched to the true sport of the broken-down, sleep-deprived and mentally-abused: co-ed softball!

Feb 2, 07 9:00 am  · 

Throughout my life I've played almost every major sport you can think of. I also don't read very much...I guess I'm your anti-architect

Ping Pong
and Yes, I was on a bowling team as a kid

Although I'm currently down to just Hockey, Golf and Snowboarding.

Maybe my parents didn't want me in the house as a kid?

Feb 2, 07 9:02 am  · 

hockey (religiously)

baseball - havnt played in an organized baseball league since my high school days though... every few years i play in a mens softball league, which is more about drinking beer and having fun

golf - see drinking beer above

skiing - not as much as i would like

Feb 2, 07 9:08 am  · 

Cool. Maybe we should get an archinect "get stressed relief V-ball game" Because I noticed the people on this site are disgruntled architects that need to take out thier aggressions like Greg Faulker

Feb 2, 07 9:11 am  · 

the one sport i really get into is DODGEBLL. playing pick-up dodgeball on the weekends was the only way i made it through summer co-op. 8 hours of redlines? cool by me, as long as i can throw hard red balls at peoples faces aftwards.

Feb 2, 07 9:42 am  · 

I am going snowboarding in 10 minutes and I play basketball regularly with the Predock Jocks.

Feb 2, 07 9:44 am  · 
liberty bell

I like lifting weights - the structure thing, I guess.

I like walking, a lot, through cities especially. Lots of walking. I miss walking more than anything else from my life in Philly (culture too, but that's what the internet is for).

We ride recumbent bicycles when the weather is nice.

Organized sports have ever really been an attraction for me. That may change when my son becomes old enough for little league/soccer/track/whatever.

But this seems an appropriate place to post this: My son's school declared today a uniform-free day today so that everyone can wear their "Colts Blue" accoutrements in anticipation of Sunday's game. We have no team jersey for our 3 year old, so I dressed him in a close-to-Colts-blue T-shirt with an image of Zaha's CAC in Cincy on it - yay for art!

Feb 2, 07 9:55 am  · 
vado retro

liberty bell that's child abuse!!!

Feb 2, 07 9:59 am  · 

I play rugby on a gay team here in NY...and betadinesutures, still no fingers. Sorry to disappoint!

Feb 2, 07 10:03 am  · 

when in boston i played soccer at least three days a week.
basketball two nights a week and every now and again i'd
join a volleyball league.

now in new york i only play soccer once or twice a week.
would love to play more.

when i was in school i played only basketball and i played about
five days a week as a stress relief..usually about four or five
hours at a time...especially whenever i got stuck on a particularly
difficult helped me come back fresh.

Feb 2, 07 10:06 am  · 

I like biking and snowboarding.

Feb 2, 07 10:55 am  · 

as a kid...

little league baseball, youth basketball, and taekwondo

in highschool...

basketball, cross country and club-level hockey

in college...

pick-up (roller) hockey 4 nights a week, 1 year of intramural soccer, and an occasional pick-up game of basketball.

in grad school...

2 years of intramural flag football and softball on all architecture teams (we got slaughtered, but it was fun to get out of studio)

as a professional...

does cad jockeying count???

Feb 2, 07 10:57 am  · 

lb - organised sports actually used to be a great way to learn social skills. now it's all about individucal (not team) success and loud-mouthed parents that think their kid will be the next tiger woods (freddi adu, andy roddick, etc) it's pretty sick.

i played rugby in high school and college, strong side wing, and never saw any fingers going up asses. lots of drunken debauchery, drinking beer from a fat guys dirty ol shoe, but never any finger-in-ass penetration. some of the wicked sh*t i've seen:

an eye pop out of the socket
broken collarbone, compound - 8 man carried broke 4 more high-ish tackles for the try, and then fainted.
broken leg 3 places, majorly compound
ankles twisting 180 degrees from knee
stiffarm leading to broken radial and ulna, compound

i also played lacrosse for a few years, replaced our goalie and backup, both had the flu, and will say, there is nothing like a rubber coated steel ball hitting you square in the fleshy part of the bicep @ 85+ mph. it's like a deadleg, times 10.

since school, i don't have much time, so i lift a lot and try to run. however, the cartilage in my knees is pretty much non-existent, so i tend to wince, cry, and my knees buckle...
thinking about starting crew again, haven't rowed since school. occoquoan anyone?

Feb 2, 07 11:00 am  · 

edit: a lacrosse ball is all rubber. but it still hurts.

Feb 2, 07 11:02 am  · 

bicycle...ride everywhere...I guess it's more of a lifestyle than a sport. There was a good thread about this a couple months ago. It's a good way to get to know your city and the pain from peddling replaces school/ work stress.

Feb 2, 07 11:06 am  · 

I've played sports all my life. Growing up, it was soccer, volleyball, baseball, swimming, hockey, football, and cross country. Now, it's mainly exercise-oriented activities to keep me in shape and keep stress levels down - cycling, running, and occasionally weights. Oh, and snowboarding for the adrenaline rush.

Feb 2, 07 11:25 am  · 

Here in NC basketball is like it's own religion so I grew up worshiping at the temple that is the ACC. Consequently, I played bball almost from birth. Sports and architecture......what else is there? GO HEELS!

Feb 2, 07 11:44 am  · 

.....Oh and recent stints in Europe over the last 5 years have made cycling a second love.

Feb 2, 07 11:45 am  · 

i open the refrigerator and close it a few times a day.

i suppose that counts as exercise?

Feb 2, 07 11:51 am  · 

Rugby, Water Polo, a little tennis & basketball in high school

basketball inter mural in college

tennis only now, which is suspect due to recent major injuries

otherwise I Hash, I'm the RA

Feb 2, 07 11:55 am  · 

and for BOTS f*ck the Sheep Shaggers time for them to bugger off :)

Feb 2, 07 11:58 am  · 

for fun volleyball (beach) and futball (what you yanks call soccer for some odd reason) - but I'm crap at either

Feb 2, 07 12:00 pm  · 

I played football for about 11 years up thru my first year of college. Very unarchitectural...

Now I just surf & run.

Feb 2, 07 12:02 pm  · 

"close-to-Colts-blue T-shirt with an image of Zaha's CAC in Cincy on it"
Liberty Bell, I just got images of your son being bullied at school, please tell me that wasn't the case

Feb 2, 07 12:03 pm  · 

Skate Skiing, Downhill Skiing, Mt. Biking, and a bit of Soccer with my sons.

Feb 2, 07 12:12 pm  · 

Skate Skiing, Downhill Skiing, Mt. Biking, and a bit of Soccer with my sons.

Feb 2, 07 12:12 pm  · 

i hold a tennessee state swimming record.

Feb 2, 07 12:13 pm  · 

Kitesurfing..... beat that!
only thing better than that for relieving stress is a threesome
with lesbian sure

Feb 2, 07 12:22 pm  · 

lol 'tilldeath, lol

there's another sport I won't be able to do, dislocated shoulders really suck!

Feb 2, 07 12:25 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Does Guitar Hero 2 count as a sport?

Feb 2, 07 12:31 pm  · 

If Guitar Hero 2 counts then Dance Dance Revolution should count too

Feb 2, 07 2:19 pm  · 

easy people, the rugby anal probbing thing were high school rumors tossed around about what happens during the's not like wrestling, right, there you can only get herpes....

Feb 2, 07 2:26 pm  · 

why the hell did a kentucky paper pick up that article?!

Feb 2, 07 2:30 pm  · 

hell the yahoo uk edition has it too.

Feb 2, 07 2:31 pm  · 

Football and track in H.S. - Played rugby for 8 years beginning in my last year of BA. Believe it or not that was in the U.S. Now my version of sport is repairing and improving the crappy old houses I live in. Still a little mountain climbing here and there and hiking to stay sane in between, you gotta get out sometimes.

Feb 2, 07 2:33 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

running and mountain biking.

Feb 2, 07 2:45 pm  · 


does dancing count?

how about wii bowling... i just got pro status!! yeeeaaah!!

Feb 2, 07 2:57 pm  · 

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