
Do architects play sports?


i climb 3 or 4 days a week to get my mind off work... but when i walk behind the wall and check out the structure necessary to hold the wall up, i find myself wondering how much would it cost, how skilled would my labor have to be, can i just use some pre-fab wood trusses or do i need a crazy steel something or other, how long would it take... blah blah blah.

Feb 2, 07 2:59 pm  · 

I was cautious of mentioning any martial arts as sport. I quit karate after 7 years it was turning me vicious

Feb 2, 07 3:00 pm  · 


Have played all of the above competively recently. I do however suck at just about any winter sport which is problematic this time of year (still stay active). I guess it gives me a chance to read a little more.

Feb 2, 07 4:12 pm  · 
Darren Hodgson

I try to play cricket.

53 posts and I seem to be the first one....

Feb 2, 07 4:57 pm  · 

my current passion is for flash ping-pong?

Feb 2, 07 5:03 pm  · 

triathlons anybody??

Im attempting to do one this year! we'll see
but love I ride as often as I can

Feb 2, 07 5:06 pm  · 

did anyone say cricket!

Remember, these sports are not to be logged on your time sheets people.

Feb 2, 07 5:06 pm  · 

i've given both of my knees to soccer, my first true love.

now it's yoga and some sunday afternoon soccer.

in high school i played soccer, baseball, volleyball and basketball.

racquet sports are fun too, tennis, racquetball, even ping pong...

Feb 2, 07 5:09 pm  · 

soccer, when i've got friends to play it with, and occasionally football

Feb 2, 07 5:16 pm  · 
Darren Hodgson

BOTS, I thought that's what the 'office admin' section was for?

Feb 2, 07 5:19 pm  · 

soccer players represent!

i have a game tomorrow!! its my favorite time of the week

any other soccer players in chicago who want to play in competitive leagues let me know! i usually get an indoor team spring summer and fall outdoor leagues

Feb 2, 07 5:31 pm  · 

there is no sport other than hockey

Feb 2, 07 5:38 pm  · 

man. i wish i was up there. i love indoor, and with my knees i manage better on the smaller field/court...

actually, i tore my 2nd ACL playing indoor...

Feb 2, 07 5:40 pm  · 

Hey anybody in the Hampton Roads area that plays b-ball let me know. Well I guess some architects are'nt coah potatoes.

Feb 2, 07 5:47 pm  · 

My brother got me a basketball for christmas. It was a very strange sensation holding the orb shaped object for the first time in about five or six years. Haven't touched it since.

Feb 2, 07 5:54 pm  · 

that sucks... i only did one but it ended my college playing...
i probably sucked anyway.
indoors tough on it but its worth the constant aches and swelling for the 44 min of game

Feb 2, 07 6:08 pm  · 

is sleep deprivation considered a sport? i'm ready to go pro.

when i came to architecture school, i found out to my wonderment and surprise that there were heterosexual men in the world who didn't like playing sports but who still managed to get dates. they were called "musicians" and "artists". i started calling myself an "architect" and found out that it worked, too, except only with other "architects", but that's ok. you only need one mate in this life.

so i stopped the charade. i suck at every sport out there except for running, and i can't do that so well anymore.

every sunday morning we drive to church and see all those people who woke up at 6.30 am on a sunday to run or kayak or bike or whatever.

they're going to die someday just like me.

Feb 2, 07 6:11 pm  · 

I hear....Brad Pitt.... is great in the, "SEX RING" He is an architect isn't he?

Feb 2, 07 7:52 pm  · 

cycling...if I had more time I'd train for the Tour de France!

Feb 2, 07 9:12 pm  · 

my architecture studio formed a co-ed intramural soccer team. we called ourselves "we heart boobs."

Feb 2, 07 9:16 pm  · 

climbing, mountain biking, hiking...

seemed like half the people in the program when i was in school were climbers

at the office we played soccer at lunch, had baseball and basketball teams, and alot of people trained for marathons and triath/decathalons

Feb 2, 07 9:22 pm  · 

i just ice skated for the first time, now i want to be an Olympian!

Feb 2, 07 10:59 pm  · 

the school of architecture at our uni always won the intermural swimming comp...once pulling off a win at the basketball too (had 3' 3s in the semis) but missed the hat-trick at the futball

Feb 2, 07 11:24 pm  · 

breakdancer.... i.e. b-boy/popper/locker.....

i used to play football (not soccer), baseball, basketball...until i blew out my right knee in 92 then in 2002 i totally blew out my left knee that led to an acl replacement and menicus full sewn together....not cool.... it's been 2 years and my knee still gets pains and spasms..... sucks


Feb 3, 07 12:44 am  · 

i play soccer, and sometimes tennis

Feb 3, 07 2:33 am  · 

man cryzko your practically a robot. Sorry to here about that.

Feb 3, 07 10:07 am  · 

el tri against angola, world cup '06. we (the GF and I) were in nashville at the time, helping out on a project at the firm's headquarters. one of our nashville co-workers is mexican, so she took us to her sister's home to watch the match during lunch. her family had prepared some homemade guacamole, salsa and other snacks, but the beer was newcastle and guiness. notice the virgin of guadalupe candle burning on the stereo next to the tv. good fortune. the game ended in a 0-0 draw.

Feb 3, 07 12:19 pm  · 

skiing- when I've the chance
SQUASH - takes less than an hour and yer whipped. actually know a fair no. of architects who play ... must be something about pure geometry mixed with chess-like strategizing , and rage.. and limited time to indulge in either ...

Feb 3, 07 12:31 pm  · 

did anyone play collegiate athletics at the varsity level?

Feb 3, 07 6:57 pm  · 

Now this is painful...its been approximately 4 weeks since my injury (dislocation of shoulders), I had to return home and they are calling 1st try-outs for the West Indies World Cup Rugby team. I could of been the next Johnny Wilks! Damn you!!!

Feb 3, 07 9:47 pm  · 

Now that concludes my mellodrama for tonight

Feb 3, 07 9:47 pm  · 

I played semi-professional rugby in college. then broke every bone in my right arm below the elbow. ended that career.

co-founded the uncoordinated soccer league in NYC. Now doing the same in SF.

Feb 3, 07 10:28 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

ran track til soph year of college. still run for exercise. played tons of IM sports in college

started surfing in HS, on hiatus through college (too far inland). back on a coast afterwards and religiously surfing since.

Feb 3, 07 10:35 pm  · 

on that note of varsity college sports...ive have played 4 years before grad school....and it def puts a damper on the amount of work you can produce....but would employers take that into consideration if it was listed on a resume that, even though your work may not be as detailed and "complete" as possible, you may be valuable to them due to the ability to balance 2 very time consuming things: architure major and varsity athletics......i guessing that they dont care but would like any opinions

Feb 3, 07 11:10 pm  · 

i play hockey 2-3 times a week (started when i was 4), snowboard and work out at the gym regularly

Feb 4, 07 2:00 am  · 

Rumored that Greg Lynn was hired by Eisenman because of Lynn's success of as a collegiate soft|baseball player. This was a means to ensure success for the annual ny5 softball comp, later just being Meier vs Eisenman

It would be nice if someone could validate that story

Feb 4, 07 2:55 am  · 

i ran cross-country, indoor and outdoor track throughout
h.s. and college. it was tough trying to balance arch and athletics.
(also tried to make a go at the olympic trials in the dice.) most of the profs were understanding...i had one though that
made me run around a college campus (that he knew i was going to be competing at) and sketch details of a building...he said for me
it was mandatory extra credit for being an athlete...bastard.
i regret sinking so much time into training my thesis year as my
thesis presentation(only) suffered greatly. got to see a good bit of the country and dozens and dozens of college campuses.

there have been some amazing athletes that have majored in architecture and went on to become All-Americans...
some that I know...short list.

John Mortimer - Univ. of Mich.
Derek Seiling - Notre Dame

Feb 4, 07 5:35 am  · 
Feb 4, 07 2:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i have been watching four hours of presuperbowl coverage. does that count???

Feb 4, 07 4:55 pm  · 


I am not sure if your proud of that image or not but around these parts the suit alone would be worth a few cat calls....... mind you it is gay ski week here so you ma want to party on with a few of the boys... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Feb 4, 07 5:18 pm  · 

i went to pittsburgh
and joined a pro team
talk about a bad dream
i broke a knee

but i can still croon
and make the girls swoon
isn't that the way life's
supposed to be?

Feb 4, 07 5:45 pm  · 

yEAH MONOSKi! that one-piece is mental.

Feb 4, 07 9:11 pm  · 

Vado that definately counts...I was up from noon watching them. By the time Superbowl came on I was spent, and didn't care.

Feb 4, 07 11:00 pm  · 

While working in NY I played some second base for the frim softball team. We played against some other manhattan arch frims. Aparently Eisenman used to play in the league before he got kicked out for cheating too much...

Feb 5, 07 7:51 am  · 

i play squash twice a week and i try to run regularly. other than that i spend 4 weeks skiing or mountain biking in the alps every year. i go mad when i don't exercise, it's a necessary balance to the daily stress at the office.

Feb 5, 07 8:20 am  · 

architectnophilla.when i was at csa i was the only one on the b'ball team capable enough to give the super powers a fight that shit was brutal..your lucky u got to win i was striving to win a match befoer i left and i accomplised it.
as for your shoulder and kite surfing you would be fine only hardcore kiters require shouldder strength as the kite is harnessed to your body it takes all the pressure off.
give it a try might even question your love for architecture after one go...

Feb 5, 07 8:46 am  · 

scuba diving. i love looking at fishes and corals in their natural habitat.

and it's really funny when fishes stare at you like you're invading their territory.

hopefully, someday i'll see sharks. not too sure about shipwrecks. always creeps me out thinking that some people died in that voyage.

Feb 26, 07 1:59 pm  · 

my friends and i played the starter's from our women's bball team. we went on a 7-0 tear, only to get our butts handed to us 21-11. know how hard it is to post up on a girl 6 inches taller than you?!? and they were effing crude, too. but they smelled so good! oh, and you can't block their shots, it's just not right. good times.

Feb 26, 07 2:13 pm  · 

anyone here interested in playing recreational inline hockey? my team is looking for players for the upcoming season which starts in a couple of weeks. we play in a novice league at the toyota sports center in el segundo, ca (next to LAX airport). currently we have 6 players and we are hoping to gain two more. games are on tuesday evenings. please email me if you're interested: [email protected] check out this link for more info:


Mar 7, 07 12:04 pm  · 
miss casual

evilplatapus...i am so slow on the uptake here. yes spring league ultimate frisbee is starting soon. you can find out more from


i love ultimate, cycling, tennis... id rather play sports than do architecture any day.

Mar 7, 07 4:47 pm  · 

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