
oh makers of archinect, read my humble suggestion...


I've been on several discussion boards in my time, and the most helpful feature I've ever come accross on one is a "Report this Post" button which messages the powers that be to alert them to shady/hateful/off-topic posts or blatant spam. Is there any chance of getting a "Report this Post" button for archinect? I think you know why I've posted this today...

Jan 31, 07 4:34 pm
vado retro

rationalist you are in los angeles. did the jewish moguls get to you too?

Jan 31, 07 4:38 pm  · 

no rationalist, what happened??

Jan 31, 07 4:38 pm  · 

I've just found myself several times looking for the "Report this Post" button within the last few days, and being very dismayed when I realized that archinect didn't have this feature.

Jan 31, 07 4:40 pm  · 

ah i see.....yes, I just realized why and also your explanation helped!
Cheer up love!

Jan 31, 07 4:47 pm  · 

I'd have to agree. At first I thought it was an anomaly, and he was just trying to push our buttons. But how many topics is he going to post before everyone learns to stop engaging him? I'm afraid the forum might become engulfed in indy's "hatred", whether real or imaginary.

This might not be an issue if Chili Davis had something to do during the day, lol.

Jan 31, 07 4:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Fear not, I have a Michael Rotondi lecture to go to in 10 minutes!

Jan 31, 07 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

whatever happened to free speech man?

Jan 31, 07 4:53 pm  · 

Make sure you put the request in a "contact us" email. The last time I did that, they had made the change within a day.

Jan 31, 07 4:54 pm  · 

rationalist, maybe rationalizing indy's "recent entries" list would reveal something about his attitude?... just an idea

Jan 31, 07 5:57 pm  · 

I've always gotten good results with the 'contact us' link and then choosing 'technical issues/bug report' for the subject. if you include the offending link, spam gets zapped real quick... other types of posts may also get similar treatment.

free speech is worth what you pay for it ;)

Jan 31, 07 6:00 pm  · 

i concur wholeheartedly. not just for the recent spate of hateful stuff. but as a good community feature.

maybe flagging like on cl is a bit much, but something like it i would support. if anyone were to ask me that is.

but i can't seem to help engaging with the moron.

Jan 31, 07 6:01 pm  · 

we're an engaging group of crazy architects and designers. don't apologize for making good post on somebody else's bad thread...

Jan 31, 07 8:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

all posts encouraging censorship should probably be banned...or something like that. maybe just photoshopped.

Jan 31, 07 9:41 pm  · 

maybe this feature is unnecessary.
maybe these cats can say what they want.
no one is forced to read or respond to their posts.

anything overly obnoxious will be deleted eventually, i'm sure.

plus, the UI in this forum is so nice and clean.

Jan 31, 07 9:49 pm  · 

all of a sudden i cant seem to find any of his recent entires or posts, i think the forum moderaters may have got to him.

aww gee, and i wanted to add Mao v. Chinese to my genocide list...

For the record, i don't think we should be sensoring people, no matter how cracked out they are. Indy obviously has some issues. Frankly i much prefer open debate with dare i say, racists vs. shutting them up, because all that does is make them more hateful.

Jan 31, 07 9:51 pm  · 

Yeah, actually I could do without the feature. You have to admit that on a normal day everything works quite well here.

Jan 31, 07 9:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

agreed. i'd rather have the crazy people posting leftfield rants here than sitting in a cabin somewhere send out bombs via snail mail.

Jan 31, 07 10:03 pm  · 

For the record, when I actually wrote to archinect to suggest this, I suggested that they not actually delete until they had some sort of pre-determined critical mass of complaints. It'd be up to them to say whether that was 20 or 50 or 100, or whatever they wanted to set it at.

Jan 31, 07 10:18 pm  · 
vado retro

i only read threads that i have started or or commented on. on the threads that i have commented on, i only read comments about my comments.

Jan 31, 07 11:32 pm  · 

besides, all those wacked-out rants just make this forum that much more interesting. Crazy people are entertaining! C'mon, haven't any of you guys lived in NYC?

Jan 31, 07 11:39 pm  · 

crazy threads and crazy posters give us all something to get excited about. let's not clean up archinect too much. it might get boring if we just talked nice about architecture.

Feb 1, 07 8:01 am  · 

never fear, treekilla is here!

Feb 1, 07 9:11 am  · 

I agree with Apurimac.....they can be infuriating but interesting and fun at the same time. Huh! who'da thunk-it!

lol treekiller.

Feb 1, 07 12:43 pm  · 

I don't think it's an entirely bad idea to have a wee button somewhere on the page that says "Report this Post" or "Troll Alert" or something wittier, even. Which is not to say that it should get the original topic deleted or even the perpetrator banned immediately, but we can't expect the Archinect moderators to be on top of every single thread all the time (or can we? I really have no idea). It seems like the button could just send an quick email to somebody at HQ that might say, "hey, you might want to keep an eye on this topic", or something like that. It's all about communication, remember?

Feb 1, 07 12:50 pm  · 

archinect is happy to get emails via the 'contact us' link. We are all member's of the archinect community, and it is up to us to give a fair warning when somebody approaches/crosses the line, before giving a shout out to get the thread yanked. if we're lucky, those firebrands will temper their ranting/tYpInG/SHOUTING back down to a civilized level and we can enjoy their quirkiness.

Of course spam deserves no consideration.

Feb 1, 07 1:10 pm  · 

Is it bad that sometimes I enjoy the sarcastic and snide remarks that follow an uneducated or vulgar post? I must agree though, that sometimes the comments do go a bit overboard and need to be removed from the site. I say we take the "Kip Serota" method of reporting scoundrels that disrupt the hallowed halls of archinect and "let the s.o.b. know that nothing hurts worse than pain!"
I have never figured out exactly what he meant or exactly who he was talking to, but it was very amusing when he said it.

Feb 1, 07 1:27 pm  · 
Queen of England

one of these?

Feb 2, 07 6:15 pm  · 
Queen of England

or one of these?

Feb 2, 07 6:16 pm  · 

Paul and friends-

Please, pretty please, add 'environment' and/or 'global warming' to the news categories. I would also like 'infrastructure' added, but that is my own personal fetish that most of our readers may not share.

Feb 8, 07 9:13 pm  · 

I second the motion on "environment". I like infrastructure too, but it might be too specific....?

Feb 8, 07 9:43 pm  · 

Paul and friends sounds like a Saturday morning TV show.

Feb 8, 07 9:43 pm  · 
Paul and Friends
Feb 8, 07 10:01 pm  · 

i just noticed you can filter the news in some more categories than you can post them under.
i agree with barry and wk about the environment section. it is too big of a subject to fall under the 'other'.
but, i also just started to decode paul's mastery about this stuff and nowdays give a benefit of doubt thinking 'there must be a reason for it'.
for example, i understand why there is not a category of 'politics' in news section but there is one under discussions, etc..

Feb 8, 07 10:12 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ap- that's quite a link...not quite what i had in mind when i here "paul and friends"

Feb 8, 07 11:20 pm  · 

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