
The Architect's Wife

le bossman

no, i'm this guy:

Jan 30, 07 2:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

If I may slightly revise your statement, nevermore: So what if Brad is handsome? We male archinectors are more architect-ey.

And honestly, that really IS what matters.

Only when I feel like it, bossman, only when I feel like it.

Jan 30, 07 2:50 pm  · 
le bossman

yeah well lb since you're a married architect, how about a piece of this:

Jan 30, 07 2:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

What is Frank O'Collins doing here?

Jan 30, 07 2:57 pm  · 

Jan 30, 07 3:03 pm  · 

I dunno looks like an Irish civil engineer i know....looks fishy to me

Jan 30, 07 3:05 pm  · 
le bossman

oh yeah? come on!

Jan 30, 07 3:13 pm  · 

lol le bossman.....I think I like the way you think mate!

Jan 30, 07 3:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

bossman, as long as he is an architect and isn't
this guy,

I'm prepared to like him.

Jan 30, 07 3:18 pm  · 
le bossman

i'm not talking about him. i'm talking about me:

Jan 30, 07 3:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

But bossman, that's not you, this is:

Jan 30, 07 3:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK OK OK stop already. I'm having fun sparring with you bossman but let's get back to topic. What should an architect, specifically architechnophilia, look for in a mate?

architechno, so you like groudhogs?

Jan 30, 07 3:32 pm  · 
le bossman

who's to say what the aging process does to one's physical appealingness

i'm so hot i could make janet reno open a paint can with her ding dong

Jan 30, 07 3:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think most things improve with age.

Most food, no, but most other things, yes.

Jan 30, 07 3:38 pm  · 

liberty....since the only ground hog I've ever seen was dead in the middle of the road smelling worst than anything i can imagine, that would be a yes, I love them.

Jan 30, 07 4:17 pm  · 

A woman with a complete dedication to a career/discipline has to be with a woman who actually understands this. Not a woman who only gives lip service to the idea of a woman being strong, driven, career-focused, and potentially making more money than her. She needs to not pout when you say you can't watch a movie with her because you really want to work out a cabinet detail. She needs to be willing to hold your bag while you take a picture of a doorknob. She also needs to understand your need to own six different pairs of black boots and not blink when you buy a seventh.

LB's husband description sounds good enough for my purposes, minus the husband :)

Jan 30, 07 4:22 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I like nambypambics idea of a woman being with a woman!

Jan 30, 07 4:29 pm  · 

we are not married yet, but when we do, it'll be around the backyard pool in ohio, w/ bbq. we are second timers. my first wife was an architect and we kind of didn't talk much about architecture with eachother.
tina has a great eye for architecture and she has precise comments on fluffy things we see while walking the dogs. she also knows a lot about art and have her own collection of decent artists. we are lucky to meet each other after we both have had enough of our share in the relationship world.
i had a filmmaker girlfriend who made dance films and music videos for abour eight years who was very focused in her work and network which bothered me a lot. i also lived with a minimalist painter who was super focused on her work to a degree that relationship was just physical and it went boring after a while.
i was never with some one who had a steady income like a paycheck and that's why i had to get paying office jobs few times. with all my relationships, dating period was extremely short before we moved in together.
i had to respect the other persons choice option couple of times when pragnancies were involved, thus no kids and thank god in retrospective. not that i wouldn't be a good dad.i can still reproduce but i wouldn't want to be a father to a ten years old when i am in my sixties. it is just not right now, as far as i can tell. i like kids but thank god they aren't mine. 20's and 30's are the best years to have kids when you have the energy to care and play with them. i see people walking around with a new born in their late 40's with a first child who they treat as their sole engegament in life. bit much. like, my baby is uber all.
i had a gf who had a 6 mounths old from a runaway father. so i changed a lot of dipers.

Jan 30, 07 4:33 pm  · 

i can't complain. my wife is in the marketing/publishing business which has been very nice. i get to see a very #'s heavy perspective
behind the shroud of the magazine world...kind of scary.
although she has had no formal visual art/design training she has grown to enjoy modern art, architecture and esp. furniture...she's hooked on and wants to furnish our whole house with the stuff! i feel bad because she has several family heirloom type pieces that are nice...but not what we're trying to creat for ourselves.
SIDEBAR: any suggestions on how to tuck in some "traditional" furniture in a classic modern box. (we're talking pedestal round table,
china hutch...)

i had to marry someone much smarter than me to give our
children a fighting chance. she has strengths that i could not even dream about...can play piano, sings well, very good writer and is very well read.

our 18 month old son seems to be (not that i'm biased) displaying
each of our strengths...i hope.

Jan 30, 07 5:56 pm  · 

Your 18 month happens to be Rem Koolhaas incarnate, sorry we were a bit late with the memo. Its done like Buddha you see. We match um up, you spit um out, we take them when they are 18yo and nurture them and bam drop them on the world. We've also reduced the starchitect gesticulation period from 40 years down to only twenty. You can see our newest prospects in NYC & China (Prince-Ramus & Ole)

Jan 30, 07 8:50 pm  · 

I am cracking up at the exchange at the beginning of this page.

If liberty bell gets Brad, then I at least get this:

Jan 31, 07 1:51 am  · 

Don't worry ladies, I'm helping Angelina out in filing her divorce papers..should be done soon..

then after I get married to her ,you guys can then share Brad amongst yourselves or something.

Jan 31, 07 2:09 am  · 

Lol,All jokes aside.

Liberty I have to tell you this, FYI

My friend ( he's a chauffeur ) was employed to drive Brad and Angelina around when they were in India for the shooting of the upcoming film on Daniel Pearl -'A Mighty Heart'.

well, he told me later that Angelina is a real sweetheart , polite and down to earth with no hangups .

Brad on the other hand is a dick, he talks non-stop in private.
He's also very demanding, arrogant , opinionated and quite rude.

But I guess thats cos he's now become an architect , hmmmm.

Jan 31, 07 2:19 am  · 

Architects must not get married

Jan 31, 07 2:24 am  · 

I've been toiling over photoshop & sketch up for the last two days designing my perfect mate - the architects wife. And I can't get beyond the lips of Angie....and a 6 figure expense account :)

Jan 31, 07 11:06 pm  · 

archi. Kindly leave angie alone.

Feb 1, 07 12:39 am  · 

Ok i'll focus on Mindi then

Feb 1, 07 1:09 am  · 

a friend let me borrow her "lake house" dvd...watched it tonight...wack story but it convinced me that i should look for an over achieving doctor...

i was amused by the architecture talk though between keanu (alex) and his brother (another architect)...they established a firm called visionary vanguard associates...funny shit

mr. wyler (the dad) was making references to richard meier's musem in barcelona and the clever use of louvers to manipulate light...i give the writers and "A" for effort...

i got pissed when they portrayed keanu as a flake...i said to myself " people are gonna think architects will stand up a date"

Feb 1, 07 3:14 am  · 
le bossman

well hell-ooo there

Feb 1, 07 10:11 am  · 

architechnophilia has stood up many a date for a variety of reasons, most of the architectural variety :(

Feb 1, 07 3:23 pm  · 

seriously - we should all marry lawyers - man/woman, whatever - just marry a lawyer!! just think about it - same unreasonable hours, same unreasonable dedication, absolutelly no competition between you, and if anything - your professions can help each other out. Now granted, it will be an alcoholic lover infested relationship - but it would work!

oh - and at least one of you will be making money

Feb 1, 07 3:23 pm  · 
le bossman

i broke up with my lawyer/girlfriend almost a year ago today. she now makes 110k/yr.

Feb 1, 07 3:33 pm  · 

I was talking to my dear poppah about that yesterday, and he just kept shaking his head saying, "with the way you argue, I can't imagine two of you"

I'm not sure what that meant but can't be good.

Feb 1, 07 4:31 pm  · 

That Mindi girl is the one who used to be British then got a role on ER? I've never seen her like *that* before. Shocking! How she's grown up! I think I'll have a glass of water. In fact, I think I'll pour the glass of water over my head.

Feb 1, 07 4:35 pm  · 

I dated two lawyers. One date each, to be precise. Smart, beautiful but no, erm, je ne sais quoi.

Feb 1, 07 4:37 pm  · 

I have a lunch date with a lawyer tomorrow. Social, not business. Thank goodness. I'll let you know how it goes.

PS. Love that picture of Mindi. I like boys but hell, even I'd take her home with me. She's so cool. Also did some checking, turns out she was born on the same exact day as Kate Winslet, another one of my favorite female actors. Hot professional women of October, unite!

Feb 1, 07 5:51 pm  · 

i have the exact same birthday as sienna miller... i don't know what to think about that

good luck with the lawyer - tell him about some wicked water proofing lawsuit.

Feb 1, 07 6:44 pm  · 

I always dreamt of marrying a high school teacher.

But I really want to marry a Lighthouse Keeper

Feb 1, 07 8:15 pm  · 

OK, to clarify, it's a lunch date. Not a real date. They are different. It's really not a thing at all. Just lunch. Probably mediocre lunch, in fact.

Sienna Miller was on The Daily Show tonight in possibly the shortest interview they've ever shown. You could actually tell where they edited the thing. I don't know if it's because she was high, drunk, incoherent, annoying, or all of the above. Also she's as big as a broomstick. If she weren't compelling to watch on the silver screen I would think she was useless.

Feb 2, 07 12:48 am  · 

Ok got a phonecall from the ID and she's just as cold to me as ice, yet I find that so attractive or perhaps some personality trait I'm trying to conquer...I dunno.

Chatted with the pysch too...somewhat dismissive had to run back to work havent spoke since.

Regular e|chats with the med intern, but she's so bloody far away

Catching up the rear is that stunning little fox I reunited with last Sunday...hope i see her again; I wonder...

WonderK is there going to be a calendar? I sure hope so

Feb 2, 07 1:09 am  · 
clerestory strip™

I want to marry an architect....I think it would be great to share the work and home responsibilites with my significant other....if I can ever find him!!!

I'd like a man who resembles a younger Richard we could make beautiful buildings together.....

I think the A-Date thing would be a great I'm tired of dating bus drivers :/

Feb 26, 07 6:13 pm  · 

and now i'm considering dating an architecture student, I'm nervous as hell

Feb 26, 07 10:35 pm  · 

I was considering noble professions for the architect-mate (sounds like a pen)

good professions - writers, artists, teachers, models, doctors, photographers

bad professions - actors, bankers, feng shei master, publicists

on the fence - lawyers, accountants, philosophers, porn stars

Feb 26, 07 10:47 pm  · 
she's just as cold to me as ice


when i first asked my wife out, i got the distinct impression (subsequently confirmed by her) that she was just humoring me by even entertaining the notion. but, of course, she already had plans anyway.

but now she's my wife, so...

Feb 27, 07 7:17 am  · 

i had a similar experience to Steven,

it took a month and countless calls to convince my now-wife to go out with me. She was always too busy finishing some art pieces, which of course only made me respect and want to go out with her even more. She now tells me that a date, not to say anything about marriage, was not even on her radar at the time. After that first date our relationship grew pretty quickly though... lesson: perseverance pays.

Feb 27, 07 8:16 am  · 

Surely a counterpoint to Architecture would be prefereable proffession for one's spouse. Otherwise who is there to ground the artist and red flag the ego trip and the bullshit speak?

Keep it real.

Here's my choice image.

Feb 27, 07 3:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is that WonderK?!?!

Actually, BOTS, my husband is an artist and I am the "grounding influence" architect.

Feb 27, 07 4:06 pm  · 

hehe, nice Lib bell.....

However I don't feel that works the other way around (male architect, female artist). I just get the distinct feeling it would not.

so +q perserverance huh?


Feb 27, 07 4:15 pm  · 

lawyers can make good archi-mates... my wife is proof... however, the dream of her funding my archi-career hasn't worked out since she's a prosecutor... government pay sucks... i actually make more than her which is bizarre...

she is the best archi-spouse that i know though... she can see a starchitect's building and identify the designer... she actually knows more about architecture (through osmosis) than most architects that i know...

now if we could just do something about her salary... :)

Feb 27, 07 4:34 pm  · 

LB - I am the architect the ego the bullshit and the "grounding influence".

Love will always find a way.

Feb 27, 07 5:25 pm  · 

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