
A very nervous undergrad applicant!!!

khalid 1898

WEll, u guys, please do not laugh, but I am soooo nervous!!!!!! I recently got an assesmnet task from the Bartlett UCL. Well, UCL is my top university choice, and I am really reluctant to recieve a rejection letter from UCL... The thing is, I got 100% ( A Grade) for my Art and an A grade for Design and Technology (Graphic Products) for my A-Levels.... But the thing is, my retarded business teachers predicted me a 'C'..... I know, it is really annoying.. ( my classmates were like wtf???) hehhehehe...

So according to the task, I have to make 6 pieces of artwork depicting 6 daily routines made from a range of medium to take up a max. of 6 A4 Pages... So,to make it more appealing, I put all my work in an A4 Book, which I made out of black card, and I think that it was quite strong, because many of the people who I showed it to said that it was slick, and has a really stimulating and professional layout, so I was kinda confident about that..

But the thing is, I really really really wanna get into UCL, and I was tihout a doubt on the waiting list, beacuse I was sent a "thank you faor applying" email, and I only got 5 weeks to do the task, whilst other people in my school had 8 weeks... The only reason for why UCL might have liked me because of my extra-curricular activities... What do you guys think??? Do you think that I have a fair chance in getting in? Oh ya, and I have a 'pass' in AS Maths. I wanted my task to basically show off all my skills, from painting to digital photography, and Architecture, so that they know that I am passionate about it... guys, give me an honest opinion, of what u guys think my chances are in gaining a place in the bartlett undergrad Bsc architecture course..... thanks!!!!

Jan 15, 07 11:29 am

Khalid, first of all, I hear your anxiety, but never fear mate, things will work out.

As for your passion, I can only hope you keep the fire burning. Whilst at the Bartlett (m.arch) I was able to see the fever pitch that the Bsc students flow with throughout the halls and in the rooms. It's brilliant. I of course, was coming from abroad and seeing this anew. So do keep your passion for it.

As for advice, I would say that if you are able to, you might wish to contact the Bartlett and speak to one of the unit heads (if you know whom is coordinating all the undergrad units) and ask for an informal (or formal if they shall have you) interview. A chat, so that you can have an opportunity to express your willingness and passion for what the school represents and so that you might have a better than most, chance to get in.

Most of the unit heads, are quite lovely people, although busy, they do understand and appreciate students who are engaged. Who knows you might even ask one of them for a recommendation of sorts so that you better your chances. And remember, if you do get a chance to meet them, you can always use that to your advantage.

my best wishes to you....and continued thirst for what you enjoy....that being architecture.

cheers mate.

Jan 15, 07 11:45 am  · 
khalid 1898

oh man.... but I called this lady, Christine Cutbush, to ask wether she recieved the protolio or not, and she was really rude!!!! I dont know if its the stress and the workload that she has to do, but I mean, she really gave me a nervous itch!!! hehehehe... I am an international student as well, and some of the people in my school that international students ahve a better chance in getting a place, because of the whole 'home status' term fees and stuff, but I didnt wanna keep my hopes up for that... well, thank you very much, and I will try to contact hem ( when I muster enough courage to do so!!! hehehe Im still a bit shaken with the bad first experience.. a bit intimmidating I think.. hehehe). Thanks Squirrelly!!!!

Jan 15, 07 11:54 am  · 

No worries mate.

Listen, Ms. Cutbush frankly is not a mean individual, she's just probably inundated with portfolios ( you cant imagine the # of portfolios she has in her office, it's almost a fire hazard, esp in that small office). So take everything with a grain of salt. Furthermore, you may wish to contact Christine Hawley, or if she's not available, then as I mentioned, speak to one of the unit heads.

All the best mate.

Jan 15, 07 12:04 pm  · 
khalid 1898

Hey Squirrelly!!! do you think emailing the Bartlett school of Architecture; Peter Cook, would be a good idea???? calling him would be a bit too informal dont you think?? Do you think that he will take my mail seriously, even though I do express my outmost passion for architecture? What things should I include to make it more effective? Thanks so much.. u dont know how much this means to me!!! heheheheheh

Jan 15, 07 12:07 pm  · 
khalid 1898

Christine Hawley, or Peter cook???? I swear, may you find everlasting hapiness and success in ur life!!!!! u really desrve it!!!! hehehe... I hope someone helped you this much when u were still a youngsta!! hehehe.... thanks so much..

Jan 15, 07 12:16 pm  · 
khalid 1898

Hey Squirrelly!!! According to the Bartlett undergraduate and diploma guide, Christine Hawley is the Dean, and Peter Cook is the Bartlet Professor of Architecture and Chair of the School of Architecture. I know the email adress of Cook, but the email adress of Hawley isnt listed.. waht do you think I should do?

Jan 15, 07 12:24 pm  · 

Well Khalid,
first off, please dont thank me....Im just trying to do what is right. If not paying it forward, I am trying to make amends.
In any event, Peter's last year as the dean was a year after I left the Bartlett. Fortunately for me and my mates, we were the last class to have his undivided attention. The following year, from what I heard, was unable to really see him that often as he was preparing his "after bartlett" life....flying to Spain, coming back, going to lectures(give), etc. So they did not reap the benefits of being/having him as the head of the m.arch programme.

I believe that Christine is still there, and is the dean, if not the head of the Bartlett. As for whom took Peter's role, well that would be Neil Spiller. Youre best bet is to call the school and find out from the assistant to the dean, who is the current dean (might be Christine) and if they could give you the organiser of the undergraduate units. That's my suggestion

Jan 15, 07 12:42 pm  · 
I love archinect

Hi squirelly as a Diploma Student at the Bartlett it might be worth visiting the school for a good idea of what you will expect. if you want send me a mail. J.k.

Jan 15, 07 1:14 pm  · 

I love archinect.......
uh....I've been there mate!? I hope you meant that for Khalid, and not for me.

Jan 15, 07 1:19 pm  · 
khalid 1898

Hey squirrelly, Ive decided to send iain borden the letter... he's director of architecture at the bartlett... wht do you think... I thought sending it to the dean- christine hawley, might not be such a good idea, because she might be tooo buisy.... wht do you think?|???

Jan 16, 07 9:22 am  · 
I love archinect

yeah oophs you have a nice name so it stuck in my head as i wa writing. which unit were you at?

Jan 16, 07 3:41 pm  · 

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