
Los Angeles Holiday, Part Deux (2)


but you are a dream.....................

Jan 15, 07 2:53 am  · 

paris told me that too, oddly enough!

Jan 15, 07 2:56 am  · 

sorry i didn't make it... i'm not kidding you... i fell asleep on someone's couch after dinner. getting old.

Jan 15, 07 3:18 am  · 

myriam and guess who told her to tell you that

( Im a modest kinda boy )

Jan 15, 07 3:28 am  · 

dammson....really am I?
hope it was good conversation at the very least.

yes yes....squirrelly I be....especially in tight jambs, + I wanted to sway the balance of things in the booth (no offense garpike, you truly are smooooooth).
every one was lovely....had a great time. Thanks bunch! I could def. do that again (and I don't usually go out drinking, mind you).

Yeah Javier, I know what you mean, that does happen to me from time to time.

oh btw, I was going to post my gang of photos on flickr too.....myriam, let me know when it's ok! (nothing scandalous I don't think) haha.

Jan 15, 07 10:41 am  · 
Chili Davis

Sorry I didn't make it, it's about a 33 1/2 hour drive from Detroit to L.A., and I can just imagine what the drive home would have been like. Besides, I'm not pretty enough for California. I'm a roughneck from the midwest.

Jan 15, 07 10:58 am  · 
liberty bell

SO glad you guys had fun. So so glad. It warms my cold bitter architect heart.

And I would kill or die for a Sweet's T-shirt - squirrelly, can you share where that prize came from? I would definitely wear it under my Tyvek windbreaker (it not only says "Tyvek" on it, it is made of said product too - won it in an office lunch-n-learn.)

Can't wait to see pics but of course nothing scandalous - just happy giddy architects in a "gathering space".

Jan 15, 07 11:14 am  · 

Oh cmon Chili....youd be welcomed here in LA with all the other weirdos we have, lol. I kid of course. You'd definitely fit in without any prob, trust me.

Liberty Bell...I have to say that when WonderK was moving about with giddiness in showing off her mobile phone pictures (or was it pictures of you guys at the airport - you and vado - on her digicam) that I said..."wow Liberty Bell is a cutie!

as for teh sweets boss gave it to me. He got it as a grab bag swag at the AIA convention that recently hit LA.
I shall take photos of if and show it off (maybe you will be able to see some of it in our photos - whenever we post them).

I gotta the idea of a Tyvek windbreaker.....

Jan 15, 07 11:24 am  · 
liberty bell

Aww, squirrelly, there is no 40yo woman alive who wouldn't smile at being called "a cutie" - thanks!

That was a local bar the night before WonderK flew to LA. vado has on his new glasses which make me insane with jealousy. My own grab bag swag is a Brizo faucets stainless steel coffee mug - which is pretty lovely, I must admit.

I really, really would like to ehar about the evening from anyone who has not yet posted on Archinect but went to the meet-up out of curiosity - there must be one or two?

Jan 15, 07 12:34 pm  · 

you're quite welcome Lib Bell.....
and yeah I agree Vado's specs are pretty cool......he def looked different from the other images he has posted recently.

Jan 15, 07 12:50 pm  · 

american apparal makes tyvek windbreakers too, sans logo with black zipper- nice and crinkly... about $40 if they still have them in stock. I got two large 'tyvek' logo white cotton tees from a lunch-n-learn. I'd be happy to part with one of them to the highest bidder!

*sigh* why was the la archinect scene so dead when I was stompin' around in those hills?

Jan 15, 07 1:09 pm  · 
vado retro

get yerself a tyvek flamer neckcar jacket...

Jan 15, 07 1:24 pm  · 

well, for lb's information, squirrelly's got quite a nice pair of specs himself. Label-whore. ;)

It was a good time. Those who didn't make it to brunch missed out. Very glad I didn't have to drive, as the champagne flowed freely. But now that I know what eggs florentine are, I probably won't ever order them again.

Jan 15, 07 1:36 pm  · 

garpike- I am never taking your advice when it comes to fire exits

myriam- the pictures will tell another story

damson- just stood there with a sitty grin on his face the whole night

WonderK- thanks for the blowjob

Pole Kitten- my grandma called...she wants her jacket back

Squirrley - I know where you live

Rationalist - Still cant get over the fact that you are not a guy

Jan 15, 07 1:38 pm  · 

The best part of the night (besides freezing my 'trunk' off outside with Garpike) is when I was going to the bathroom.

As I was walking pasted the kareoke station, the kareoke DJ saw my 'Architecture Sucks' T-shirt.

'we are having a stupid t-shirt need to be in it'

I showed here my elephant thong

the rest, they say, is history

Jan 15, 07 1:40 pm  · 

oh, and proving how callous and non-pc I am, my first thought when the wheelchair guy came in was, "damn. you know, if I were in a wheelchair, I'd probably pick a bigger bar to hang out at"!

I've just come back from the gym, where I attempted to work off this weekend's alcohol overload. I think this might have qualified as a full-weekend binge.

Jan 15, 07 1:41 pm  · 

ok, if I'm in a picture, would you guys mind setting it to friends-only for flickr? I'd really, really appreciate it. Especially since I am in job search mode and all. Thank you.

Jan 15, 07 1:54 pm  · 

I looked up MOCA and it's open until 5 pm I think we're going to go, anyone else?

Jan 15, 07 1:59 pm  · 

PS. Myriam, I was going to set them all to friends-only anyway, so you're fine!

Jan 15, 07 2:00 pm  · 

I'm actually leaving to head up there in a few mins--not sure yet whether my mother will be dropping me off (since she gets bored while I sketch in museums) or will be accompanying me... I'm assuming you might want to hang if the former but not the latter. I'll keep you posted, if you like!

Jan 15, 07 2:00 pm  · 

Man!! I wish I was off today.....
eerily it was a vast and open road today on the way into work. I suppose all those bastards have the day off too!

you guys enjoy....I really enjoyed the skin + bones exhibit. In particular the sectional model of Neil Denari's hotel in NYC. Check it out. I really liked it.

myriam, I shall abide by your to get the loaded onto flickr.....

rationalist.....I told you to keep de ole label whore comment on the DL!!

pole kitten...I thought that coat was stolen from the skin+bones exhibit, if not made from someones drapes!

Have fun guys....GO MLK!!

Jan 15, 07 2:12 pm  · 
Jan 15, 07 2:12 pm  · 
Jan 15, 07 2:36 pm  · 

ha ha nevermore it's like you really *were* there!

The skin+bones exhibit was MUCH better than I thought it would be, and totally wowed my mom and her friend, much to my surprise and gratification. Mom, for the record, apparently likes Neil Denari work, but hates Greg Lynn (ha ha!). Also she thought Zaha's work looked "mannish". We didn't get there till late and I missed the WonderK action. Curse the OC commute time...

So, I guess now I'll have to become flickr friends with y'all in order to see my photos. Damn.

Jan 16, 07 2:17 am  · 


im sure they will end up on archinect

Jan 16, 07 12:45 pm  · 

haha, don't say that mdler.....that might scare myriam from doing any scandalous things ( like she did on sat night ) every again!

haha, just teasing myriam, although I did see you fondling that elephant thong quite a bit.

Jan 16, 07 12:49 pm  · 

myriam is a scandalous thing

Jan 16, 07 1:05 pm  · 


Jan 16, 07 1:50 pm  · 

hopefully when I go out to LA this spring/summer I'll get to meet some of you (garpike, we're gonna ride bikes!)

Jan 16, 07 2:31 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Yes, lets see some incriminating photos!

Jan 16, 07 2:34 pm  · 
Jan 16, 07 2:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

WonderK just text'd me - she's on the ground in the Midwest and I'm headed to the airport now! The things I don't yet know about you all yet, I soon will...........bbWWAHHHHhahahahahahahaha.....

Jan 16, 07 4:40 pm  · 

So, I was going to post a link to my Flickr set for everyone to see. If that's OK with you guys. I think squirrelly has some pictures to share too.

Good to see it's back up in the 60's in LA. I was afraid that I had brought the cold permanently, since apparently it's 40 degrees wherever I go. Dammit.

myriam is moving to Chicago today! Woooo.

Jan 18, 07 4:41 pm  · 

I made it! Just got in! Man, it is so exciting. Interviews coming up.

Jan 18, 07 10:42 pm  · 

Oooh she's there!!! Woo hoo. And I totally forgot to post the link. Whoops.


Jan 18, 07 10:51 pm  · 

awesome picks!!! Good luck w/the interviews Myriam.

Jan 18, 07 11:12 pm  · 


no crop dustin' in the interview

Jan 19, 07 12:36 am  · 

Ha ha ha ha. Yes, no.

Jan 19, 07 1:41 am  · 

garpike, which beer are you having ?

Jan 19, 07 2:04 am  · 

Last night? I had a generous helping of studying the plumbing chapter of Ballast. No booze.

Jan 19, 07 12:59 pm  · 

nice myriam.....congrats on making it there safely.

DubK.....gotta still go add you to my flickr thingy.....sorry I had a county of LA submittal yesterday, so I was frantically rushing about, getting things done.
will take care of it today!!

cropdusting....too funny.

garpike, when you're done with that study material, lets talk about trading. Im on formulas for lateral forces (damn I hate math).

Jan 19, 07 1:28 pm  · 

wow, looks like you guys all had a blast! i should have come out! next time, for sure.

Jan 19, 07 5:23 pm  · 

I'm temporarily reviving this thread to tell you all that I miss you TONS right now!!!

Jan 9, 08 10:21 pm  · 

Aw. rational. Gosh it was just about this time last year that we had all that fun, wasn't it? It was my first official visit. That visit made my decision very easy! You are all welcome to take credit for it.

Jan 9, 08 11:04 pm  · 

oh, I do! After all, who else could have shown you such a fabulous time?

Jan 9, 08 11:14 pm  · 

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