
WonderK, mdler, archtopus, aeaaa: show me those Photoshopping skills


Just in time for "Black Friday." Let's see if that UC DAAP tuition money paid off. Bring on those design and photoshopping skills. I'll critique it. But beware. You might end up wanting to find another line of work afterwords.

Nov 24, 06 1:13 am

you're hurting aren't you?

Nov 24, 06 1:31 am  · 
Living in Gin

Some people aren't happy unless they're pissing in somebody else's cornflakes.

Nov 24, 06 1:35 am  · 

Mmmm... cornflakes. Er wait a minute!

Nov 24, 06 3:57 am  · 

hey at least paris is wearing panties this time around.

Nov 24, 06 4:49 am  · 


Nov 24, 06 4:50 am  · 

what's photoshopping got to do with architecture?

i'd like to see some cadmonkey skills.

Nov 24, 06 11:27 am  · 

what's cad got to do with architecture?

Nov 24, 06 11:32 am  · 

what's upskirting got to do with photoshop?

Nov 24, 06 11:38 am  · 

Well, I guess I'll put my neck out there to appease this clearly bitter alumnus. I should preface these images by saying I'm far from the top of my class in terms of design and presentation. I'm much more the project manager type. Warning, these are all large, raw images, not formatted for ideal web view. I'm busy.

First, a site plan (ok, this is mostly illustrator) from my third year Rome studio: here

Next, a streetscape elevation from an urban design studio last year. I was doing a sort of community arts facade program using Romaire Bearden as inspiration:]here

I was one of the students in our Lyceum studio who didn't win ALL of the top 5 spots, but here are a couple of the pages from my submission: here, here, and here

And finally, just a little icon I made to illustrate some of my thesis research: here


Nov 24, 06 12:24 pm  · 

Dear Monkeys. I was merely responding to a suggestion made by WonderK.

This is what I expected from most of you. It really makes my case that not much has changed at D2squared. No skills. No talent. No beef. Just grab ass. Apparently you ain't really got it, do you? I really wanted to see what is so outstanding about your school in terms of design and representation, because I am quite mystified. When I have some time later, I will examine archtopus's work and get back to you.

And by the way winning one closed competition, once, doesn't translate into a top school. It probably means you got lucky or gamed the competition. Almost all schools have a few top students that can win competitions.

Nov 24, 06 12:58 pm  · 

Dear pof79,

I was making a joke. In reference to another thread. You should really get some sugar to try to cover up that bitter taste in your mouth.


Dear archtopus,

While I appreciate your efforts, we tend to try to ignore trolls around here. It's kind of like, "not negotiating with terrorists", you know? It's not worth your time, and it's not worth Archinect's bandwidth.

Nov 24, 06 1:11 pm  · 

Geez WonderK. I thought it was a great idea. I really wanted to see some of the design work that comes out of your top rated school. There really isn't much shown on the official website.

Nov 24, 06 1:21 pm  · 

pof79, you can see the Lyceum competition winners here. The top 5 of 6 prizes went to UC students in my class. All 5 of the designs are very different and very good. How, precisely, does one "game the competition" when it's a blind entry process?

Nov 24, 06 2:03 pm  · 

archtopus, I have seen this site before. Good is a relative term. Just because they won doesn't mean they are good, original or compelling. It also depends on what was submitted overall. The work may in fact have been the best of a weak showing. The images are so small it is very difficult to see if they are really any good or not. But from what I can see, the work looks typical of what most average to above average students produce today. I have seen ideas similar to the first place scheme published or presented many times over the past 3 or 4 years. In fact the winners each represent an idea I have seen elsewhere recently.

I would also argue that accept for Marlon Blackwell, this was not a very strong jury. Next time I speak to Marlon I will find out what really went on.

Personally, as the winner of quite a few competitions and awards programs, there is always a bit of luck involved. Gaming can come in many flavors. For instance, there have been a few instances recently where the judges were aware of the entrants prior to the competition. One only hopes that everything is blind and anonymous, but that isn't always the case. Especially today and especially in a closed contest like the Lyceum.

Part of my argument which all of you refuse to engage (by summarily categorizing me as a bitter alumnus) is that UC DAAP is not nor has it ever been a "top" school. I never said it was a bad school, just not a "top" or excellent school as is marketed ad nauseam by the current administration.

Nov 24, 06 3:14 pm  · 

Well, if, as you say, it as never been a top school, then your argument that releasing Niland was such a cataclysmic event has little grounding. Consider, for a moment that if it wasn't a great school under Niland's guidance, then the changes in the last 10 years are an attempt to give the program more substance in areas that could in fact make it a great program.

So if we suck so much now, why don't you post some of the work you did while you were here?

Nov 24, 06 4:33 pm  · 
vado retro

when the school closes, please email the time and date of the rummage sale. i need a drafting table!

Nov 24, 06 5:47 pm  · 
el jeffe

yale blows!

Nov 24, 06 6:36 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

well my daddy's a policeman.

Nov 24, 06 6:58 pm  · 


You should deffinately post work with all the shit you are throwing out there in this thread.

Especially name dropping your apparent connection with Marlon.

Drop a portfolio, images, whatever you build the structure for the apparent gigantic pedestal your standing on.

I am laying in wait to enjoy you exemplary work. This task shouldn't be too hard, I am sure you have an emense amount of work sitting on your desktop that could show how amazing your "top" school is that produced you, an amazing architectural designer/

Nov 24, 06 7:33 pm  · 

no offense, and i didn't go to the school of pof and others, but who gives a shit what you think pof? i fucking hate tards that post shit like this and expect people to genuflect to their supposed "greatness." i won this award, and i won that fucking what. you still have a special place in hell reserved for you anyway.

chances are though you won't post your work pof, and we won't get to proclaim your greatness, poor me i guess.

Nov 24, 06 8:18 pm  · 

Hey pof,

I am sorry to hear your experience at DAAP was not so great, but I can see that you went on to bigger and better things, or did you?

You seem to be very disgruntled... could it be that you are not the architect that you dreamed of becoming your first year in school, sitting behind your computer crunching cad...have your dreams been shattered?

Do you seek to break out from your daily routine of redlines, knowing that you can design better teapots than the most well known DAAP grad micheal graves?

Are you so mad at DAAP that you bash it with all your might, furiously smashing the keys or your keyboard... saying.. god why, why didn't I just go to a better school?

You bash the program as if it is what ruined you, but let me give you a piece of advice, you should blame yourself not DAAP, as any school, be it columbia, yale, ucla, they are just a foundation for your education, not an end... the school, nor the professor is what make a great architect/designer/cadmonkey/photshopper, it is up to the spirit, the creativity and the dedication of the individual, these are things you can never learn in school.

Going to design school will not make you a good architect nor a good designer, these are traits that are not learned.

Quite frankly i wish you would come out, and say who you are, show us your designs, let me go look at your thesis, and let me make a judgment about your design aesthetic, let us all see, so that there can be an open discussion about design at DAAP, because without that this is pointless, and hiding behind empty words without revealing yourself makes you a coward. Until than go fcuk yourself.

Nov 24, 06 8:40 pm  · 

DAAP? So what's on your iTunes playlist?

Nov 24, 06 9:01 pm  · 

Your vituperative comments only prove my points. My visits to UC in the past showed a prevailing "trade school mentality" by students which is also quite apparent in this forum as well. There is an inability to understand and discuss higher level ideas about architecture. There is a disicipline of architecture. What is lacking is an understanding of the basic lessons and fundamental issues of design and architecture. Your only response both in your words and work is "I like" or " I don't like." There is never the why in any of your responses which again is quite revealing.

UC DAAP is only average. It has lost any authenticity it had long ago. Most of you do not have a clue as to what cogent design criticism is or what constitutes good design. And you certainly have no understanding of how defensive you are.

To Dawid. You really need to seek some professional counciling for your anger problem. Not very professional especially for someone who placed 3rd in the Lyceum competition. Perhaps future employers need to be aware of this condition.

Nov 25, 06 2:46 pm  · 


You have said nothing that exhibits a higher level of intelligence, criticism, or understanding.

If you are occupying a higher intellectual plane, why spend so much time knocking our wee minds back into their rightful submissive place? Shouldn't you be off wielding your genius?

Most briliant minds don't expend copious amounts of energy verbally abusing the subgeniuses of the world. They generally are either arguing amongst themselves, or they are off furthering human progress.

Nov 25, 06 3:46 pm  · 

this is pof...

Nov 25, 06 3:53 pm  · 

this thread lacks youtube...

Nov 25, 06 3:55 pm  · 

yeah, where is vr?

Nov 25, 06 3:56 pm  · 

He's getting his caramel apple cider from starbucks...i read in thread central, that's what he likes to do...

Nov 25, 06 3:57 pm  · 

ah - well he better make it a quick run and get back to work on Archinect!!! :)

Nov 25, 06 3:58 pm  · 

I think pof wants to be the architect at the beginning of this video!

Just seems like the kind of person that'd expect their life-partner to consume toxic artificial sweeteners in order to fit into a narrow preconception of worth for his/her sake... well there's my pattern recognition for the day!

Nov 25, 06 4:00 pm  · 

Let me correct myself. UC DAAP Architecture is not a "top" school. I was incorrect in stating that it was an average school. Judging from the responses it is clearly a sub-average school with inferior student product and ethics. Prospective applicants need to be very careful with what they are getting into should they apply. The place is a cesspool.

Archtopus needs to be very careful with what he says. It might be if not already damaging to his run for AIAS President where he claims that he wants to be more inclusive. Clearly from the statements made and the support of his colleagues here, his campaign promise is disingenuous.

Nov 25, 06 4:27 pm  · 

pof79, myself and apparently several other posters in this thread & the other have nothing to do with UC DAAP. I've no intention to apply. I've never attended. Not because it's a bad school, but because for personal reasons I want to remain within specific locational parameters that don't include Cincinnati.

You aren't making a good case against the school at all, only against the validity of everything you say. So we're all having a little fun at your expense, because a laugh is the only helpful/productive thing that anyone could possibly derive from your vitriol. You still haven't addressed why such an illuminated mind such as yours is bothering to dress-down the pinheads. So, why? Why do you care about whether UC DAAP is considered a top school, an average school, or a lower-tier school by other people? Why does others' articulation of this belief hit home with you? Why is it so personal, so important? Why can't you just let the people who attend(ed) it have pride in their institution? Your extreme issues with the place simply seem unhinged and weird. Demonstrate your intellect, education, and critical skills by giving us a reason to disrespect UC DAAP besides what amounts to "I, anonymous, am intellectual and I 'get' architecture, and you guys don't, nyaaaaaah."

Nov 25, 06 4:55 pm  · 

You can laugh all you want. Ignorance is bliss. I am not for or against the school. I am merely posing questions that other alumni have raised recently about the political situation at the school which I gurantee will have major repercussions for current and future students at that institution. It did the last time the place was in deep trouble in the early 90's. I would argue that none of the points I have raised have been addressed. The vitriol has come from the responses, not from me. The lack of cogent response only proves what I already knew.

Nov 25, 06 6:20 pm  · 
pof 79

I have raised many questions about the political situation at Daap, but I am beginning to think that I have made a grave error in the way that I addressed the situation. For example instead of blatantly attacking an institution and several of its alums, I should have more eloquently asked about the situation at hand. What I mean to say is that I should have voiced my opinions (they are just opinions) in a more intellectual manor, prompting an intellectual response and debate instead of these responses.

Just looking over my last post I can see why people would think I am pompous and all knowing, but let me assure you, I am indeed genius, and I am the best designer ever. Maybe one day when I can muster up some good work to prove that I am indeed an authority on design, I will finally be able to make an educated critique about someone else's work, but until then I will continue to attack.

Thank you.

Nov 25, 06 7:03 pm  · 

Nov 25, 06 7:11 pm  · 

just so we are clear, this thread had to do with a professor being fired or had to do with you professing superior intellect and degrading other's work? i am for one cornfused.

just for the record, until you have taken Don Wall you are nothing in my eyes - and that is just you. Don could give two shits about your photoshop knowledge, your regurgitated philosophic ramblings and your hack-kneed attempts at pseudo critiques on a school you presumably went to at one time, and who only now sees fit to illustrate your rather weak and infantile attempts at belittling others that graduated after you. be a stand-up person post your masterworks; that have been published, and won awards and let us see the genius.

oh, pretty please?!

Nov 25, 06 7:19 pm  · 
pof 79

I am the kevin federline of archinect.

Nov 25, 06 7:41 pm  · 

naw not really, you have to actually be somebody first or is that fuck somebody, or wait, put out your lame work and let everyone bash the shit out of it and then...well you might be k-fed then.

Nov 25, 06 7:51 pm  · 

nice, that subtle space between the f and the 7 got me there...nice one.

Nov 25, 06 8:00 pm  · 

Pof 79 - We've decided to ignore you; you are probably used to this – because we've heard most geniuses are ignored.

Nov 25, 06 11:41 pm  · 

pof79 or pof 79?

Nov 25, 06 11:53 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

this thread is really unpleasant.

Nov 26, 06 12:15 am  · 

Peter Eisenman Architect, New York
A Selected Bibliography


Giuseppe Terragni : transformations, decompositions, critiques. Peter Eisenman with texts by Giuseppe Terragni and Manfredo Tafuri.
New York : Monacelli Press, c2003.
Loeb Library call no.: NA1123 .T4 E37 2003

Blurred zones : investigations of the interstitial : Eisenman Architects, 1988-1998. With essays by Andrew Benjamin ... [et al.].
New York : Monacelli Press, 2002.
Loeb Library call no.: NA737 .E33 B58 2002

Perfect acts of architecture. Jeffrey Kipnis ; introduction by Terence Riley. New York : Museum of Modern Art ; London : Thames & Hudson, 2001.
Loeb Library call no.: NA680 .K48 2001

Diagram diaries. Peter Eisenman. New York : Universe : Distributed to the U.S. trade by St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Loeb Library call no.: NA737. E33 A4 1999 (on reserve Spring 2004)

Design by competition : making design competition work. Jack L. Nasar.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Loeb Library call no.: NA6813 .U6 C656 1999

Chora L works : Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman. Edited by Jeffrey Kipnis and Thomas Leeser. New York : Monacelli Press, 1997.
Loeb Library call no.: NA737 .E33 A2 1997

Eleven authors in search of a building : the Aronoff Center for Design and Art at the University of Cincinnati. A building by Eisenman Architects ; a book edited by Cynthia C. Davidson. New York : Monacelli Press, 1996.
Loeb Library call no.: NA737 .E33 E43x

Peter Eisenman's House VI : the client's response. Suzanne Frank; preface by Kenneth Frampton. New York : Whitney Library of Design, 1994.
Loeb Library call no.: NA7238 .C84 F73x

Houses of cards. Peter Eisenman; critical essays by Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss and Manfredo Tafuri. New York : Oxford University Press, 1987.
Loeb Library call no: NA737 .E33 A4x (one copy on reserve Spring 2004)


Charlie Rose [Show #1766] [videorecording]. Bloomberg Television ; executive producer, Charlie Rose ; senior producer, Yvette Vega ; for WCET/Cincinnati, WNET New York ; PBS.
Denver, CO : Journal Graphics, Inc., [1996?]
The topics are Peter Eisenman, his building the Aronoff Center for Design and Art, and the future of architecture. Rose interviews Eisenman, then interviews Jay Chatterjee, Dean of the College of Design and Architecture, at the University of Cincinnati, and Ohio State Senator Stanley J. Aronoff. A discussion follows with Eisenman, David Childs, Henry N. Cobb, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, Sanford Kwinter, Ralph Lerner, Richard Meier, Bernard Tschumi, Donna Robertson, Sarah Whiting, Stanley Tigerman, and Greg Lynn.
Loeb Library call no.: Visual Resources | NA737 .E33 C43 1996

Charlie Rose [Show #3291] [videorecording]. Bloomberg Television ; executive producer, Charlie Rose ; senior producer, Yvette Vega ; for WCET/Cincinnati, location director, Taylor Feltner ; WNET New York ; PBS.
New York : Charlie Rose, 2002
Discusses ideas for rebuilding and reconstruction on the site of the World Trade Center, in New York city, with architects and critics Herbert Muschamp, Charles Gwathmey, Frederic Schwartz, Peter Eisenman, Steven Holl and Rafael Vinoly.
Loeb Library call no.: Visual Resources | NA2695 .N7 C43 2001

Peter Eisenman: making architecture move [videorecording]. Michael Blackwood, producer and director.
New York, N.Y. : M. Blackwood Productions in association with Westdeutscher Rundfunk, c1995.
Peter Eisenman ; architects Philip Johnson, Fritz Neumeyer, Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind, Albert Speer, 3rd, Michael Graves ; critic Herbert Muschamp ; architectural historian Kurt Forster ; attorney Michael Baez ; Jay Chatterjee, Dean, University of Cincinnati College of Architecture. Eisenman speaks to the 4th Internationales Architectur-Forum in Dessau, 1994 about his works, philosophy of architecture, and city plannings; interspersed with comments from other architects about the man and his architecture.
Loeb Library call no.: Visual Resources | NA737 .E33 P4x


"Building Think Tank: Part XVII: letter to Peter Eisenman" / Andrew MacNair.
A + U: architecture and urbanism 2003 Sept., n.9(396), p.130-132.
Abstract. Building Think Tank is a series of "correspondences" about the culture of architecture as work-in-progress within an international and historic fabric.

"Challenging norms: Eisenman's obsession [interview]" / Robert Ivy.
Architectural record 2003 Oct., v.191, n.10, p.[82]-86,88.
Abstract. Interview with Peter Eisenman on his role in architectural culture.

"Dunkles Grau: Stelen des Holocaust-Denkmals in Berlin" / Kaye Gempel.
Bauwelt 2003 Oct. 2, v.94, n.37, p.22-23.
Abstract. The concrete "stelae" designed by Peter Eisenman for his Berlin Holocaust Memorial.

"House IV vs. Atlantis: Eisenman-Krier - entre las utopías y las ideologies" / Joan Ockman. Arquitectura viva 2003 Jan.-Feb., n.88, p.79-81.

"Old school: Princeton visiting professor Peter Eisenman throws down the gauntlet over a Gothic-style dorm" / Daniel Brook. Metropolis 2003 June, v.22, n.10, p.52,76.
Abstract. A new dormitory is being built in the Collegiate Gothic style, which is the dominant architectural theme on the Princeton campus, by architect Demetri Porphyrios. Eisenman objects on the grounds that the style represents elitist attitudes of the early 20th century, when it was originally employed by university architect Ralph Adams Cram from 1907 to 1929.

"Los paisajes de Peter: Eisenman, un americano en Europa" / Deyan Sudjic.
Arquitectura viva 2003 Jan.-Feb., n.88, p.82-83.

"Hsinchu Museum of Digital Arts, Hsinchu, Taiwan 2000-2006."
A + U: architecture and urbanism 2002 July, n.7(382), p.8-11.
Abstract.Design: 2000-2001. Design development: 2002-2003. Architect: Eisenman Architects.

"The new paradigm and September 11th: Peter Eisenman in conversation with Charles Jencks [interview]" / Charles Jencks.
Architectural design 2002 July, v.72, n.4, p.98-106.

"Peter Eisenman" / Deyan Sudjic. Domus 2002 Dec., n.854, p.146-147.

"Peter Eisenman: City of Culture of Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain."
GA document 2002 July, n.70, p.32-37.
Abstract. Plans for the construction of La Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia, near Santiago de Compostela, Spain, designed by Peter Eisenman, Büro Happold, engineer. Landscaping by Laurie Olin. Competition: Feb. 1999, construction: 2001-2004.

"Cloak-and-dagger theory: manifestations of the mundane in the space of eight Peter Eisenman houses "/ Mark David Major, Nicholas Sarris.
Environment and planning B, planning & design 2001 Jan., v.28, n.1, p.73-88.
Abstract. Examines "what appear to the 'rules' of geometrical composition underlying the design of plan in eight well-known houses by Peter Eisenman."

"Eisenman a Santiago: a citadel for culture."
Arca 2001 Nov., n.164, p.90.
Abstract. Models and renderings for the Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia.

"Galicia's answer to Bilbao?" / Craig Kellogg. Oculus 2001 May-June, v.63, n.9, p.4.
Abstract. Reports on the beginning of construction of La Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia, near Santiago de Compostela, Spain, designed by Peter Eisenman. Landscaping by Laurie Olin.

"Un modelo maleable: remodelación del West Side, Manhatan."
Arquitectura viva 2001 Jan.-Feb., n.76, p.64-65.
Abstract. Peter Eisenman was the winner in the ideas competition for Manhattan's West Side sponsored by the International Foundation for the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

"Notes on conceptual architecture: towards a definition" / Peter D. Eisenman.
A + U: architecture and urbanism 2001 Feb., n.2 (365), p.[3]-20.
Abstract. Illustrated with Eisenman's 1968 House I in Princeton, New Jersey.

"Off the bench: an ivory-tower architect explores the pleasures of populism in a design for a new football stadium" / Hal Cohen. Metropolis 2001 Oct., v.21, n.2, p.50.
Abstract. On Peter Eisenman's project for a new NFL football stadium for the Arizona Cardinals near Phoenix.

"Peter Eisenman: icona urbana = urban icon." Lotus international 2001, n.108, p.106-107.
Abstract. Summary His winning proposal in the IFCCA Competition (1999) to rework Manhattan's West Side.

"Peter Eisenman: Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France." GA document 2001 May, n.65, p.40-45.
Abstract. Competition entry (2001) for a science museum to be erected on the site where the Rhône and Soane Rivers unite.

"Peter Eisenman: stadio = Stadium, Tempe, Arizona 2001" / Peter Eisenman.
Casabella 2001 Nov., v.65, n.694, p.62-67.

"Peter Eisenman: Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences [and] Whitehall [i.e., Staten Island] Ferry Terminal, New York, 1997."
Lotus international 2001, n.108, p.96-99.
Abstract. Project incorporates the ferry terminal beneath the museum.

"Santiago de Compostela: Peter Eisenman's cultural centre." Architecture today 2001 May, n.118, p.[15].
Abstract. Brief notice about the project.

"Structuring surfaces: the legacy of the The Whites" / Peggy Deamer.
Perspecta 2001, n.32, p.90-99.
Abstract. The "Five architects" of the 1970s: Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier.

"Eisenman Architects: bus stop, Aachen, Germany" / Hans van Dijk.
Architecture 2000 Jan., v.89, n.1, p.[108]-[111].
Abstract. French street furniture manufacturer J C Decaux "donated" the structure in exchange for the opportunity to place advertisements.

"Eisenman's design for the Berlin Holocaust Memorial - a modern statement?" / Astrid Schmeing.
Architectural design 2000 Oct., v.70, n.5, p.[60]-[65].
Abstract. Introduction to Eisenman's second version of his competition-winning proposal. The author also "traces the many layers of inference and interpretation that colored the reception" to a memorial to Jewish victims of the Holocaust in Berlin.

"Peter Eisenman." Casabella 2000 Feb., v.64, n.675, p.32-43.
Abstract. His monument to the Holocaust in Berlin, 1998; cultural center in Santiago de Compostela, 1999. Includes interview.

"El año Eisenman = The year of Eisenman" / Manuela Salas.
Arquine : revista internacional de arquitectura = international architecture magazine 1999-2000 Winter, n.10, p.6-8.
Abstract. Competitions won by Peter Eisenman in 1999.

"Apologia dell'arbitrarietà" / Marco Casamonti. Rassegna di architettura e urbanistica 1999 Apr., v.33, n.97, p.68-69.
Abstract. On deconstructivist works by Peter Eisenman.

"Eisenman shows the way." Blueprint (London, England) 1999 Sept., n.164, p.13.
Abstract. Peter Eisenman has won the first IFCCA Prize Competition for the Design of Cities with a proposed park for the midtown west area of Manhattan. Runners-up include UN-Studio and Cedric Price. Sponsored by the International Foundation for the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

"Eisenmann nabs CCA prize" / Michael Cannell. Architecture 1999 Aug., v.88, n.8, p.23.
Abstract. The Canadian Center for Architecture selected the rail yard on Manhattan's West Side as the first site of a new competition founded to help cities generate innovative planning for the next century. Peter Eisenman was the winner.

"Las grietas del tiempo: concurso de la Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia" / Anatxu Zabalbeascoa. Arquitectura viva 1999 July-Aug., n.67, p.59-63.
Abstract. The international competition to build a colossal City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela has been won by Peter Eisenman.

"Peter Eisenman: Rio Salado Crossing, Mesa, Arizona, U.S.A."
GA document 1999 Apr., n.58, p.16-19.
Abstract. Mixed-use development with convention center, two hotels and an NFL stadium as the focal point. Design: 1998- . Construction: 1999-2001 (est.).

"Architectural serialism" / Sandra Kaji-O'Grady. Architectural theory review: journal of the Department of Architecture, the University of Sydney 1998 Nov., v.3, n.2, p.17-31.
Abstract. On "The series and repetition in Peter Eisenman and John Hejduk's work." The serial form employed by them since the late 1960s "undermines a representational model of architecture and offers a productive use of repetition of profound consequences for practice and criticism."

"The Peter principles [interview]." Architecture 1998 Nov., v.87, n.11, p.87-[93].
Abstract. Interview with American architect Peter Eisenman.

Compiled by Ardys Kozbial 4 February, 2004

Nov 26, 06 2:50 am  · 

Ok, the imposter joke is getting old....

Nov 26, 06 3:01 am  · 

i rather enjoy pof 79...pof79 on the other hand sounds like every
other kid fresh out of school who thinks they know everything.

Nov 26, 06 3:12 am  · 

cool i always wanted a doppleganger for christmas!

Nov 26, 06 8:55 am  · 

so what does peter have to do with this?

Nov 26, 06 11:12 am  · 

Ok, how does this guy even know about my campaign for AIAS president or even what platform I'm running on? And how is this thread going to be damaging to my chances?

Sometimes I LOVE passive aggressive people!

Nov 26, 06 11:15 am  · 

pus i am willing to bet that this person is either a TA or adjunct there, or has connections to someone that knows you. the way at this person and to find out what kind of work they do is to contact Marlon and ask him about some DAAP grads...

Nov 26, 06 11:42 am  · 

Hmm, I'd be surprised if it were an adjunct. We only have a few and none of them are malicious. : )

At least he hasn't mentioned the tomato plants I'm growing in studio. That'd be super creepy.

Nov 26, 06 12:57 pm  · 

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