
WonderK, mdler, archtopus, aeaaa: show me those Photoshopping skills


pof79 –

Please feel free to email me directly if you have further questions or clarifications in regards my undergraduate education or, would like to inquire further of my skill set, knowledge, or my professional resume. I would be happy to have a constructive dialogue with you in order to clarify and quantify the breadth of my experience at DAAP, - if only to merely illustrate for you the realities of which you attempt yet, fall hopelessly short, to speak of.

If you would like to have a discussion on the current political milieu at the University and the status of the handling of Professor Niland, I suggest you contact the correct individuals currently employed at the University.

Furthermore, in the future please refrain from attempting to call me out in regards to ANYTHING in a public forum, be it specific to the discipline of Architecture or life in general. If you are going to profess about your abilities as a designer and architect whilst attempting to soil and or criticize the reputation of an individual or an institution then at the very least attempt to be an adult about such actions and see me directly. I would be happy to mitigate your apparent delusions.

My apologies that this response is lacking the type of response that you initially and facetiously requested however, I have several building projects that require my greater focus than that of anonymous poster such as you.


Nov 27, 06 2:45 pm  · 

I love UC DAAP bashing threads. My two cents, first cent: Niland has been a part of the curriculum until this year so to make the following statement is simply untrue.

"Well, if, as you say, it as never been a top school, then your argument that releasing Niland was such a cataclysmic event has little grounding. Consider, for a moment that if it wasn't a great school under Niland's guidance, then the changes in the last 10 years are an attempt to give the program more substance in areas that could in fact make it a great program."

Archtopus I am not sure you have all the facts on this one, if you want them feel free to start a new discussion thread.

Cent number two: Anyone who thinks that the Design Intelligence rankings is some kind of an accurate way to determine which school is better than another, is only fooling themselves. DAAP is an above average program, they have a few great students mostly average students and some very poor students. The faculty overall is above average, but what Niland brought to the table during his tenure as BARCH advisor for sixth year students is that he required excellence from all students. The professors currently in charge of thesis either don't care or don't know how to do this, for evidence see DAAP Works, and you will see a lot of bad projects and a few great projects, but those students who produced great projects would most likely have done great work anywhere. If you are a super motivated student and bust your ass you will get a worthwhile education at DAAP, but I suggest if you are serious about becoming a great architect, consider advancing your education after your DAAP experience once you have an idea of where you'll best fit in.

Nov 27, 06 4:25 pm  · 

jamez, I have no reason to start a new thread given I didn't choose to talk about this absurd subject in the first place. Niland may have been influencing a few students in the last couple years, but he has most certainly not been integral to the curriculum for about 3 years now. He had about 3 thesis students last year, and the year before he was so ill he had to run crits in his hospital room. I commend and respect him for that dedication, but part of the decision to remove him was surely due in great part to potential health problems. A hospital is no place for a critique. It's in the best interest of neither the student nor the patient.

And as I said before, the current changes in the curriculum began six years ago, despite Niland's protest. I would challenge you to visit DAAPworks this year, because my class is the first to have experienced the entire new curriculum (22 of us at this point, I believe). If normal expectations were not met in the last couple years, it's because those thesis students didn't have the new first and second year curriculum, which the faculty have insisted is integral to the full education they're attempting to provide. The impression I've gotten from the faculty is that the average student's work under the new curriculum is more comprehensive and intellectually rigorous than that which was produced previously.

Nov 27, 06 4:41 pm  · 

I am very familiar with the first and second year curriculum as I was a GA, and I assure you the curriculum is not necessary to produce a solid thesis project, I will visit DAAP Works this year, I always do. Also Niland taught 3 students last year of those 3, all 3 were selected into an 'elite' group of 16 projects, chosen by the thesis faculty, two were given awards for their thesis document, and one student was selected as one of the three best projects in the class by the thesis faculty and AIA Cincinnati. I assure you Niland is in top mental and physical health. Archtopus the problem is that students in that school blindly state facts to which they do not know the context. Beware of second-hand impressions, and lastly do you honestly think that this curriculum you so faithfully followed appeared as soon as Ms. Pride appeared in Cincinnati. The curriculum you speak of was carefully crafted by all of the UC "old-timers" worked so hard to develop with Daniel Friedman. Lastly what is "absurd" about anything which I have written about.

Nov 27, 06 4:52 pm  · 

I'm not calling your statements absurd; I'm calling the whole debate absurd. And I already explained to others in the other thread that Michaele had nothing to do with the curriculum changes because they were put in place 3 years before she got here. That's why it doesn't make much sense that everyone is portraying this as some kind of celebrity death match between Michaele and Niland.

Nov 27, 06 5:06 pm  · 

I agree with you on the celebrity death match to a point, I don't have time to go into that right now though, but the point at which Michaele did tinker with the program is the thesis portion, as this was not originally completed by Friedman who designed the undergrad program which is now in place. We'll talk again, get that portfolio updated on your site.

Nov 27, 06 5:18 pm  · 

"It might be if not already damaging to his run for AIAS President where he claims that he wants to be more inclusive."

Do you know what it takes to make AIAS president? Given my experiences at the annual forum the way you conduct yourself on an archinect thread is way, way down the list from whether you down 6 beers during a keynote address.

btw. I've got $1000 down on any of your photoshop skills. least I put my money where my mouth is....

Nov 27, 06 6:18 pm  · 

Egads! A design competition. I had no idea. That's a heck of a lot of parameters though....I'll give it a try.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if a DAAP person won it. Ha.

Nov 27, 06 6:28 pm  · 

esp. if it was one of the 4 of you that were called out. The design competition launched this morning... the parameters are your usual logo issues.

Nov 27, 06 6:30 pm  · 

As always....although Ive been gone for a while, it never fails that the peanut gallery make me laugh as I read the postings! One has to have a better outlook on life and our profession (my opinion) so I just laugh. But some interesting images.....thanks

Nov 27, 06 6:48 pm  · 

Cameron, having hosted the Forum at which you last made an appearance, I've got a decent sense of what it takes to run for president. Whether that sense will be of any use, we'll see. : )

I guess I'll give the logo a shot, or two, depending on how many it takes for me to get over my thesis presentation on friday. . .

Nov 27, 06 7:53 pm  · 

you've got till the 15th so do it during those procrastination hours or port-presentation

Nov 27, 06 7:59 pm  · 

Woot! Cameron, I'm on it!

Nov 27, 06 8:15 pm  · 

i would say that this will be an exercise in illustrator skills and not photoshop. photoshop logos are not a good idea as they are not scaleable.

Nov 27, 06 9:00 pm  · 

e gets vectorific brownie points

Nov 27, 06 9:33 pm  · 


Nov 27, 06 9:53 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Cameron, since you brought it up, will you be at Forum this year?

Nov 27, 06 10:13 pm  · 

not sure yet. but beware the only Forum I've missed in 5 years was New Orleans and we all know what happened the following year.

Can anyone say Nor'easter?

Nov 27, 06 10:44 pm  · 

If this debate is so absurd to you Mr. Davis (a.k.a. archtopus), then why are you so involved?

Why is the Director of the Architecture program speaking to you, a student, about personnel matters? Are you a member of the administration? Is it common for administrators at UC to discuss employment/personnel issues with students? Why would she be telling you, a student, how many emails she has received on the response to her letter? And why are you reporting this? Were you privy to the letter prior to its distribution by the administration? Were you informed that there would be a meeting to dismiss Professor Niland? Or perhaps you used your AIAS Presidential candidate skills to organize against the presence of Professor Niland in the school and Director Pride needed your assistance in finishing the job?

I believe that these questions of your involvement need to be answered.

And why are you and your colleagues so disrespectul and verbally abusive to others who don't share or agree with your own opinions? Why do you condone verbal and image abuse?

Nov 27, 06 11:54 pm  · 

I wrote a nice long objective post about users starting attack threads but I erased it and thought this would suffice.

/Yale blows, Daap sucks, let's call the whole thing off....

Nov 28, 06 1:25 am  · 

i didn't go to uc and couldn't care less about this debate...
but you started the tone of this debate from the very beginning
by calling out individuals...asking them to create designs for your
critique and then saying that after that critique they may want to
quit the obviously pompous statment that wasn't
worthy of any kind of serious response.

so people tend to respond in kind. and you calling out a person
who you know the name of (and apparently know about)on a public
forum, while remaining anonymous yourself, is also a disrepectful move on your part.

people aren't disrespectful to you because you 'don't share or agree
with your own opinions', but because you're not being respectful
and you've lowered the debate to its namecalling baseness.


sorry wonderk if this qualifies as feeding the trolls

Nov 28, 06 1:32 am  · 

Damn Cameron, that bunny STILL makes me laugh after all this time. I was thinking of a real response to all this shit, but I just keep laughing at the rabbit with a pancake on his head!!!

Nov 28, 06 1:39 am  · 

what was so perplexing is how this thread seemingly emmanated out of nothingness, kind of like the rabbit with a pancake bonnet. reminds me of granny from the Hillbilles television show...

Nov 28, 06 5:20 am  · 

pof79, why are you deflecting?

Nov 28, 06 7:27 am  · 

is it perhaps that your work is so obviously derivative, that it's not worth our [waste] time?

Nov 28, 06 7:29 am  · 

wow. . . just wow. next I'm going to be responsible for global warming.

Nov 28, 06 8:09 am  · 
vado retro

don't fight girls. you're all pretty...

Nov 28, 06 8:58 am  · 
Chili Davis

I blame not just you, archtopus, but the entire state of Ohio for global warming, among many other critical issues plagueing our nation today. Also, I hold Canada partially responsible, as well as Guam.

Nov 28, 06 10:02 am  · 

i'm still trying to figure out why archtopus sent us into iraq.

Nov 28, 06 10:06 am  · 
Chili Davis

With no exit strategy at that!

Nov 28, 06 10:07 am  · 

I like sand.

Nov 28, 06 11:14 am  · 

while a DAAP student, I worked in the offices of many of the architects 'guest professing' at the 'top' architecture schools. Got payed to work with these guys (and gals) while others had to pay $$$

my resume can kick your resume's ass

Nov 28, 06 1:37 pm  · 

Oh yea, check out the GARWONDLER, biatch!!!

P-SHOP mofo in da house

Nov 28, 06 1:38 pm  · 

the fact that every other week there is a thread saying how DAAP isn't a great school proves otherwise...

Nov 28, 06 1:39 pm  · 

let's see that resume

Nov 28, 06 3:03 pm  · 

The non made-up one.

Nov 28, 06 3:03 pm  · 

mdler is being paid by your former GF because the stipend from tod n billie was in beer count as being paid?

did you have to give their furniture back?

Nov 28, 06 4:06 pm  · 

i find this thread to be hilarious, especially since pof79 refuses to post their work. if only all threads could be this fun to read

Nov 28, 06 5:27 pm  · 


where do you / did you go to school?

Nov 28, 06 5:36 pm  · 

pof79 is a rectal itch and should be smothered with a topical cream rather than scratching it until it becomes an infected anal cavity.

Nov 28, 06 6:59 pm  · 

pof79, are you a real personality, or are all of us who hate you with passion just punked?

if not than i just hate you.

and also Marlon Blackwell by association.

show us some work.

Nov 29, 06 2:44 am  · 


dont judge UC photshopping skills from the archo-examples above, really...

Nov 29, 06 2:46 am  · 

i think pof79 has realized he was looking like a sad hater and moved on to create a new persona on he might still be lingering among us but as a different person...his new self might be a helpful, happy go lucky, friendly, person...and we don't even know it...

the only way we can really expose his multiple personalites....and possibly his true physical being is if we can get paul or whoever takes care of archinect's internet service...they can try to match ip addresses and reveal who pof37 really is...the evil thing is he might be one of know one of the helpful, nice!!! \


Nov 29, 06 3:03 am  · 

haha, thanks chaptertwo. But yeah, I already said design and presentation isn't my forte . . . I host conferences and work on mayoral campaigns; that kinda crap. : )

Nov 29, 06 9:39 am  · 

fair enough..

Nov 29, 06 9:53 am  · 
pof 79

is this any good?...

please critique...

it is also a social commentary about this thread.

Nov 30, 06 12:51 am  · 

an unlink-able image stolen from a graphics P/S website. interesting social commentary. interesting indeed.

Nov 30, 06 1:09 am  · 

Yes, but that was the faux "pof 79" (with space) as opposed to the original "pof79", so it was probably a picture of a horse's ass or something.

Nov 30, 06 8:44 am  · 

or a monkey juggling hampsters in overalls

Dec 12, 06 10:04 am  · 

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